Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia 2024-05-17T05:28:57+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Imran Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Research Journal Ul</strong><strong>ū</strong><strong>m-e-Isla</strong><strong>̄</strong><strong>mia</strong></p> <p>"Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia" is a prestigious bi-annual trilingual (Urdu, Arabic, &amp; English) research journal of Islamic Studies, managed by the Department of Islamic Studies at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Established with a commitment to scholarly excellence, the journal has been a leading voice in the field of Islamic studies since its inception. It provides a platform for scholars from diverse linguistic backgrounds to engage with Islamic thought and scholarship, fostering a global dialogue. The journal's rigorous editorial standards ensure the publication of high-quality research across various topics, reflecting the multidimensional nature of Islamic intellectual heritage. Recognized as a Category Y journal by the Higher Education Recognition System of Pakistan (<a href=";id=1089647#journal_result">HJRS</a>), "Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia" continues to advance knowledge and facilitate dialogue in Islamic studies on both national and international levels. It is available with ISSN-P: 2073-5246 and ISSN-E: 2710-5393, making it accessible to scholars and researchers worldwide.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Disclaimer:</strong></p> <p>The views expressed in "Research Journal 'ULUM-E-ISLAMIA" are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the journal's editorial team, editorial board, advisory board, or research institute. Readers are encouraged to critically evaluate the content and interpretations presented within the journal.</p> كلمة "السكينة"اور"الطمأنينة" علم دلالة كے تناظر ميں 2024-05-17T05:00:04+00:00 Dr. Musarrat Jamal Memona Amaan <p>The present research unveils the beauties of Quranic word “<strong>السكينة</strong><strong>”</strong> and “<strong>الطمأنينة</strong>” in the light of science of Semantics.&nbsp; It proves the newness of word “<strong>السكينة</strong><strong>”</strong> "Quietness" and “<strong>الطمأنينة</strong>”, "Tranquility" through the context of the Holy Quran. The research shows that Allah, Praised and Exalted, added “<strong>السكينة</strong><strong>”</strong> to Himself in three locations in the Quran, and that it has connected with the verb <strong>"</strong><strong>أنزل</strong><strong>"</strong> in five locations. It has also revealed in time of war and hardship. The research shows that “<strong>الطمأنينة</strong>” comes in different forms in the Quran in thirteen locations denoting non turbulence.</p> <p>The research proves the denotation of the utterances referring to “<strong>السكينة</strong><strong>”</strong> and “<strong>الطمأنينة</strong>”, such as <strong>"</strong><strong>اخبأت</strong><strong>",</strong> "to be humble", <strong>"</strong><strong>الهون</strong><strong>"</strong>, "modesty", and, "dignity"الوقار". The research shows that the Quranic utterances have special and particular impact, being put, by the Omnipotent, in their precise locations, and that each word brings forward a new meaning.</p> 2024-05-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia