Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia <p><strong>Research Journal Ul</strong><strong>ū</strong><strong>m-e-Isla</strong><strong>̄</strong><strong>mia</strong></p> <p>"Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia" is a prestigious bi-annual trilingual (Urdu, Arabic, &amp; English) research journal of Islamic Studies, managed by the Department of Islamic Studies at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Established with a commitment to scholarly excellence, the journal has been a leading voice in the field of Islamic studies since its inception. It provides a platform for scholars from diverse linguistic backgrounds to engage with Islamic thought and scholarship, fostering a global dialogue. The journal's rigorous editorial standards ensure the publication of high-quality research across various topics, reflecting the multidimensional nature of Islamic intellectual heritage. Recognized as a Category Y journal by the Higher Education Recognition System of Pakistan (<a href=";id=1089647#journal_result">HJRS</a>), "Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia" continues to advance knowledge and facilitate dialogue in Islamic studies on both national and international levels. It is available with ISSN-P: 2073-5246 and ISSN-E: 2710-5393, making it accessible to scholars and researchers worldwide.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Disclaimer:</strong></p> <p>The views expressed in "Research Journal 'ULUM-E-ISLAMIA" are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the journal's editorial team, editorial board, advisory board, or research institute. Readers are encouraged to critically evaluate the content and interpretations presented within the journal.</p> en-US (Dr. Muhammad Imran) (Dr. Ghulam Haider) Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 حفظان صحت میں مصنوعی ذہانت اورربوٹکس کے کردار کی اخلاقیات <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>Artificial intelligence and robotics have created new possibilities in health management, such as improved checkups, personalized treatment, and increased surgical accuracy. However, their use raises several critical questions, including concerns about patient privacy, the responsibility for human errors in diagnosis and treatment, and the impact of technology. This introduction addresses these issues for reflection and considers the progress of robotics in health management from a moral and human perspective.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;Robotic surgery offers many advantages, one of which is the ability to perform productive analytics in health management, allowing for the prediction of a patient's future health. This capability aids in the timely detection and treatment of diseases. However, this topic also presents some fundamental problems. The increased use of technology can reduce the human connection between doctors and patients, which is essential for empathy and moral care. Furthermore, robotics technology may not be accessible to all, potentially leading to inequalities in health management due to the high cost of robotic surgery instruments and technology. Additionally, the use of robotics and AI may affect employment, which is a significant social issue.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;In light of these points, it is necessary to promote the role of AI and robotics in health management with moral responsibility. This is an advanced and important topic that not only concerns the ongoing advancements in the physical world but also the moral problems these advancements present. Addressing these issues is crucial.</em></p> Dr. Saddaqat Hussain, Dr. Amjad Hayat Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تفسير ماجدی،تبيان القرآن اور تفسير القرآن الكريم ميں منتخب آيات الاحكام كا ايک تحقيقى وتقابلى جائزہ <p>The Holy Quran is the last inspired and revolutionary book of Allah Almighty, which was revealed to bring about a change in the lives of human beings. Without this book, creatures cannot recognize their true Creator in the true sense. The Holy Quran is a source of guidance for all human beings, which encompasses all matters related to humans from birth to death, and the possibility of distortion in it has been eliminated until the Day of Judgment. It is a treasure trove of knowledge from which scholars deduce according to their capabilities, because Allah Almighty has revealed two types of verses in the Holy Quran. One type contains commands, while the other type of verses includes monotheism, prophethood, preaching and advice, warnings and warnings, stories, proverbs, the horror of the Day of Judgment, mentions of Paradise and Hell, etc. The number of verses related to rulings in it is approximately five hundred, the details of which have been explained by jurists and commentators. Numerous translations and interpretations of the Holy Quran have been written in different languages, which is no less than a great blessing for the Muslim Ummah. Allah Almighty has kept so much flexibility in the rulings of the Quran and Sunnah that they can guide the Muslim Ummah in the issues that will arise until the Day of Judgment. This is the reason why the door of ijtihad has been kept open until the Day of Judgment to solve the issues that arise in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. In the present era, the Muslim Ummah is facing innumerable new issues. Scholars are prone to exaggeration and deviation regarding ijtihad directly from the Quran and Sunnah to solve the new issues that arise from them. Therefore, these three commentators have mentioned such jurisprudential issues in their respective interpretations that are necessary for humans in the present era. In this article, a research and comparative analysis of five verses selected in three interpretations in terms of the rulings of the Quran has been presented.</p> Zakir ullah, Dr. Najmul Hassan, Dr. Aliya Javed Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 نقض امن کے سماجی، معاشی اور قانونی محرکات و اثرات اور تعلیماتِ نبوی کی روشنی میں تدارک <p>The intensification of negative trends in human thought gives rise to elements such as narrow-mindedness, extremism, violence, and rebellion, which disrupt societal peace. This attitude of intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and extremism ultimately leads to the taking of each other's lives. This is what is called a breach of peace, or in other words, terrorism.Terrorism is the armed form of extremism, aiming to achieve its specific goals by creating fear and terror among the general public. The causes of terrorism include social injustice, societal evils, unfair distribution of wealth, poverty, lack of education and healthcare facilities, food shortages, unemployment, deprivation of other basic necessities of life, lack of national leadership, and linguistic, sectarian, and religious conflicts and riots.</p> <p>Islam is a religion of peace, and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the Prophet of Mercy. His exemplary character, his pronouncements, his treaties with various nations and tribes, and his sermons—in short, all these documents are the most comprehensive, universal, and enduring charters of peace and human rights. They transcend the temporal, political, and contemporary levels, providing humanity with a permanent and enduring foundation for peace, human rights, and the protection and respect of the law.Even today, if we are dreaming of combating terrorism on a global scale and establishing peaceful, welfare societies, we must seek guidance from the character of the Prophet of Peace ﷺ.</p> Dr. Ajmal Ali Mujaddidi, Dr. Faiz Ullah Baghdadi Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 قرآن مجید کے ارشادی و تربیتی مقاصد: سورۂ یوسف کا تحلیلی جائزہ <p>The Holy Qur'an serves as a comprehensive guide for humanity, offering both spiritual and practical instructions for a virtuous life. Surah Yusuf stands out as a profound chapter that encapsulates the divine wisdom, moral lessons, and directives aimed at individual and collective development. This article explores the instructional and educational objectives conveyed through Surah Yusuf, focusing on its unique narrative style, thematic depth, and moral framework. By employing analytical and exegetical methods, the study highlights how this surah addresses various aspects of human behavior, such as patience, forgiveness, faith, and reliance on Allah.</p> <p>The narrative of Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) is examined not only as a historical account but as a timeless source of guidance that resonates with contemporary challenges. The article delves into the psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions of the story, emphasizing the Qur'anic methodology in shaping ethical and resilient individuals. Furthermore, it discusses how the divine instructions in Surah Yusuf aim to cultivate a balanced personality, promote justice, and strengthen human relationships. This analytical study seeks to shed light on the enduring relevance of Surah Yusuf’s teachings in achieving personal and societal transformation, making it a cornerstone of Qur'anic pedagogy.</p> Amin Ullah, Dr. Ahmed Abdul Rehman Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 خلافت اسلامیہ کا جدید اسلامی معاشی مفکرین کی آراء کی روشنی میں نظامات ِعصر سے تجزیہ و خاکۂ تقابل <p>The source of governance in Islam is the institution of the caliphate and the essence of the caliphate. The distinction between caliph and caliphate is generally the same as what has historically been assumed throughout the world to be between the crown and the crown prince, but this is only partially true. There is not much difference between Khalifa and Khilafat. His position is that of the successor of Allah and then of His Messenger Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). One who uses all powers as a trust while remaining within the limits of the Shari’ah. He can explain the law but he cannot lay the foundation of any law. This position is the only example of its kind in the entire human history of the past. His method of governance is superior in all respects to the system offered by any other civilization. In the opinion of modern Islamic economic thinkers of the subcontinent, it is not only necessary but also mandatory to compare it with other systems of governance and economy of the present time so that the golden system of justice of Islam can be better understood. Nowadays, Islamic states are moving rapidly from Islamic republics to Western institutional democracies. Because these sources of power i.e. the people are now forgetting Islam as a religion and considering it as a mere religion. Therefore, the revival of Islam as a complete system of life, i.e. religion, has become very necessary. This can only happen when all the nuances of the West as well as the East are fully understood.</p> Qurrat-ul-Ain Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 مسلم نوجوان اور حالاتِ حاضرہ: ذمہ داریا ں اور مسائل <p>This article highlights the crical role of youth, defined by the World Health Organizatio as individuals aged 15-24, in societal, economic and cultural progress. Youth make up nearly 50 % of the global population, symbolizing immence potential and responsibility. Historical revolutios, such as the Russian revolution and Arab Supring, were fueled by youth. In Islam the Qura’n and Sunah emphasize the vitality of this age group, citing examples like the companions of the Cave and young sporters of Prophet Moses. Islamic history showcases the leadership of youg figures like Ali, Khalid bi Walid, ad others who exemplified courage, sacrifice and innovation. This phase of life, rich in energy and ambition, is deemed an opportunity for societal reform and personal grouth, provided youth are goided towards constructive purposes.</p> Uzma Yaseen, Dr. Muhammad Amin Manzoor, Rubina Kausar Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 وبائی امراض میں شرعی توسع کے حدود اوردائرہ کار: اسلامی تعلیمات کے تناظرمیں <p>Islam is the last and final religion for the humanity from Allah, that’s why all the rules of islam is according to the strength of humans. The prophet Peace be upon him sayed “deen is easy”. The aspect of "Yusr" (facility and ease) is prominent in all of the Islamic teachings. The Holy Qur'an has clearly mentioned in Surah Al-A'raf that the prophet Muhammad will releases them from their heavy burdens, and from the fetters that were upon them. What will be the limits of convenience and ease in Islamic rules during epidemic? The purpose of this paper is to explain and elaborate on this.</p> Dr. Muhammad Yahya, Mufti Kifayat-ur-Rehman, Dr. Maaz Masood Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 قبیلہ ثقیف اور شہر طائف: ایک علمی و تاریخی مطالعہ <p>The Thaqif tribe and the city of Taif hold significant importance in the political history of pre-Islamic and early Islamic Arabia. The Thaqif tribe, known for its warrior culture, resided in Taif, a prosperous city located near Mecca. Taif was a key economic and strategic center due to its fertile lands and its control over important trade routes. Politically, the Thaqif tribe was strong and maintained independence in pre-Islamic times. During the rise of Islam, the tribe resisted the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) message and took part in conflicts against the Muslims, including the Battle of Hunayn. Despite initial resistance, Taif was eventually besieged by Muslim forces, though it remained defiant until 9 AH (630 CE) when the Thaqif tribe finally embraced Islam. After accepting Islam, the Thaqif tribe became integrated into the Islamic state and played a role in the expanding Islamic empire. The city of Taif continued to grow in importance during the Caliphate era, both as a trading hub and as a strategic military post. The political history of the Thaqif tribe and Taif reflects the broader transitions in Arabia during the emergence of Islam, from independent tribal politics to integration within a unified Islamic polity<strong>.</strong></p> Sahib Din, Prof. Dr. Humayun Abbas Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 فقہ میں انفرادی حقوق و اجتماعی ذمہ داریوں کا تصور ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>This research looks at how, within the context of law, individual rights and group obligations interact. By examining important legal theories, case law, and constitutional principles, it investigates the intellectual underpinnings and legal ramifications of striking a balance between individual liberties and community responsibilities. The study addresses how various legal systems place varying priorities on the conflict between individual liberty and the common good. The study attempts to give a thorough grasp of how individual rights are upheld while upholding social duty by critically evaluating different strategies. The work also examines how these ideas have changed in the context of modern legal discourse, emphasizing how applicable they are to topics like environmental law, public health, and human rights<strong>.</strong></p> Dr. Muhammad Sajjad Malik, Umaima Sami Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 سورت العصرکی روشنی میں مولانا عبیداللہ سندھی کانظریہ ’’قرٓانی اصولِ انقلاب‘‘ کاتجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>This research article critically examines Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi's theory of "ْQurani Shaoor-e-Inqilab" in the light of Surah Al-Asr. While differing from traditional exegeses, Maulana Sindhi’s unique interpretative approach emphasizes addressing contemporary issues without diverging from fundamental Islamic beliefs. He interprets Qur'anic wisdom in a way that resonates with modern intellectual minds, especially targeting youth trapped in the socio-cultural influence of the West. Sindhi’s work highlights the Qur’an as a comprehensive guide to human revolution, emphasizing immutable values aligned with human nature. Through the example of Surah Al-Asr, he underscores the significance of revolutionary movements rooted in truth, perseverance, and collective struggle as essential elements for societal progress. His insights aim to inspire a universal movement fostering human excellence in political, economic, and spiritual dimensions.</p> Dr. Muhammad Ayaz, Ms. Fozia Batool Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 الدليل النقلي و مكانتها عند الأشاعرة: دراسة تحليلية نقدية <p>The paper investigates the issue of dalil Naqli (Religious/textual proofs) and its status within the Ash’ari school of thought Ash’aries by examining the statements of this school's major proponents and representatives and their usage of these proofs in the issues of creed and Aqeeda.. The issue of status and use of religious or textual proofs in the domain of Aqeeda has been upon the issues of contention between different Muslim theological schools of thought in particular and among the Muslim legal school of thought in general. Many scholars who identify and align themselves with that school of Muslim thought which is opposed to kalam and theological reasoning often argue and claim that the theologian's heresy lies in their undermining attitude towards the religious textual text whether its Quran or the Prophetic Sunnah and because this text is the basis of religious teaching so undermining it in the issues of Aqeeda will lead to heresy.</p> Ubaidullah Jamil Ubaid, Dr. Muhammad Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 حدیث الغش دراسة موضوعیة نقدیة <p>This research deals with the hadith of prophet (peace may be upon him): “a Muslim who cheats doesn’t belong to Muslims”. I discussed this hadith through two research: the first is about the citing of hadith, the mention of its evidence, and critique their isnad. I made a citing of it in the nine books, then I commented on the narrators; the second was a study of the Hadith text; where I examined the difference in the text utterances and the views and explanation of scholars in guiding the hadith and their statement and I also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the hadith of cheating.</p> Dr. Jalal Qasim Mohamad Dradkh Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 التفاعل بين الفتوى والقضاء: دراسة تطبيقية في القانون الإسلامي <p>وقد ركزت هذه الورقة البحثية على موضوع الفتوى والاجتهاد والفقه في الفقه الإسلامي، تتبنى هذه الدراسة منهجًا متعدد التخصصات، يجمع بين التحليل التاريخي والنظرية القانونية والبحث التجريبي، لاستكشاف الديناميكيات المعقدة بين الفتوى والقضاء وتفسير الأحكام ضمن الأطر القانونية الإسلامية. ومن خلال مراجعة شاملة للأدبيات، وفحص دراسات الحالة، والتحليل النوعي، تهدف الدراسة إلى توضيح التعقيدات الكامنة في إصدار الفتاوى، وعلاقتها بالأنظمة القضائية، وتأثيرها على تفسير وتطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية. وتكشف النتائج عن التفاعل الدقيق بين السلطة الدينية والعمليات القانونية والأعراف المجتمعية، مما يسلط الضوء على التحديات والتعقيدات التي تتم مواجهتها في التعامل مع التقاطع بين الفتوى والقضاء. ومن خلال معالجة هذه الديناميكيات، تساهم الدراسة في فهم أعمق للتقاطع بين المبادئ الدينية والأطر القانونية داخل المجتمعات المتنوعة ذات الأغلبية المسلمة.</p> Usman Waheed Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Utilizing Islamic Religious Studies Curriculum in Nigerian Universities to Achieve 21st Century Skills in the Country <p>Islamic Studies is a subject taught at all levels of education in Nigeria. The curriculum aims to produce religious scholars primarily for work in mosques. The objectives of Islamic Studies in Nigeria, outlined in the National Policy of Education (NPE), are to instill morals and spiritual consciousness in students and to enable them to apply other knowledge for the benefit of humanity. However, the current curriculum has not fully addressed the NPE's objectives. As a result, graduates of Islamic Studies are primarily relevant in religious contexts, lacking the necessary skills for success in the 21st century. To address this, the curriculum in Nigerian universities needs to be reviewed to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, making Islamic Studies graduates relevant in a modern context characterized by global competition, cooperation, information growth, and a service economy. By aligning the curriculum with these demands, the study of Islamic Studies in Nigerian universities can become more attractive, relevant, and enterprise. A qualitative analysis of the current Islamic Studies Central Curriculum in Nigerian universities revealed the need for improvement to strike a balance between religious and mundane life. Moreover, the study found that Islamic education has the potential to address socio-political, economic, and ethical challenges in contemporary Nigeria if properly integrated into the curriculum. Therefore, it recommends an all-inclusive curriculum to achieve 21st-century skills in the country.</p> Oniye Olayinka Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Glimpse into the Scholarly Works of Sheikh Muhammad Hayat Sindhi <p>Sindh is considered to be the first region of the subcontinent where the light of Islam illuminated the land.This region has produced numerous scholars who gained renown throughout the Islamic world. Among these luminaries was Sheikh Muhammad Hayat bin Ibrahim Sindhi (d. 1163 A.H.), a prominent Islamic scholar, jurist, and prolific author affiliated with the Hanafi School of jurisprudence. Sheikh Hayat Sindhi was celebrated as one of the leading experts in Hadith, jurisprudence, and various other Islamic disciplines, including Islamic literature. Born in Sindh, Sheikh Hayat Sindhi received his early education from his father. He later traveled to Thatta, where he studied under renowned scholars such as Muhammad MoinThattavi. Seeking advanced knowledge in Islamic disciplines, he migrated to theHaramainSharifain, andeventually settled in Madinah.There he began teaching at Masjid al-Nabawi and dedicated himself to teaching hadith for 24 years. Sheikh Hayat Sindhi authored numerous books on diverse topics related to Islamic studies and the social issues facing Muslim societies. His works, renowned among Islamic scholars, are imbued with wisdom, etiquette, and ethical values derived from the Qur’an, Hadith, jurisprudential insights of eminent scholars, and intellectual reasoning. This study provides a concise biography of Sheikh Hayat Sindhi and examines his contributions across various fields of Islamic knowledge. It also reflects an admiration and appreciation for the profound impact of his scholarly works.</p> Muhammad Israel Khan, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Madani Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative Analysis of the Concept of Religion in modern Western and Islamic Thought <p>This research article examines the multifaceted concept of religion in Islamic and Western thought, focusing on the Qur’ānic terminologies of Dīn (a comprehensive way of life), ‘Ibādah (total submission to Allah), and Da’wah (the ethical propagation of Islam). In contrast to Western philosophical perspectives that often reduce religion to emotional, psychological, or poetic dimensions, Islam envisions it as an integrated framework encompassing spiritual, social, ethical, and political aspects of human life. The analysis draws upon Western thinkers such as Schleiermacher, Freud, Herder, and Eliade to illustrate how fragmented views of religion have shaped the discourse in Western intellectual traditions. These perspectives are compared with the holistic Qur’ānic approach, which unifies sacred and secular domains under divine sovereignty. The study highlights that reducing Islam to isolated dimensions—ritualism, mysticism, or legalism—fails to capture its comprehensive nature as Dīn. Ibadah transcends rituals, emphasizing spiritual devotion integrated with ethical and societal responsibilities, while Da’wah is presented as a compassionate, wisdom-driven invitation to Islam. The findings underscore the necessity for Muslims to embrace the holistic principles of Dīn, ensuring that Islam remains a relevant and transformative force in the modern world. This research offers a critical framework for reorienting Islamic understanding toward its original, unified essence, enabling individuals and communities to embody the faith comprehensively.</p> Dr. Muhammad Adnan Faisal, Raja Umair Mir, Dr Farman Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal Ulūm-e-Islāmia Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000