AL RAQIM 2024-12-30T17:32:14+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Asif Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Al-Raqim (الرقیم)</strong></p> <p>Al-Raqim is a double-blind، peer-reviewed, open-access، tri-lingual (Arabic, English, Urdu) journal published bi-annually by the department of Islamic Studies at the Rahim Yar Khan campus of The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. it was established in June 2023.Al-Raqim is a scholarly publication that serves as a platform for academics, researchers, and intellectuals to contribute their original research and critical analysis in the field of Islamic studies. With a rich tradition and a vast scope of subjects, Al-Raqim encompasses a diverse range of disciplines, including theology, philosophy, history, law, literature, arts, and social sciences. This journal aims to foster an open and rigorous intellectual discourse while promoting a deeper understanding of Islamic traditions, civilizations, and contemporary issues.</p> <p>To ensure the quality and integrity of the research published, the Al-Raqim Research Journal follows a rigorous peer-review process. Manuscripts are blindly reviewed by expert scholars in the field, who provide valuable feedback and constructive criticism. This ensures that only the most robust and intellectually sound research makes its way into the final publication. The journal also maintains strict adherence to ethical guidelines and standards of academic integrity.</p> تعدد ازواج النبیﷺ: فیمنسٹ و جدیداستشراقی بیانیہ کا سیرت طیبہﷺ کی روشنی میں جواب 2024-12-16T13:53:56+00:00 Dr. Maryam Noreen <p>The practice of the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ multiple marriages is a significant topic within Islamic teachings and the life of the Prophet ﷺ. His multiple marriages were conducted in response to social needs and broader objectives, including social stability, the protection of women’s rights, and the eradication of social evils. Through his marriages, the Prophet ensured the welfare of widowed women, ended tribal conflicts, and reduced social distinctions. His multiple marriages served as a practical example of how Islam promoted social equality and justice, recognizing the importance of women's roles, education, and social contributions.However, Orientalist Thoughts and feminist scholars object to the practice of the Prophet’s ﷺ multiple marriages, arguing that it was based on the violation of women’s rights, resulting in the exploitation of women’s rights and the restriction of their freedom and autonomy. Feminists contend that these practices are at odds with the principles of gender equality. According to them, the absence of principles of justice and equality in the Prophet’s ﷺ multiple marriages reflects the limited and secondary status of women in Islam. This feminist critique challenges the social and legal justification of the Prophet’s ﷺ multiple marriages and calls for a reconciliation of his teachings with modern feminist thought.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Maryam Noreen قبیلہ ثقیف اور طائف: عرب تاریخ کے درخشاں پہلو 2024-12-22T09:23:31+00:00 Sahib Din <p>The Thaqif tribe and the city of Taif hold significant importance in the political history of pre-Islamic and early Islamic Arabia. The Thaqif tribe, known for its warrior culture, resided in Taif, a prosperous city located near Mecca. Taif was a key economic and strategic center due to its fertile lands and its control over important trade routes. Politically, the Thaqif tribe was strong and maintained independence in pre-Islamic times. During the rise of Islam, the tribe resisted the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) message and took part in conflicts against the Muslims, including the Battle of Hunayn. Despite initial resistance, Taif was eventually besieged by Muslim forces, though it remained defiant until 9 AH (630 CE) when the Thaqif tribe finally embraced Islam. After accepting Islam, the Thaqif tribe became integrated into the Islamic state and played a role in the expanding Islamic empire. The city of Taif continued to grow in importance during the Caliphate era, both as a trading hub and as a strategic military post. The political history of the Thaqif tribe and Taif reflects the broader transitions in Arabia during the emergence of Islam, from independent tribal politics to integration within a unified Islamic polity.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 sahib din رسول اللہ ﷺ بحیثیت ماہر ومؤسس قانونِ جنگ: سیرت طیبہ اور آئی ایچ ایل کی روشنی میں ایک تحقیقی جائزہ 2024-12-30T16:20:28+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Adil <p><em>It is an undeniable truth that every aspect of the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) serves as an everlasting source of guidance for humanity. Even after the passage of fourteen centuries and remarkable advancements in human civilization, the world has yet to achieve the unparalleled standard of humanity and ethics established by the Prophet. (SAW)A compelling example of this is found in the realm of warfare. While modern civilizations took nearly 150 years to formulate ethical principles and laws governing warfare, a closer examination of the Seerah life of the Prophet(SAW) reveals that within just a decade, he introduced laws that were not only more comprehensive and humane but also rooted in the principles of dignity and respect for humanity. Furthermore, these laws were not merely theoretical; the Prophet (SAW) implemented them practically, even as a powerful and victorious leader</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>In the modern era, the globally recognized framework for ethical conduct in warfare is known as International Humanitarian Law (IHL). These laws aim primarily to safeguard non-combatants, particularly vulnerable groups, Civilian property, and individuals who are no longer participating in hostilities</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>This article seeks to demonstrate, through examples from the Seerah, that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was not only a visionary in the field of ethical warfare but also its true pioneer. By analyzing his life and actions in the light of International Humanitarian Law, it becomes evident that the principles formally established by 20th-century experts were, in fact, laid down over fourteen centuries ago by the Prophet (SAW).His teachings form the foundation of the ethical and humanitarian principles of warfare that continue to inspire and guide humanity today</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Muhammad Adil Water Conservation in Islam: A Sustainable Approach to Addressing the Global Water Crisis 2024-12-30T17:32:14+00:00 Dr. Farhat Alvi <p>Water is a vital natural resource essential for life on planet Earth. Despite its critical position, water wastage rests a major issue globally. No doubt, Life cannot survive without water. The Shortage of water is actually a global issue. With the passage of time, scarcity of water resources is becoming a big challenge. Water experts consider that non-availability of water can create a disastrous situation for Pakistan. According to the UN report, water scarcity has become an increasingly pressing issue of our country. A report indicates that residents of Pakistan of some areas will not have access to clean water by the end of 2025.&nbsp; According to international standards, 6000 cubic meters of water per capita is required annually while the amount of water in Pakistan is less than 1000 cubic meters per person. The main cause of the water shortage is the lack of public awareness. Planning for sustainable water conservation is the need of time. The present dams of Pakistan are insufficient for the endurance of the natural environment and water needs of growing population. In areas where water is available in abundance, the inhabitants waste it blindly without care. Therefore, the water level is falling gradually. Wastage of water is strictly prohibited in Islam. This research paper presents the causes and impacts of water wastage, and suggests sustainable solutions educated by Holy prophet Muhammad (SAW). The paper underscores the significance of water and highlights the preventive measures outlined in Sīrah, Quran and Hadith literature to prevent wastage of water.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Farhat Alvi ڈاکٹر خلیل بن ابراہیم ملا خاطر کے تنقیدِ روایات کے اسالیب کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ 2024-12-28T05:44:31+00:00 Hafiz Muhammad Jaffer <p class="engnormal">This article explores the scholarly contributions of Khalil bin Ibrahim Mulla Khatir, a notable figure in the field of Seerah (biographical writing about the Prophet Muhammad <span dir="RTL" lang="ER">ﷺ</span>). Born in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, in 1938, Mulla Khatir was renowned for his expertise in Hadith and Seerah studies. He adhered strictly to the principles of Hadith criticism, emphasizing authentic sources and avoiding weak narrations. His methodology incorporated both traditional and modern approaches, refining earlier principles established by scholars like Shibli Nomani and Idris Kandhlawi.Mulla Khatir authored over 100 books, with more than 60 focusing on Seerah. His critical approach addressed inconsistencies in narrations, established coherence through comparative analysis, and highlighted the importance of adhering to established scholarly consensus. The article also discusses his contributions to education, his critique of fabricated and weak narrations, and his enduring legacy in Islamic studies. His work represents a comprehensive and methodical approach to Hadith and Seerah, making a significant impact on contemporary Islamic scholarship.</p> <p class="engnormal"> </p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Muhammad Jaffer Study of Noble Character (Mahasin-e-Akhlaq) in the Light of the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) 2024-12-18T05:30:49+00:00 Dr. Naveed Khan <p><em>Islam seeks to establish a prosperous human society; therefore, the life of the Prophet Muhammad (</em><strong>ﷺ</strong><em>) places great emphasis on noble character (Akhlaq-e-Hasanah). For Muslims, adhering to moral values is considered a religious obligation. To become a truly virtuous human being, it is essential to avoid unethical behavior (Akhlaq-e-Razeelah) and adopt noble virtues and commendable qualities (Awsaf-e-Hameedah). This paper explores the virtues of good character (Akhlaq) through the teachings and life of the Prophet Muhammad (</em><strong>ﷺ</strong><em>). The study highlights how his exemplary moral conduct serves as a timeless model for individuals and societies aiming to cultivate ethical values. Drawing from authentic sources, including Quranic verses and Hadith, the analysis emphasizes key virtues such as honesty, humility, patience, forgiveness, and compassion. The paper also discusses the practical application of these qualities in daily life, demonstrating their relevance in fostering interpersonal harmony and societal well-being. By examining the Prophet's (</em><strong>ﷺ</strong><em>) interactions with companions, family, and even adversaries, this study underscores the universal and transformative impact of adhering to high moral standards. This research aims to inspire individuals to integrate these principles into their lives, contributing to a more peaceful and just world</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Naveed Khan