<p>“Anwar al-Sirah” (Transliterated as 'Anwār al-Sīrah) has confirmed ISSN 3006-7766 (online) and ISSN 3006-7758 (print) recognized by HEC in "Y" category. It is an open access, bi-annual, and tri-lingual (Urdu, Arabic, and English) International Research Journal. 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH Research Journal aims to promote innovative academic research on contemporary matters and convolutions of modern-day world in addition to the orthodox approach of research specially from the perspectives of Sīrah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). The Research Journal “'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH” seeks to publish research articles and book reviews that explore particularly the Sīrah Studies, and generally the Economics, Politics, Culture & Civilizations, Sciences, Social Sciences, Law, or any other discipline with link to Sīrah of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ). It is published by Seerat Chair, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.</p>Seerat Chair, The Islamia University of Bahawalpuren-USAnwar-al-Sirah3006-7758<p>Copyrights of all research papers published in Journal of the 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH are held by the auther(s). However, as the 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH follows Open Access Policy under license CC by NC for global exchange of knowledge, readers are freely allowed to download, read and print the full text papers of 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH without prior permission from the 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH or the author(s) as long as they acknowledge/cite the 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH as the original source.</p>عیون الاثرفی فنون المغازی والشمائل و السیر اور الدرر فی اختصار المغازی و السیر: ایک مختصر تقابلی جائزہ
<p>Al Durar fi Ikhtisar Al Maghazi wa Al Siar is a primary source of Sirah, the Prophetic life. It was written by Ibn e Abdul Bar in the fifth century. This book is very important, and has always been under discussions in the scholarly works. However, there has been a new discussion by some recent writers about another scholarly work of Ibn e Syed Al Nas by the name of Uyoon ul Asar. It is being argued that the later work is a summary of the former. The current study is aimed at comparing both works and analyze this argument which is raised in the recent discussions. It concludes that this argument is not valid because the later is almost two times more than the former. Yes, it might be said that both books heavily relied on same resources like Sirah of Ibn e Ishaq and Kitab al Maghazi of Al Waqidi. Moreover, it is also a fact that work of Ibn e Abdul Bar was available to Ibn e Syed Al Nas.</p>Abdul QadirSyed Azizur Rahman
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Qadir, Syed Azizur Rahman
2024-12-312024-12-312020108عہد نبویﷺ میں نقیبوں و عریفوں کا نظام ہیئت ترکیبی، تشکیل اور نظائر و امثلہ
<p>In the era of the Prophet ﷺ, the system of Naqeebs and Areefs was an important part of creating an orderly and fair social structure. This system was created to ensure the welfare and discipline of the people. This system of ``Areef'' existed in the Jahiliyyah period and was maintained with some changes in duties during the Prophet's reign. The“Areef”was represented on the basis of small constituencies and neighborhoods, and his responsibilities were limited to regional and elementary levels. were He used to look after the rights and duties of the people of his neighborhood or area and kept the Naqeeb (chieftain) informed In every tribe, one Areef was appointed for ten people. Generally, an experienced, intelligent and wealthy person from the tribe was chosen as Areef, who could not only look after the affairs of the people of his circle, but also protect the rights of the people of his circle in dealings with other parties and tribes. On the contrary, Naqeeb's responsibilities were more extensive. He represented at country and national level. A Naqeeb was appointed for every ten Areefs. The system of Nuqaba was present among the Arabs, but it is also mentioned in the earlier periods. Put an end to people's conflicts and differences, be fully aware of people's situations. Also keep the government informed about their conditions and needs. Keep informing the government about the abilities of especially talented and talented people, so that the government can benefit from their skills and abilities. On the occasion of Bayat al-Aqba, Imam al-Mutaqeen ﷺ also informed them of their duties.</p>Sahib DinProf. Dr. Humayun Abbas Shams
Copyright (c) 2024 Sahib Din, Prof. Dr. Humayun Abbas Shams
2024-12-312024-12-312020922مسند ابو یعلیٰ الموصلی کی روایاتِ سیرت کی استنادی حیثیت کا مطالعہ و جائزہ
<p>The Seerah is a key source of information regarding the life of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Ahadith (traditions) related to the Seerah, especially those included in the book Musnad Abu Ya'la, are an extremely important resource.This book contains a total of 7517 Ahadith,out of which 735 are directly related to Seerah.The present research article aims to examine the authenticity of the Seerah-related Ahadith from Musnad Abu Ya'la. The study will discuss the opinions of Hadith scholars to verify the authenticity of Ahadith, and it will also investigate the reliability of the narrators and the chains of transmission used in the compilation of the book.The study will explore the different categories of Ahadith and their strength.The findings of this study will contribute to a better understanding of the authenticity of the Seerah-related Ahadith in Musnad Abu Ya'la, and they will provide important insights for scholars, students, and researchers in the field of Islamic studies.</p>Hafiz Shafat Ali SajjadDr. Yasir Arfat
Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Shafat Ali Sajjad, Dr. Yasir Arfat
2024-12-312024-12-312022350عہد نبوی کے رفاہی اقدامات اور ان کے سماجی اثرات
<p>During the Prophetic era, the welfare institutions and social justice system laid the foundation for a transformative society that emphasized human service and equitable development. At the center of this system was "Bayt al-Mal," a treasury used to collect and distribute resources like Zakat (almsgiving), Sadaqah (charity), and other forms of wealth to support the needy, widows, orphans, travelers, and the poor. Zakat, a core Islamic pillar, worked to reduce economic disparity and promoted fair wealth distribution. Additionally, the institution of Waqf (endowment) allocated resources for ongoing welfare projects, including education, healthcare, and shelter for travelers. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ implemented these welfare measures to create a society rooted in social harmony, economic equality, and justice, which has become a lasting model of Islamic welfare. Through the welfare systems and economic policies established, the Prophetic society ensured that even the marginalized received necessary support, thereby promoting a just and prosperous . The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) economic reforms laid the foundation for a strong and just social system, where welfare institutions played a crucial role. Through these initiatives, the needs of the poor, orphans, and widows were met, fostering social justice and harmony. This system remains a guiding example of Islamic societal principles today. In this article, various welfare initiatives are discussed, including the Institution for the Settlement of Migrants (Muhajireen), Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, Suffah as an Educational and Welfare Institute, Bayt al-Mal as a Welfare Institution, the system of Zakat and Sadaqah, urban facilities, water supply projects, healthcare welfare institutions, urban beautification and environmental policy, and the establishment of roadways.</p>Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq
2024-12-312024-12-312025163سیرت النبیﷺ کی روشنی میں حصول علم کے لئے زبان میں مہارت کی ضرورت و اہمیت کا تحقیقی مطالعہ
<p>Mastery of language is of utmost importance in the field of education. Achieving proficiency not only in one’s mother tongue and national language but also in other languages is a critical step in educational methodologies. Without it, a person cannot achieve refinement and excellence in their personality. When Allah, the Almighty, created Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), He endowed him with all knowledge, including mastery of languages. In this era of communication, a successful and prosperous individual is one who possesses abundant skills and expertise in the art of communication. Language is the most essential and fundamental key to communication; it not only smoothens the path to knowledge but also ensures progress and prosperity. Proficiency in language not only safeguards a person from potential harm from others but also enables self-sufficiency in connecting with others and achieving goals.</p> <p>Therefore, in this paper, we will discuss the significance of language, the need and importance of learning it, and its methodologies in the light of prophetic traditions and teachings. The aim is to illuminate various aspects of this topic, fostering enthusiasm for language learning among students and clarifying its importance, which can bring ease to their lives and contribute to the progress of the nation. A historical and analytical approach has been adopted for this paper, and key findings and recommendations are concisely mentioned at the end.</p>Dr. Sajjad HussainBagh Hussain
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Sajjad Hussain, Bagh Hussain
2024-12-312024-12-312026480جنگلات کی حفاظت اور اس کی ترغیب: تعلیماتِ نبوی ﷺ کا اختصاصی مطالعہ
<p>Forests are an invaluable gift of nature that covers one-fourth of the total land area of the world. Planting trees is important because the nature has given trees a role in reducing air pollution. In general, the average temperature in the forests is from 4 to 10 degrees and the minimum temperature is from minus 6 to minus 10 degrees Celsius. In forests, it rains more than other parts of the earth, so just by planting a tree biodiversity also increases. The effects of forests include cause climate change, cleaning the air, and release oxygen, which is a source of respiration for living organisms on earth. Forests are important not only for humans but also for the survival of birds and animals. The act of planting forests has been called charity by the Messenger of Allah. Hazrat Jabir Radiallah o Anhh narrates that the Messenger of Allah said: When a Muslim grows something and someone eats from it, it is a charity for him. If someone takes it from him, it is a charity. If one of them falls short, it is a charity for a Muslim. Hazrat Jabir Radiallah o Anhh narrates that he heard the Messenger of Allah saying, "When a Muslim grows a tree or a crop that is eaten by animals, birds, or other creatures, Allah will reward him for it." Attention has also been drawn to the importance of its protection.</p>Hafiza Sadia ChishtiDr. Shamas Ul ArfeenMuhammad Badee UL Zaman Bhatti
Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Sadia Chishti, Dr. Shamas Ul Arfeen, Badi ul Zaman Bhatti
2024-12-312024-12-312028192ماڈرن معاشرتی مسائل سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں ایک تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ
<p>In today's rapidly evolving world, modern social issues have grown increasingly complex and multifaceted, affecting individuals and societies alike across political, economic, and ethical dimensions. Addressing these challenges is essential for the collective well-being of humanity. The Seerah of Prophet Muhammadﷺ offers an unmatched paradigm, integrating individual conduct, societal values, political principles, ethical guidance, and religious teachings into a cohesive framework. The profound solutions provided by the Seerah are not only relevant to the social problems of its time but remain equally applicable and impactful in addressing contemporary challenges. This research delves into the Seerah's comprehensive teachings on justice, equality, human rights, economic policies, education, women's rights, and other pivotal social concerns. By critically analyzing these aspects, the study demonstrates how the prophetic model offers practical guidance for resolving modern societal dilemmas. The objective is to transcend a purely historical analysis of the Seerah, positioning it as a dynamic, enduring source of wisdom that informs and transforms today's social structures. Through this exploration, the research aims to highlight the timeless relevance of the Seerah as a blueprint for building a harmonious and just society in the modern age.</p>Mazhar HussainZubaidaKayenat Khan BurkiKalsom Riaz
Copyright (c) 2024 Mazhar Hussain, Zubaida, Kayenat Khan Burki, Kalsom Riaz
2024-12-312024-12-3120293101معاشرتی تحدیات منشورِ نبوی ﷺ کے تناظر میں
<p>This study underscores the relevance of the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as an invaluable framework for addressing contemporary social challenges. By examining the Prophet’s character, ethical principles, and interactions with diverse communities, it highlights essential values such as compassion, justice, inclusivity, and empathy values crucial for fostering social harmony. The study explores how the Prophet ﷺ tackled social inequalities, served as a mediator, and led as a statesman, offering timeless lessons for resolving today’s social issues. It emphasizes the role of education and moral development in shaping responsible citizens and promoting environmental sustainability, drawing insights from the Prophet’s teachings. Ultimately, viewing social challenges through the Prophetic Charter ﷺ equips individuals and communities with the guidance needed to cultivate a more just, inclusive, and compassionate society.</p>Muhammad Saif Ullah KhalidAhsan Rizwan Umani
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Saif Ullah Khalid, Ahsan Rizwan Umani
2024-12-312024-12-31202102117عصرِ حاضر میں اولاد کی تعلیم و تربیت اسوہ رسول ﷺ کی روشنی میں
<p>Children are a worthy reward of Allah Whom Allah declared elegance and splendor in this worldly domain in His verses. By baby’s birth Allah sustained human race. But this hustle and bustle, beauty and greatness only lie when reward to be respected. They should be ducted with faith, ethics and education's ornaments. To be given attention to growth and religious training from the childhood perfectly. And brought them up in Islamic and religious environment. Children bestowed with natural religion that is to say every child is Muslim by birth. And has the ability to accept the right way more than the elders comparatively. Children are same like a delicate soil. The parents' utmost responsibility is to try to keep them in Islamic routine from the very childhood. Because as they trained them in such way will be fruitful for them in the ripe age. If viewed it in the light of holy prophet's action, from the rights of children on parents, the first and foremost is their religious education and training. Islam is a natural religion and Islam leads a man in his individual and social matters in all fields. Upon the whole, Islam declared the rules and regulations for the guidance of the man, in them also taught the principles of children's training and education. Children are the future and worthy asset of any nation. Children are constructer of a nation's future, the center of nation's hope and interpretation of dreams. The unique education, reasonable and ethical care and special care of these young saplings are parent's first and foremost duty. The education and instruction of these young guys is stressfully described by Islam. So, after declaring mother's lap a first institution for a child, the education and training of a child is made depended on parent's attention, nourishment, and care.</p>Dr. Wajid MehmoodArshad MehmoodAnila Bibi
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Wajid Mehmood, Arshad Mehmood, Anila Bibi
2024-12-312024-12-31202118128عائلی زندگی کے حقوق و آداب: تعلیمات نبویہ ﷺ کے تناظر میں
<p>When the theory of family life is discussed, its members are considered to be spouses and children. Family life enables man to take on the responsibilities of a wider life in the world. The purposes of family are high and many. The duties of a high quality of life inculcate a sense of responsibility in man. If there is no proper division of duties in the home life the system becomes drowsy and disorganized. Men and women are protected from many temptations after adopting a married life. It is as if a woman is protected in a moral shelter. In which the young people of the nation grow up free from external events, the parents are its guardians, the home is the primary training ground of the child, the way of eating, drinking, standing up and talking, which he learns in childhood, is the foundation of them. In Islam, there is a lot of emphasis on fulfilling one's household duties, and this has been clarified by the sayings of the Prophet (Peace be upon him).The thesis under consideration revolves around the teachings of the Prophet and In the article under review, the basic members of family life, spouses, parents and children, have been informed about their rights, manners and responsibilities in the light of Sirat Tayyaba ﷺ and some important of these rights have been mentioned.</p>Dr. Naveed KhanGhulam Muhammad
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Naveed Khan, Ghulam Muhammad
2024-12-312024-12-31202129138عصری عوامی صحت کا طریقہ کار اور نبی کریم ﷺ کی تعلیمات کا تقابلی جائزہ
<p>This study shows; the comparative analysis of modern public health methods and the prophet’s teaching. It shows; how Messenger of Allah established a healthy society. It highlights the essential role of Islamic teachings in guiding public health policies, programs, and involvements. The study argues that a healthy ethical framework is essential for addressing the complex challenges modeled by public health issues; particularly in terms of ensuring equitable distribution of health benefits and burdens across various populations. It highlights the importance of Teachings of Messenger of Allah in public health sector. Equity, as a core component of the proposed ethical framework, is examined in depth. It explores the social factors of health and their role in creating health gaps, advocating for policies that address the root causes of these inequities. This article examines the importance of cleanliness in Islamic Teaching. Taking cleanliness, Ablution and Bath is compulsory in Islamic teachings. In this way, people of society are protected from many diseases. It also examines the teaching of Islam like prayer, fasting, Hajj, Zakat and how these teachings play an important role in creating a healthy society. Everyone should have equal chances to be healthy, no matter who is He. The paper ends by saying that we need to keep thinking about how to make public health fair for everyone. We should work together to find ways to improve health for everyone.</p>Muhammad Tahir Akbar M. T. Tair
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Tahir Akbar M. T. Tair
2024-12-312024-12-31202139154سیرت نبوی ﷺ کی روشنی میں ریاستی امن کے لئے جامع حکمت عملی: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ
<p>Today, the entire world, particularly our homeland Pakistan, is faced with numerous challenges, one of which is terrorism. This menace has caused irreparable damage to our country's economy, society, politics, and virtually every aspect of life. Over the past two decades, thousands of innocent people have fallen prey to terrorist violence. Despite numerous operations by security forces, extremism and terrorism show no signs of abating. This article attempts to outline a comprehensive strategy for eliminating terrorism and extremism, and restoring peace and security in Pakistan, in light of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The article examines the root causes of terrorism in Pakistan and explores solutions to this crisis, guided by the wisdom of the Prophetic tradition.</p>Dr. Muhammad AdilDr. Muhammad Majid
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Muhammad Adil, Dr. Muhammad Majid
2024-12-312024-12-31202155167ریاست کا تعلیمی نظام: مقاصدِ تعلیم اور نظریہ ریاست کی تشکیل سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں
<p>The educational system of a state serves as a fundamental pillar for nurturing its citizens and shaping its ideological framework. This study examines the objectives of education and the formation of state ideology through the lens of the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. By delving into the educational principles and practices established by the Prophet ﷺ, this research explores the profound connection between education, character building, and societal reform. The Seerah offers a holistic framework for aligning educational objectives with ethical, spiritual, and social dimensions to cultivate a balanced individual who contributes positively to society and the state. The study highlights key educational strategies employed by the Prophet ﷺ, including the emphasis on knowledge acquisition, moral development, and fostering a sense of collective responsibility. Furthermore, it investigates how these strategies contributed to the development of a cohesive state ideology rooted in justice, equality, and mutual respect. Through a critical analysis of primary sources and contemporary applications, this research aims to provide insights into how the Prophetic model can inform modern educational systems in achieving comprehensive human development and strengthening national identity. The findings underscore the relevance of the Prophetic educational framework in addressing the challenges of ideological fragmentation and moral crises in contemporary societies. This study ultimately argues that adopting the principles of education derived from the Seerah can serve as a transformative tool for states aiming to cultivate informed, ethical, and socially responsible citizens, while ensuring the alignment of educational objectives with broader state ideology.</p>Dr. Zubair Tayyab
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Zubair Tayyab
2024-12-312024-12-31202168180نوجوانوں کی تربیت کے لئے مربی اعظم ﷺ کے تربوی منہج کا سیرت کی عملی مثالوں کی روشنی میں ایک جائزہ
<p>Youth is the backbone of any society. They play a pivotal role in the progress of nations, communities, and countries. Societies, nations, and communities with enlightened and well-educated youth progress rapidly. Youth is a force capable of transforming circumstances, nurturing societies, and contributing significantly to societal welfare. Given their importance, their upbringing and guidance are equally crucial. The Quran, in multiple verses, highlights the accomplishments of youth and the significance of their youthfulness. It discusses the role of youth in societies. Allah's mention of youth in the Quran attests to their importance. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) paid special attention to the youth, taking significant steps for their upbringing. He educated and guided the youth of his time in every aspect of life. Not only did he educate and guide them, but he also entrusted them with important societal responsibilities. By training them, he appointed them to key positions in the Islamic society of his time. He understood their problems and needs, recognized their potential, honed their abilities, and utilized their skills effectively for societal progress. Instead of discouraging them, he consistently offered encouragement. At the same time, he did not leave the youth unchecked but nurtured them with love and care, moulding them into individuals who would become key players in societal progress. When entrusted with important societal tasks, they performed their duties exceptionally well. This research based on authentic hadiths sheds light on the Prophet's approach to youth upbringing. It aims to guide today's mentors, teachers, and motivational speakers to adopt this approach in nurturing youth and transforming this vital segment of society into a driving force for progress. In today's world, where youth face numerous challenges and uncertainties, the Prophet's approach is more relevant than ever. This research provides guidance to mentors on understanding and implementing the Prophet's educational approach for youth, enabling them to become valuable assets to society and contribute significantly to its welfare and progress.</p>Abdul BasitAzmatullah Muhammad Tufail
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Basit, Azmatullah Muhammad Tufail
2024-12-312024-12-31202181194اجتہاد الرسول ﷺ از نادیہ شریف العمری کا تعارفی مطالعہ
<p>The biography of the Prophet ﷺ is a subject that has been extensively written about since the first century of Hijra, continues to be written about today, and will undoubtedly remain a topic of scholarly and devotional interest in the future. This subject holds religious, academic, historical, and contemporary significance, prompting Muslim scholars of every era to contribute to its exploration. Alongside men, women have also engaged in writing on this subject to express their devotion and love for the Prophet ﷺ. From ancient to modern times, women have played their part in this field, and while their contributions are fewer in comparison to men, their numbers are steadily increasing in modern times. Women have also explored various aspects of the Prophet's ﷺ biography in the Arabic language. One notable work in this context is "Ijtihad Al-Rasool" authored by Nadia Sharif Al-Omari. This book uniquely combines the principles of Islamic jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh) with the life of the Prophet ﷺ, analyzing whether the Prophet ﷺ engaged in ijtihad (independent reasoning). The author meticulously presents evidence supporting her conclusion that the Prophet ﷺ did indeed engage in ijtihad. This article provides a research-based and analytical study of her book. It begins by discussing the biographical details of the author, followed by an introduction to the book. Subsequently, the writing style of the author and the nuanced insights within her work are critically examined. Finally, the findings and recommendations of the study are presented. </p>Dr. Muhammad Zubair SheikhProf. (Ret.) Dr. Muhammad Idrees Lodhi
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Muhammad Zubair Sheikh, Prof. (Ret.) Dr. Muhammad Idrees Lodhi
2024-12-312024-12-31202195201عائلی زندگی اور جدید تہذیبی مسائل: اسوہ رسول ﷺ کی روشنی میں اصلاحی تجاویز
<p>Islam has established specific rights and responsibilities for both spouses to safeguard familial relationships from disputes and conflicts. Failure to fulfill these obligations, as well as excesses or deficiencies, not only creates discord between spouses but also gradually affects the entire family. Children and other family members connected to the couple also suffer, indirectly contributing to societal unrest and anxiety.In society, women often appear as victims of oppression, while men are frequently portrayed as oppressors. Indeed, many men fall short in treating their wives with kindness and respect. Today’s family life faces numerous challenges, leading to marital relationships—which should ideally be a source of peace, love, and tranquility—turning into causes of mutual hatred, hostility, and grievances. Consequently, family life is profoundly affected, and new issues continue to emerge. The article identifies some of these problems and outlines guiding principles for their resolution based on the example of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).</p>Samia FaisalSuleman KhalilArisha Nisar
Copyright (c) 2024 Samia Faisal, Suleman Khalil, Arisha Nisar
2024-12-312024-12-31202202220The Establishment of Peace and Harmony in Pakistan from the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
<p>Pakistan is an Islamic state whose foundation are laid on Peace and Harmony, but from few decades Pakistan is facing the issue of Extremism and radicalism. This issue is now challenging the state and its systems. The extremism affects the Pakistani society in all aspects like religion, politics and education. Religious fanaticism has created distortion in our society. We are the victim of religious extremism, that nobody wants to hear any word against his religious beliefs and dogma. Every one considers its beliefs superior to others. While the political leaders nurture their workers on fanaticism about their ideology that they are not supposed to accept the ideology and philosophy of others. Our education system is also producing a radical generation with narrow mindedness and extremism due to inappropriate curriculum and teaching methodologies. Even today our curriculum is silent on tolerance, philanthropy and Muslim humanitarian values. We have failed miserably in establishing an atmosphere of Peace, security and brotherhood in the region. This article explores the factors, causes and background of extremism in Pakistan in order to move towards a solution from Prophet Muhammad life and teachings that can control the rising tides of extremism in Pakistan and to develop Peace and harmony in society.</p>Dr. Ambreen Atiq
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Ambreen Atiq
2024-12-312024-12-312020106Prophetic Way of Global Peace and Mutual Corporation: A Study in the the light of Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
<p>The whole system of the universe is established on justice. Muslim is guided to keep due balance in all his actions and deals. The concept of brotherhood is closely associated with the Islamic faith. The entity in question serves as a positive influence, promoting harmony and fairness among all individuals. The aforementioned entity offers a sense of stability within a tumultuous global environment characterized by conflict and discord. In accordance with prophetic teachings, it is prohibited to engage in the killing of women and children in the context of armed conflict. The article is aimed at to highlight the teachings of prophet Muhammad for giving challenges to the solutions for mutual cooperation under the directions of Prophetic way. </p>Dr. Farhana Mehmood
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Farhana Mehmood