Anwar-al-Sirah <p>“Anwar al-Sirah” (Transliterated as 'Anwār al-Sīrah) has confirmed ISSN 3006-7766 (online) and ISSN 3006-7758 (print). It is an open access, bi-annual, and tri-lingual (Urdu, Arabic, and English) International Research Journal. 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH Research Journal aims to promote innovative academic research on contemporary matters and convolutions of modern-day world in addition to the orthodox approach of research specially from the perspectives of Sīrah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). The Research Journal “'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH” seeks to publish research articles and book reviews that explore particularly the Sīrah Studies, and generally the Economics, Politics, Culture &amp; Civilizations, Sciences, Social Sciences, Law, or any other discipline with link to Sīrah of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ). It is published by Seerat Chair, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.</p> en-US <p>Copyrights of all research papers published in Journal of the 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH are held by the auther(s). However, as the 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH follows Open Access Policy under license CC by NC for global exchange of knowledge, readers are freely allowed to download, read and print the full text papers of 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH without prior permission from the 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH or the author(s) as long as they acknowledge/cite the 'ANWĀR AL-SĪRAH as the original source.</p> (Prof. Dr. Hafiz Shafeeq ul Rahman) (Dr. Hafiz Mhammad Siddique) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 15:34:12 +0000 OJS 60 سیرت النبیﷺ کی روشنی میں ماحولیاتی تغیرات سے متعلق ابلاغی وسیاسی ذمہ داریوں کا تحقیقی جائزہ <p>Allah Ta'ala illuminated the world's environment through the creation of humanity, exemplified by the sending of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to Earth. In the blessed life of the Prophet ﷺ, guidance and education were imparted to future generations until the Day of Judgment, rendering his life complete and perfect. Maintaining environmental cleanliness constitutes a pivotal aspect of the Prophet's teachings, with Islamic doctrine considering cleanliness as half of faith. Allah endowed humanity with a beautiful environment for sustenance, appointing humans as stewards of the Earth's system of life. Any disruption to the natural order imperils humankind. In the contemporary scientific epoch, environmental and weather alterations primarily stem from air, land, and sea pollution, predominantly caused by carbon emissions and chemical usage. Political institutions bear the responsibility to initiate environmental detoxification measures, while media and research institutes should spearhead research programs, supported by governmental aid. This paper draws upon Quranic Surahs, Hadiths, online climate and weather change resources, and public opinions, synthesizing primary and secondary sources. The research aims to elucidate governmental responsibilities amidst recent flood scenarios.</p> Abida Begum Copyright (c) 2024 Abida Begum Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 حقوق نسواں کانبوی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں تحقیقی مطالعہ <p>History testifies that women were oppressed for a long period of time. Greece, Egypt, Rome, in every nation and in every continent, women were tyrannized. Men would buy and sell the women to fulfil their own pleasures of life. The Arabs even considered the women a cause of shame and used to bury the young girls alive. No social status was given to the women in most of the world's civilizations. Islam not only gave women the right to survive but also determined their status as a mother, daughter, wife and sister. By confirming their religious, social, economic, legal and administrative role, Islam guaranteed their rights. As a result, a civilization was created in which women were considered an important part of the society. The Prophet ﷺ elevated women to the highest possible level of dignity and greatness. The women were also entitled to the rights of dower, alimony, respect and honor. As mothers, they were conferred a great status and paradise was laid under their feet. The obedience of one’s mother was made the source of success in this world and the hereafter. Islam instructed to make sure a proper upbringing and education for women as daughters. It acknowledged their right of property and intervention in this right was held to be unlawful. It set the stoning and other adultery punishments for criminals in order to protect chastity and honour of women.Their testimony was acknowledged as rightful. They were allowed to preach the religion of Islam. The importance of women's rights in the foundation of the modern Muslim state is recognized as true, provided that the establishment and provision of the rights are in accordance with the Islamic teachings. In this article, women’s rights will be described in the light of Islamic teachings.</p> Rehana Kanwal Copyright (c) 2024 Rehana Kanwal Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 المسجد من حیث کونه معھدا تعلیمیا وتربویا فی ضوء السیرة النبویة <p>This research investigates the mosque's role as an educational and pedagogical institution, emphasizing its historical and contemporary significance within Islamic societies. Traditionally, mosques have served dual functions as places of worship and centers for learning. The study traces the evolution of the mosque's educational role from the early Islamic period, noting the establishment of madrasahs and the incorporation of diverse subjects such as theology, philosophy, astronomy, and medicine. It also examines the methodologies employed in these educational activities, including oral transmission, memorization, and debate. By analyzing a range of historical and contemporary case studies, the research demonstrates how mosques have adapted to changing educational needs over time. For instance, in the medieval period, mosques were pivotal in the development of higher education and the intellectual life of the Islamic world. In contemporary settings, many mosques have expanded their educational offerings to include modern subjects and vocational training, addressing the needs of their communities in a rapidly changing world. The study highlights the mosque's unique capacity to foster community cohesion through education, serving as a hub for lifelong learning and social development. The findings suggest that by integrating traditional religious teachings with modern educational practices, mosques can continue to play a critical role in the holistic development of individuals and communities. This research underscores the importance of supporting and revitalizing the educational functions of mosques to enhance their contribution to contemporary society.</p> Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Copyright (c) 2024 Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 من الإرشادات النبوية المتعلقة بالحفاظ على البيئة <p>The earth and the mountains, plains, valleys, water resources, and living components represented by plants and animals are all of that. It is strongly present in the Holy Qur’an, to indicate the power of the Creator and the marvelous nature of His creation and to show the weakness of the creature and his inability even to preserve it. The concept of the environment is also present in the Qur’an’s preservation of it with commands and prohibitions that protect it from man’s bad exploitation of it. In the Prophetic hadiths that guide how to deal with and preserve environmental elements, the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, was the leader and pioneer in preserving and developing environmental resources through its three elements (water - air - soil). He set a clear line and path for preserving and caring for the environment, as The Sunnah of the Prophet paid a lot of attention and contained a set of guidelines that are easy to follow from both the individual and societal perspective to preserve the ecosystem on Earth, and direct it correctly on how to deal with these elements in a manner befitting a society that bears a solidarity responsibility towards individuals, groups, and the environment surrounding them, and what international conferences and seminars call for. The foundations of science in our current era were laid down and established fourteen centuries ago, because the Sunnah is a revelation and its place in legislation cannot be overlooked, and what it carries in its aspects and folds is only within the framework of divine legislation, which did not neglect any stray or contained in its instructions, of which the continuation of the sources environment and preserve it for future generations until the end of the day.</p> Dr. Eman Mohamed Morsi Ghoneim Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Eman Mohamed Morsi Ghoneim Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Battlefield Without Bloodshed: The Prophet's (PBUH) 29 Strategies for Peace <p>This research article delves into the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) remarkable approach to establishing peace and order, extending beyond traditional warfare. It explores 29 distinct methods, he employed to foster a peaceful society in Arabia. These methods transcended the battlefield, encompassing a multifaceted approach that included diplomacy, intelligence gathering, strategic economic measures, and fostering a strong sense of community. It highlights his commitment to respecting the fundamental rights of all people, even during times of conflict. By accurately analyzing these 29 methods, the research offers valuable insights into achieving lasting peace and social transformation without solely relying on military might. A compelling comparison is drawn between the Prophet's approach and the devastating wars waged by other rulers of the era. The article underscores the effectiveness of his non-violent methods in establishing a vast Islamic caliphate, a feat achieved with minimal bloodshed (only 250 martyrdoms) across a territory spanning 3 million square kilometers. This stands in stark contrast to the large-scale casualties inflicted during the short-lived conflicts led by other rulers like Caesar and Kasra. The Prophet (PBUH) strategy of achieving victory without war &amp; bloodshed is one that we should adopt in today's world. This article presents the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) approach to peacebuilding as a valuable case study, offering timeless principles and methods applicable to contemporary efforts in conflict resolution and social transformation.</p> Muhammad Tahir Akbar M. T. Tair Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Tahir Akbar M. T. Tair Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000