Journal of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony <p>The <strong>Journal of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony </strong>(HEC Recognized in "Y" Category), ISSN: 2958-9932 (Print), ISSN: 2958-9940 (Online) is a bi-annual (Spring and Fall), trilingual (Arabic, English, Urdu) open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed research journal published by the Department of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan is a public sector university in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, which was originally established by His Highness Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan Abbasi - V as the Jamia Abbasia in 1925. Jamia Abbasia was upgraded to Jamia Islamia in 1963. The Jamia Islamia was converted into a Chartered University as “The Islamia University of Bahawalpur” in 1975, by the Provincial Assembly of Punjab, Pakistan. The JWRIH publishes scholarly research on world religions, interfaith harmony, philosophy, ilm ul-kalam, orientalism, theology, religious ethics and other areas of the study of religions. This journal provides a forum for dialogue and harmony on a wide range of religious issues among Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, and others religious denominations. Articles submitted to the journal should be problem-oriented and contain novel research findings. The journal's goal is to expose new findings of researchers in the above arias to its audience and provide a suitable platform for the evolution of humanities.</p> <p>Academia and Intelligentsia from universities and other fields are invited and welcomed to submit their unique research discoveries and writings. The research journal is being published according to HEC Policy.</p> Department of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakisatan. en-US Journal of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony 2958-9932 Analytical Study of the Pattern of Argumentation of the Divine Books in Tafsīr Ziā ul Qur’ān <p>The article investigates the pattern of argumentation employed in the interpretation of the Qur’ān, specially focusing on the perspective presented in Tafsīr Ziā ul Qur’ān by an eminent scholar and former Judge, Pīr Karam Shāh Al Azharī. Tafsīr Ziā ul Qur’ān is recognized for its comprehensive exploration of the Quranic verses and their connections with the narratives found in other divine scriptures. The core of the article involves a systematic analysis of the patterns of argumentation found in Tafsīr Ziā ul Qur’ān. It explores how Pīr Karam establishes links between the Quranic revelations and the stories, lessons, and moral teachings presented in earlier scriptures. Moreover, the research investigates the impact of this pattern of argumentation on the reader's understanding of the Quran, assessing how it contributes to a holistic comprehension of the interconnectedness of divine messages. The article also explores unique insights presented in earlier scriptures. By critically analyzing the exegetical methods employed, the research contributes to a deeper understanding of the intellectual framework that shapes the interpretation of these texts and their interconnectedness as presented in this renowned tafsīr.</p> Dr. Muhammad Atif Aslam Rao Usman Ahmed Copyright (c) 2023 Usman Ahmed, Dr. Muhammad Atif Aslam Rao 2024-03-03 2024-03-03 3 1 01 22 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2488 Dalai Lama: History and Religious Role <p>The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader and holds a vital role for the Tibetan people. He is the head of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism and is believed to be the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara. His main responsibilities include providing spiritual guidance to the Tibetan people. The current and 14th Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso, who is believed to be the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama. He is a prominent and widely popular religious leader, known for advocating peace, love, compassion, and inner peace. The Dalai Lama has traveled to many countries and met with renowned world leaders to advocate that Tibet should not be considered a part of China, contrary to China's claims. He maintains that Tibet has its own separate identity and should not be incorporated into China. Tenzin Gyatso opposes China's viewpoint and encourages his fellow Tibetans to stand up against China.</p> Muhammad Afzal Hafiza Farheen Saqib Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiza Farheen Saqib, Dr. Muhammad Afzal 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 3 1 23 41 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2901 Huliya Mubarak: research review of the Ghazal al-Ghazlat of the Bible and the books of Hadiths <p><em>Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been mentioned a lot in previous heavenly books and the Qur'an has also stated this claim with great emphasis that the People of the revealed religions recognize him (PBUH) as one recognizes his sons. The earlier heavenly books neither exist today in their original condition nor in their original language. Despite this, the Bible still mentions the Prophet (PBUH) in different words, and many of his admirable qualities and elegance are alive in the Bible.</em> <em>In this article, the elegance of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been reviewed in the light of the books of Hadith and the book of Ghazal al-Ghazlat of the Bible, and then drawn the following conclusions:</em> <em>The mention of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is present in previous heavenly books.</em> <em>His great attributes and prominent character are still alive in the Bible.</em> <em>He was mentioned by name in the book Ghazal al-Ghazlat of the Bible.</em> <em>In the book Ghazal-ul-Ghazalat of the Bible, the attributes of the beloved of Hazrat Sulaiman are proven on the Prophet (PBUH). The elegance of Prophet (PBUH) is the same in previous revealed books and books of hadiths.</em> <em>The personality which is described in the book Ghazal-ul-Ghazlat is far from conceivable to be anyone other than Muhammad (PBUH).</em> <em>He (PBUH) ​​possessed moral and prophetic virtues as well as marvelous character.</em></p> Hafiz Mubashir Rasheed Hafiz Mudassir Rashid Copyright (c) 2023 Hafiz Mubashir Rasheed, Hafiz Mudassir Rashid 2024-03-03 2024-03-03 3 1 43 60 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2387 An Analytical study of Hadiths and Assar Related of Al-Jami' al-Sahih and Al-Kafi's to the Last of Prophethood <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Islam is a religion, which has been preached by the Prophets (peace be upon them). The Prophets (peace be upon them) started with Adam (peace be upon him) and ended with Muhammad (peace be upon him). Thus, the Holy Prophet came to this world as the last prophet, no other prophet or messenger will come after him, and the door of prophet hood has been closed on him. That is, you are the last of the prophets. This article will be limited to the analytical study of hadiths and relics related to the end of prophet hood in Al-Jami' al-Sahih (by Muhammad ibn Isma'il) and Al-Kafi (by Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kalini). Al-Jami' al-Sahih is the most authoritative book of Ahlye Sunnah and similarly Al-Kafi is the most authoritative book of Ahlye Tu Shia. Therefore, the hadiths and relics related to the end of prophet hood in these two books will be presented.</em></p> Ali Raza Yousaf Dr. Syed Abdul Ghaffar Bukhari Copyright (c) 2023 Ali Raza Yousaf, Dr. Syed Abdul Ghaffar Bukhari 2024-03-03 2024-03-03 3 1 61 78 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2289 The Reasons behind polyagmy in Punjab <p><em>Polygamy creates multiple social and behavioral problems in a family which is the basic unit of a society. In a Muslim society, four simultaneous marriages are allowed for a man at the most. It was revealed after the survey that in Punjab there are multiple reasons why a man may opt or be compelled for a second marriage. A man may be dissatisfied with the affairs of his present marriage, he could fall in love with another girl, he may want to protect a widow’s life by bringing her in a marital bondage or it could be merely due to his family traditions. However, polygamy has challenges of its own that must be identified and adjusted accordingly for a happier and contented life for all stake holders. To the best of our knowledge this issue is not addressed in research with a national context. In the underlying research we investigate various dimensions of this problem by surveying and interviews systematically selected samples of the society of Punjab.</em></p> Aqsa Azam Dr. Asia Shabbir Copyright (c) 2023 Aqsa Azam, Dr. Asia Shabbir 2024-03-03 2024-03-03 3 1 79 98 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2474 The Introduction of Halal Sustenance, Sources, Obstacles and their Remedy <p>Islam is a comprehensive and complete code of life. Islam presents praiseworthy and manifest instructions for all walks of life. By following these instructions human beings can make their lives better; in this world and hereafter too. Among these Islamic teachings, acquisition of lawful sustenance is extremely valuable. Use of legitimate sustenance is highly essential and it is an important condition for the acceptance of all types of worships. Therefore, according to Islamic <em>Shariya,</em> it has been ordained to eat and use only allowed and purified edible things and to avoid completely using and eating forbidden, unlawful and unhygienic things. All the Prophets and Messengers have also been enjoined to eat and use things which are purified and allowed in Islamic <em>Shariya.</em> Lawful sustenance creates positive effects on human beings’ mood and health while illegally gotten sustenance create negative effects and there will be no spiritual development. Moreover, every person who had violated the divine injunctions in this regard; he or she will have to face its bitter consequences; in this world and hereafter too. What is meant by lawful sustenance? How can any person cognize and recognize lawful sustenance? Which are its various forms? Which are illegitimate and unethical sources of income? Which are the hindrances in the way of earning legal money and what could be its dispensation? In the light of teachings of the Holy Quran and <em>Sunnah</em>, all these issues have been discussed in this article.</p> Prof. Dr. Abdul Qadir Buzdar Dr. Ghazi Abdul Rehman qasmi Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Ghazi Abdul Rehman Qasmi, Prof. Dr. Abdul Qadir Buzdar 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 3 1 99 116 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2912 Exploring the Concept of God: A Comparative Analysis of Scientology, Islam, and Christianity <p><em>This study delves into the multifaceted concept of God as portrayed in Scientology, Islam, and Christianity, offering a comparative analysis of their theological frameworks. While Scientology emerged as a modern religious movement, Islam and Christianity have deep historical roots. The analysis examines their scriptures, theological doctrines, and teachings to elucidate the nature, attributes, and roles ascribed to God within each belief system. Key aspects such as monotheism, divine attributes, cosmology, and human-divine relationship are scrutinized to highlight similarities and divergences. The research employs a multidisciplinary approach, drawing from religious studies, theology, and sociological perspectives to provide a comprehensive understanding of these faiths. Through this comparative exploration, the study aims to foster interfaith dialogue, promote tolerance, and deepen scholarly insights into the diverse conceptions of the divine across different religious traditions.</em></p> Umer Yousaf Muhammad Sarwar Copyright (c) 2024 Umer Yousaf, Muhammad Sarwar 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 117 135 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2683 The Development and Evolution of Kalam Discussions in the Indian Subcontinent: An Exploration of Islamic Theological Debates <p>This research undertakes a comprehensive examination of the development and evolution of kalam discussions in the Indian subcontinent, with a specific focus on Pakistan and India. Kalam, a vital component of Islamic theology, has undergone significant transformations in the region, shaped by historical, cultural, and intellectual factors. Through a critical analysis of primary sources, including theological treatises, commentaries, and debates, this study traces the trajectory of kalam discussions from the early Islamic period to the 19<sup>th</sup> century. It explores the contributions of influential scholars, the emergence of distinct theological schools, and the engagement with philosophical and mystical ideas. This research reveals the dynamic and diverse nature of Islamic theological thought in the Indian subcontinent, highlighting its ongoing relevance and significance in contemporary Muslim intellectual discourse. By shedding light on the evolution of kalam discussions, this study aims to enhance our understanding of Islamic theology, its historical development, and its continued impact on Muslim thought and culture.</p> Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Al Mustafa Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Al Mustafa 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 137 156 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2756 Ayesha Bint Shati’s Seerah Writing; A critical review <p>The biography of the Prophet ﷺ is a topic on which a lot has been written from the first century of Hijra until today, a lot is being written and a lot will be written. This title has religious, academic, historical and contemporary utility, so Muslim scholars have written on this topic in every era. Men as well as women have moved their pen to express their devotion and love. From ancient to modern times, women have contributed to writing on this subject. Although their number is less as compared to men, but in modern times this number is increasing. Apart from regular books, theses at M.A., M. Phil and Ph. D level are being written in various public and private universities.&nbsp; In this regard, Arabic and English languages ​​come after Urdu. A prominent name among women Sirah writers in Arabic is Ayesha Bint Shati from Egypt (died: 1998 AD). She has written one book on Sirat Al-Nabi in excellent literary style. In this article a critical review of his Sirah wirting is being presented. In the beginning, the personal details of the author are described. Then the introduction of the books compiled on Sirat Al-Nabi is listed and after that the style of his Sirah writing and the subtle points found in it are listed. Finally, the Conclusions and recommendations of the research are described.</p> Muhammad Zubair Professor (retired) Dr. Muhammad Idrees Lodhi Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Muhammad Zubair Sheikh, Professor (retired) Dr. Muhammad Idrees Lodhi 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 157 183 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2909 Benefits of Makki Mowakhat <p>The study of the blessed life of the Prophet ﷺ is also have great significant with its sequences of the events. Many proceedings of Prophethood during the Meccan period actually proved to be the prelude or foundation of the importance measures of the Madani period. One of the essential steps is Makki Mukhat. A large number of biographers and historians have mentioned Madani Muwakhat, but there is no material in their books regarding Makki Muwakhat. Some have mentioned the Makhi muwakhat , but most of them have mentioned only the Madni and confused about the Makki Muwakhat. This Makkah Muwakhat provide the some kind of protection to oppressed Muslims of Makkah and th new ones who were freed from Slavery.This Muwakhat also proved to be a forerunner of Madani Muwakhat and is very important in its fruits and wisdom. In this paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the effects of Makki Mukhwat. It was intended to give up the muslims a social and social environment that would create unity and differences between them. In addition, it was intended to ease the grief of the Muslims at the loss of their family and relatives and to give a new determination to live, enthusiasm and a new color of this relationship of the makkah period with the brotherhood of “Mawakhat-e-islam.” It was the first act of establishment. Mowakhat was actually the first seat of global Islamic community. The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him ),established Muwakhat as the first priority to replace cruelty and brutality with love.</p> Samina Rashid Dr. Syeda Sadia Copyright (c) 2024 Samina Rasheed, Dr. Syeda Sadia 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 185 200 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2867 Shariah order to the bay’al’ murabaha lil’amiri bi’shira; a review of the arguments of those who say it is not permissible and those who say it is permissible <p>Allah Almighty has created man on the basis of good nature and his true happiness is found only in natural things. He is generally pleased in two ways. One by fulfilling his need and the other by fulfilling his desire. Sometimes this need and desire is fulfilled by spiritual things, for example, when someone smiles or speaks well, he gets pleasure and sometimes by real things, for example, when he gets a nice car or a house, etc.There are many means to satisfy needs and desires, but the most important and effective means is wealth. And then the Islamic law also does not forbid a person from fulfilling his needs and desires, but guides him to fulfill his needs and desires in natural and legitimate ways so that the nature of his happiness is to be real and useful. But nowadays, many people are unable to fulfill their basic needs due to lack of wealth, even if they fulfill their desires. However, even though he does not have wealth or lacks it, Islamic Shari'ah has guided man in this situation on many natural ways by which he can fulfill his needs and desires. Among them, one of the methods of financial transactions is Bay' al-Murabaha, the contemporary form of which is Bay' al-Murabaha Lil-A’mir Bi’shirah. It is a financial transaction, in which a financially weak person (A'mir) asks another wealthy person or party (Mamor) to buy the desired item in order to get what he needs. And then he promises to buy that item on loan from him at a higher price. In this way, where his need is fulfilled in time, others also get financial benefit. There is no artificiality and affectation in this transaction and it is actually a legitimate alternative to profit on debt. But there is one aspect in it that some scholars and jurists have reservations about it because of the promise made by the A'mir, it causes problems from the Shari'a point of view. Foremost among them is the encroachment of rights and the second is to transact something that does not exist at the moment. What is the status of these problems in this transaction? Do they change the order of this transaction? The review of these considerations is being presented in this scholarly discussion so that the Shariah order of this pledge can be clarified in the true sense.</p> Dr. Abdul Rehman Umme Aymen Abdul Razzaq Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Abdul Rehman, Umme Aymen Abdul Razzaq 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 201 222 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2768 Impact of Religion on Social Behavior and Life style of students: An Analysis <p>Beliefs, values and attitudes are the foundations of a religion. Religion is an integrated motivational force and complete code of life that influence our social, economic, political and every aspect of life. The main objective of this article is to illustrate the effects of religion on social behavior of students. As the belief system of religion not only spiritually but ethically enhances life style of human beings. The main focus of study is to construe that to what extent religion is related to the social development of an individual. So, the analytical and interpretive research methodology was applied for the data review. This academic paper concluded that religion has a unified set of faith and values influencing adolescence positive social attitudes as parent's treatment, marital relation, educational ambitions and money distribution as well as negative social attitudes such as drug addiction, alcohol, suicide, delinquency and crimes. More the youth is affiliated with religion less the rate of deviant behaviors with in a society. It is recommended to enhance the religious activities and services within the students' academic &amp; social circle to raise a civilized nation. In contemporary world the immoral and secular condition can be recurred by the remedies set by religion.</p> Dr. Munazza Sultana Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Munazza Sultana 2024-03-03 2024-03-03 3 1 205 219 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2593 The role of Universities in promoting Inter-Cultural and Inter-Religious dialogue in Africa <p>Africa is one of the continents that make up the global community. The communities in Africa comprise of people from diverse races, ethnicities and belief systems. Overtime, these communities have clashed along tribal lines and faith inspired conflicts. There is a growing concern in Africa over the need to establish unity entrenched in Pan-Africanism. Africa has more than 1900 universities both faith based and secular oriented. These universities attract a multitude of students from different parts of the continent and the world at large. With such dynamics, these institutions of higher learning could breed a new tolerant generation by fostering values of dialogue and peace amongst the African people. The main objective of this paper was to examine the role of a university in fostering inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue in Africa. The paper was composed using library research where analysis was made using credible multimedia, academic papers and publications etcetera, to enrich the study. From this, conclusions and recommendations were made for instance the need to decolonize the philosophy of African Universities, promoting research and community outreach engagements while involving the students. Promoting and engaging students in courses that are non-discriminative in terms of culture and faith such as astronomy, astrophysics, space exploration and science.</p> AbdulSwamad Gyagenda Copyright (c) 2024 AbdulSwamad Gyagenda 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 3 1 220 228 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2743 Harmonizing Global Peace: The Noble Influence of Islamic Human Rights <p>This article dives deep into the profound effect that Islamic human rights have had on global peace. Derived from the basic teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah, Islamic human rights are grounded in dignity and equality for all human beings regardless of their background. This article goes into detail about the foundational principles that lie behind Islamic human rights: the sanctity of human life, justice, and mercy. It also looks at Islamic jurisprudence to see how leaders were able to be relatively fair and nondiscriminatory toward minorities, women and marginalized groups. What is compassion in Islam, and what does it mean according to the Prophet's example as found in Islamic teachings? The paper explores such questions confronting Humanity. It will consider the impact of Islamic teachings on human rights and how this might foster greater world understanding and tolerance. From another perspective, this article discusses several cases of tolerance in Muslim societies within diversity. The paper goes on to discuss the authoritarianism, extremism, and sectarianism in Muslim-majority countries today. It prefers to propose education, dialogue, and collective effort as solutions to these issues that affect Muslims most directly. Finally, it argues that global solidarity is necessary to push forward Islamic human rights and to promote peace worldwide.</p> Hafiz Muhammad Faizan Ul Hassan Muhammad Dawood Jamal Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Muhammad Faizan Ul Hassan, Muhammad Dawood Jamal 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 283 298 10.52461/jwrih.v3i1.2729