Journal of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony
<p>The <strong>Journal of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony </strong>(HEC Recognized in "Y" Category), ISSN: 2958-9932 (Print), ISSN: 2958-9940 (Online) is a bi-annual (Spring and Fall), trilingual (Arabic, English, Urdu) open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed research journal published by the Department of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan is a public sector university in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, which was originally established by His Highness Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan Abbasi - V as the Jamia Abbasia in 1925. Jamia Abbasia was upgraded to Jamia Islamia in 1963. The Jamia Islamia was converted into a Chartered University as “The Islamia University of Bahawalpur” in 1975, by the Provincial Assembly of Punjab, Pakistan. The JWRIH publishes scholarly research on world religions, interfaith harmony, philosophy, ilm ul-kalam, orientalism, theology, religious ethics and other areas of the study of religions. This journal provides a forum for dialogue and harmony on a wide range of religious issues among Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, and others religious denominations. Articles submitted to the journal should be problem-oriented and contain novel research findings. The journal's goal is to expose new findings of researchers in the above arias to its audience and provide a suitable platform for the evolution of humanities.</p> <p>Academia and Intelligentsia from universities and other fields are invited and welcomed to submit their unique research discoveries and writings. The research journal is being published according to HEC Policy.</p>Department of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakisatan.en-USJournal of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony2958-9932The Personality of Jesus (PBUH) in View of the Bible and Qur'an: An Analytical and Comparative Study
<p><em>This research paper presents a comparative and critical study of the personality of Jesus Christ (Hazrat Isa A.S) as depicted in the Bible and the Quran. In Christian theology, as reflected in the New Testament, Jesus is revered as the Son of God and the Savior of humanity, embodying divine qualities and possessing a central role in salvation history. Conversely, Islamic teachings, as presented in the Quran, recognize Jesus as a prophet and messenger of God, emphasizing his human nature and his role within the broader context of Islamic monotheism. Further, this study explores the similarities and differences in the portrayal of Jesus' birth, miracles, mission, crucifixion, ascension and descent of Jesus Christ across these religious texts. Most scriptures of both religions acknowledge his miraculous birth and significant spiritual contributions, but they diverge in their views on his divinity, sonship, trinity crucifixion, and resurrection. The paper aims to provide a nuanced understanding of these perspectives, contributing to interfaith dialogue and a deeper appreciation of the theological distinctions and commonalities regarding Jesus in Christianity and Islam</em><strong><em>.</em></strong></p>Sadia RehmanSaleem Khan
Copyright (c) 2024 Sadia Rehman and Saleem Khan
2024-11-152024-11-1532116The Role of Imam Shah Waliullah in the Revival and Promotion of Religious Studies in the Subcontinent
<p> </p> <p>The personality of Imam Shah Wali Allahullah needs no introduction.The scope of your religious and scholarly services and reformation efforts in the subcontinent is very wide.Your scholarly contributions and greatness are recognized in all religious circles.Your efforts are related to education and teaching, authorship and compilation, reform of beliefs and morals, civilization and society, revival of religion and reformation of the Ummah.Shah Sahib solved the intellectual problems of far-sightedness in the light of esoteric religion.Shah Sahib harmonized different idioms.In Hadith and Fiqh, some people misunderstood the contradiction that was seen, it was resolved.He also said that there is no reference in the Quran and Hadith.Rather, the Hadith is in fact an interpretation of the Qur' well as the people of the law and the people of the way who were disobedient to one another.Removed him.You referred to the thought of the Way over the Shari'ah, and said that the clash of knowledge and cognition is merely the result of misunderstanding.You have solved this problem in the best possible way.</p> <p>You devoted all your energies to the revival and development of religious knowledge. And for this purpose, Madrasah Rahimiyah was established.Through which you created a community of experts in religious sciences.He wrote rare books to solve the rational and intellectual problems faced by his literary services.It is a valuable source of Islamic literature.At the same time, you tried to awaken people from every walk of life in order to bring the Gathbandi and the Ummah out of decline.He played an active role in solving social and political problems.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>Abdul MajidDr Muhammad Saeed Akhtar
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Majid and Dr. Muhammad Saeed Akhtar
2024-12-132024-12-13321735Practical Actions for Idol Breaking in Islam: A Historical Study
<p><em>Practical measures for idol breaking in Islam, a significant aspect of the faith that emphasizes the oneness of God (Tawhid) and the rejection of idolatry. Idol breaking in Islam is not just about the physical destruction of idols; it's fundamentally linked to the concept of Tawhid, which is the belief in the oneness of Allah. This principle is at the heart of Islamic theology and serves as a foundation for a Muslim's faith and practice. The rejection of idolatry is crucial because it signifies a commitment to worshiping Allah alone without any intermediaries or representations. Idol breaking, highlighting the historical context in which idol worship was prevalent and the prophetic traditions that advocate for its eradication. It outlines practical strategies for addressing idol worship in contemporary society, including community education, interfaith dialogue, and the promotion of Islamic teachings that emphasize monotheism. This paper is written on the history of idol breaking in Islam to highlight that there is no place of polytheism, one and only Allah has right to be worshiped. It is strong hope this paper will provide the suffciant knowledge and it will be beneficial to understand the history of idol breaking in Islam. </em></p>Ayesha Abaid BhattyDr. Muhammad Afzal
Copyright (c) 2024 Ayesha Abaid Bhatty and Dr. Muhammad Afzal
2024-12-312024-12-31323659A research review of the religious and cultural importance of Baytullah in the Banu Umayyad period
<p>Banu Umayyad was a prominent and wealthy tribe of Quraysh. The same family ruled the kingdom for almost a century after the Rashidah Caliphate and brought the Islamic conquests to their peak. Like the era of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Caliphate of Rashidah, Muslims were bound to worship during the Umayyad Caliphate. No one was indifferent to religious rituals. There were mosques in cities, towns, villages, etc., where five-time prayers were offered in congregation. During the era of Banwamiyyah, academic circles of hadith, jurisprudence, poetry and literature were held, where scholars who had a passion for knowledge would participate in droves to quench their thirst for knowledge. During the Umayyad period, Syria, Iraq and Hijaz were important centers of Islamic jurisprudence. The eastern Islamic world, especially India, had an administrative relationship with Syria and Iraq. That is why the jurisprudence of Syria and Iraq gained general acceptance in these countries. The utility of Baitullah is shown by the fact that although rebellions began during the Umayyad period, Abdul Malik bin Marwan had a dam built on the Meccan side to protect Baitullah and protect it from floods. Although the Kharijites appeared in Banu Umayyad, the worship status of Baitullah remained, due to which cultural development also took place.Abd al-Malik bin Marwan is considered the real founder of Banuamiyyah because he promoted civilization during his time. It would not be wrong if Umar bin Abdulaziz is described as the fifth Caliph Rashid because he ordered to live according to Islamic principles and emphasized on teaching civility to his subjects, eliminated unnecessary rituals and innovations from the religion of Islam.</p>Misbah Sajjadsobia khan
Copyright (c) 2024 Misbah Sajjad and Dr. Sobia Khan
2024-12-312024-12-31326077The Significance of Hajj Rituals in the Modern Age: An Overview
<p>Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam, remains a profound and transformative act of worship with timeless relevance in the modern age. This article explores how its rituals, such as Tawaf, Sa’i, and Wuquf at Arafat, embody submission to Allah, equality, and the pursuit of divine mercy, fostering humility, gratitude, and spiritual renewal. In a globalized world, Hajj transcends cultural and geographical boundaries, uniting Muslims from diverse backgrounds and reinforcing the universality of the Islamic faith. It serves as a platform for fostering global solidarity, addressing shared challenges, and inspiring a collective commitment to social justice and ethical conduct. The article also examines how advancements in technology and logistics, including real-time navigation tools, crowd management systems, and sustainable practices, have enhanced the pilgrimage experience for millions of Muslims annually while preserving the sanctity of these sacred rituals. Through these sacred practices, Muslims reaffirm their purpose, strengthen their bonds with the global Ummah, and embrace their responsibilities toward fostering harmony and justice.</p>Dr Imran SajidDr. Rashid Munir
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Imran Sajid and Dr. Rashid Munir
2024-12-312024-12-31327894A Comprehensive Overview of the Mentors and Teachers of Maulana Abdul Hadi Shah Mansoori
<p><em>Molana Abdul Hadi Shah Mansoori (RA) was one of the prominent scholars of the 20th century who dedicated his life to the service of Islamic sciences. His profound knowledge and teaching legacy reflect the influence of his esteemed teachers, who were not only renowned scholars of their time but also active contributors to religious and social reforms. Among his distinguished mentors were Molana Qutbuddin Ghorghashtwi (RA), Sheikh-ul-Tafseer Molana Hussain Ali (RA), Molana Naseeruddin Ghorghashtwi (RA), Molana Muhammad Zaman </em><em>Shah (RA) known as "Abba Sahib," Molana Abdul Qahar (RA) also known as "Muwat Molvi Sahib," Molana Habibullah (RA) alias "Sahib-e-Haq of Zarubi," Molana Muhammad Siddique (RA), Molana Abdul Rauf (RA) popularly known as "Kaddi Molvi Sahib," and Molana Qazi Gul Muhammad (RA).</em></p> <p><em>These luminaries were leaders in their respective fields, excelling in both religious sciences and societal reforms. They played significant roles in movements such as the Khilafat Movement and the Pakistan Movement, while also addressing legal and social issues based on Islamic principles. Their contributions to Islamic education and reformation continue to serve as guiding examples. The scholarly stature of Molana Abdul Hadi Shah Mansoori (RA) is a testament to the exceptional training he received from these illustrious mentors, whose contributions deserve recognition and study in contemporary times.</em></p>Ubaid ur RahmanDr. janas khanDr. Najmul Hassan
Copyright (c) 2024 Ubaid ur Rahman, Dr. janas khan and Dr. Najmul Hassan
2024-12-312024-12-313295114Quranic-Inspired Scientific Discoveries: A Focused Study of Professor Dr. Muhammad Akram Chaudhry's Views
<p>This study investigates the enduring semantic stability of the Quranic text over 14 centuries, contrasting it with the semantic drift observed in other languages and religious texts. Drawing upon the scholarly work of Professor Emeritus Muhammad Akram Chaudhry, a prominent scholar of Quranic studies, this research examines the claim that Quranic vocabulary has maintained a consistent relationship between word and meaning throughout its transmission. This study explores the implications of this alleged semantic stability for understanding the Quran's relationship with scientific discoveries and natural laws. It analyzes selected Quranic verses related to natural phenomena, comparing classical and contemporary interpretations to assess the extent to which these interpretations have remained consistent over time. The research further considers the argument that a significant portion of the Quran (approximately one-fifth, according to Chaudhry) pertains to the laws of nature, exploring how this claim informs our understanding of the Quran's enduring relevance. By examining the interplay between linguistic stability, scientific interpretation, and the Quran's focus on humanity and the natural world, this study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the Quran's unique status and its enduring impact.</p>Dr abdul GhaffarDr. Tanveer Qasim
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Abdul Ghaffar, Dr. Tanveer Qasim
2024-12-312024-12-3132115126Fatherhood in Interfaith Marriages
<p>This study reviewed the literature to examine fatherhood in interfaith marriage and the possible explanation of parental religious influences on children in such marriages. In particular, this study focused on understanding the religious influences of Muslim fathers in interfaith marriage on their children’s social and emotional development, religion, and dating. The study explored the cultural forces that affect the parenting style of these fathers in raising their children. Additionally, the study looked into the possible theories that may provide an explanation and understanding of the issues at hand. The literature shows that Muslim men are the influential figures in their children’s lives who teach them to incorporate Islamic values in their socialization, personality development, and relations with others. In doing so, Muslim fathers, regardless of the context in which they are raising their children, seek to be engaged, guide, and support their children. However, as members of a social minority group, the influence of these fathers is not as significant as when they are members of the majority group.</p>Mohib Rehman
Copyright (c) 2024 Mohib Rehman
2024-12-312024-12-3132127137Healthcare Decisions in Islam: Key Ethical Considerations
<p>This article explores the intricate relationship between Islamic jurisprudence and healthcare decisions for Muslim patients and their physicians. It covers critical issues such as abortion, biotechnical parenting, HIV, organ donation, brain death, physician-assisted suicide, withdrawal of life support, fasting during Ramazan, blood transfusions, DNR orders, animal-derived medications, and postmortem examinations. Each topic is examined within the framework of Islamic law, highlighting the religious principles that guide medical ethics and practices. The article emphasizes the importance of healthcare providers understanding these religious guidelines to deliver culturally sensitive and ethically appropriate care. By incorporating Islamic legal considerations into medical practice, providers can enhance the respectfulness and effectiveness of treatment for Muslim patients, ensuring their religious and cultural needs are met.</p>Faraz Mansoor
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Faraz Mansoor
2024-12-312024-12-3132138148Across Borders Transnational Cultural Institutional Collaboration in Crisis Recovery
<p>In the wake of crises, it explores the transformative potential of international collaboration among cultural institutions. The study looks at the problems that cultural institutions across borders confront when facing a situation as well as the chances for cooperation and group effort. This chapter emphasizes the significance of cross-cultural relationships in maintaining and developing tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the face of adversity in various locations.</p> <p>It analyses the critical elements that encourage fruitful resource sharing, knowledge exchange, and using digital technology for improved connectedness. To increase international cooperation among museums, galleries, and heritage sites for crisis recovery efforts, it examines the function of cultural diplomacy. It also examines how regional and global cultural organizations, like UNESCO, may promote transnational projects and rally support for institutions of culture strugling due to crises.</p> <p>The study highlights the creative collaboration that has developed during prior crises, highlighting the beneficial effects of cross-cultural communication on increasing understanding and resilience in afflicted communities. In post-crisis circumstances, it highlights the importance of cultural institutions as peacemakers and reconcilers who may cross geographical lines and unite people of different cultures.</p> <p>To improve cross-border cooperation for crisis recovery, Beyond Borders makes proposals for cultural institutions, decision-makers, and international organizations. It places a strong emphasis on developing long-lasting relationships and encouraging a group commitment to preserving cultural history, helping to build global unity and a shared vision for a more diverse and vibrantly cultural world that is free from catastrophe.</p>Dr. Kishwar NaheedDR. Bushra SubhanDr Rizwan Ali Shinwari
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Kishwar Naheed, Dr. Bushra Subhan and Dr. Rizwan Ali Shinwari
2024-12-312024-12-3132149159Methodological Approaches of Contemporary Seerah Writings in the West: An Analytical Study
<p>Western perspectives, which view and portray Eastern religions and cultures through a biased social framework, often perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions about the Islamic world. In the contemporary era, Western writers have introduced new perspectives and analytical frameworks to the study of Seerah. Western methodologies have evolved and adapted to the changing dynamics of global interactions and the complexities of cultural exchanges. The study of the Seerah (biography of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) by Western scholars has been a significant area of academic interest. They have approached the Seerah with various methodologies that often reflect their distinct cultural, intellectual, and sometimes ideological perspectives. This article explores the predominant methodologies employed by western writers, such as the historical-critical method, comparative study, and textual criticism. The historical-critical method analyzes the authenticity of Islamic sources, while textual criticism focuses on the evolution and transmission of Seerah texts. The comparison method involves evaluating different sources or perspectives side by side to identify similarities, differences, and underlying patterns; these methodologies lead to skepticism about established Islamic traditions. Critical analysis of these methodologies identifies the biases, evaluates their credibility, and enhances knowledge that provides insights into the complexities of interpreting historical texts.</p>Lubna IftikharDr. Amir Hayat
Copyright (c) 2024 Lubna Iftikhar and Dr. Amir Hayat
2024-12-312024-12-3132160178Foundational Sources of Western Thought and Civilization: An Historic Exploration from the Islamic Perspective
<p>The contemporary era is considered the most established period of human intellectual history, an age of culmination of human thought, civilization, and philosophy. The diverse theories, unique concepts and innovative ideas have reached their zenith with the intense competition of thought and civilization. In such a competitive scenario, Islamic and Western civilizations have acquired special attention, role, and status in the global sociopolitical context. Every civilization has some special features and elements which make it distinct from others. This study will deliberate the foundational sources of western thought and civilization regarding its historic exploration from within the Islamic context. A historic and analytical research methodology has been adopted for a better understanding of western and Islamic thoughts by comparing different aspects of both perceptions. It is perceived that Western civilization is a mixture of Greco-Roman Civilization including tenets from Judeo-Christian sources which evolved through centuries to reach its current position while the Islamic civilization has revealed footings with a socio-religious and religio-political rich history. Therefore, the impact and status of the two civilizations are different from each other due to distinct epistemological considerations.</p> <p> </p>Dr. Riaz Ahmad SaeedDr. Sabah Naz
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Riaz Ahmad Saeed and Dr. Sabah Naz
2024-12-312024-12-3132179203Images from the Prophet’s Islamic Welfare State: Short Analysis in Pakistan’s Perspective
<p><em>In theory, social welfare encompasses various policies and interventions designed to improve the overall welfare of individuals, families, and communities. It includes economic, health, educational, housing, income maintenance and social support systems that contribute to people’s well-being, and reduce inequality, poverty, and social exclusion. These programs play a crucial role in supporting poor, develop mentally challenged, and disadvantaged groups in society. Policies may also prevent social disintegration and maintain equilibrium.</em></p> <p><em>The Prophet Muhammad’s model of a welfare state, established on Divine Guidelines and exemplified in his lifetime and the early Islamic community of Medeenah, is an idealized concept. It recognized that true well-being encompasses all dimensions of human life emphasizing governance, justice, equality, and compassion as well as moral, spiritual, social wellbeing and political dimensions for all members of society. While its principles are universally relevant, this paper considers its applicability in Pakistan’s perspective.</em></p>Badr Hashemi
Copyright (c) 2024 Badr Hashemi
2024-12-312024-12-3132204230Concordance of Islamic Concepts of Allah and Malaa’ykaas and Hindu Concepts of Brahman and Devtas
<p>The article provides a comparative study of the Holy Quran and Hindu texts to highlight both their concordances and differences. Notable similarities include: the portrayal of the universe as initially unified before becoming separated; the omnipresence of Allah or Brahman in all existence; the concepts of rewards and punishments in the afterlife; the notion of a timeless beginning; and the view of the material world as a purposeful journey towards Allah/Brahman. The numerous angels in Islam can be compared to the 33 types of Devtas in Hinduism, with both traditions affirming that these celestial beings do not consume food or drink. Both traditions acknowledge the existence of malevolent entities that challenge divine authority and disrupt human life. Both traditions also attribute specific functions to certain angels or devtas. However, Hinduism describes the separation of cosmic entities Purusha and Viraj as an inherent, self-initiated process rather than the action of an external force.</p> <p>The Islamic concept tells of permanence of Jannat (Heaven) versus the Hindu concept telling of temporariness of Swarga (Heaven). However, if we consider the term “unless your Lord may will otherwise” in Al-Qur’an (11:106-108), then the common understanding becomes that the souls go to heaven (or hell) until their time is exhausted as decided by Allah. Additionally, unlike Islam, where Satan i.e. Iblees is a singular figure, Hinduism encompasses Rakshasas as a broader category of malevolent spirits.</p>Bharat JhunjhunwalaZainab Asif Husain
Copyright (c) 2024 Bharat Jhunjhunwala and Zainab Asif Husain
2024-12-312024-12-3132231246The Role of Islamic Ethical Frameworks and Organizations in Addressing Climate Change: Case Studies of Islamic Countries' Contributions to Environmental Sustainability
<p><em>The focus of this paper is on illustrating the contribution of Islamic ethics in facing the challenge of climate change, firming up the argument which makes Islam very distinctive in this regard. Core Islamic values like Khilafah (the stewardship), Amanah (the trust), Tawhid (Oneness of Allah) are among the several constants that define Islam’s capability of tackling the challenges of every era. The research uses case studies of selected Islamic countries which include Indonesia, Morocco, United Arab Emirates and Bangladesh. Initiatives taken in above Muslim countries such as the renewable energy programs in Indonesia or the Noor Solar Complex in Morocco or Masdar city in UAE are noteworthy examples. The case of Islamic ethical models of these countries in integrating renewable energy projects in urban development and community-based climate change approaches has portrayed the positive perception of Islam. In conclusion, the case studies provided a clear insight into how Islamic organizations have been able to introduce reforms at grassroots level, in policy making and implementation of best practices. This research bridges faith with sustainability and asserts the importance of Islamic ethics in the above mentioned goals and objectives, providing a culturally appropriate and reasonable perspective into the climate issue which is among the greatest challenges in the world today.</em></p>Basheer AhmedSaifullah Bhutto
Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Basheer Ahmed Dars and Dr. Saifullah Bhutto