فہمِ قرآن میں اسباب نزول کی افادیت
The usefulness of the means of revelation in the understanding of the Qur'an
Tabshir, Qur'an, Happiness, Difficulties, Patience, Self-purification.Abstract
The Holy Qur'an is the best book of all the books of the world. The most read book in the world is only the Holy Qur'an. The sciences and books written for the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an are more than all the sciences and books that have been written for the explanation of any other knowledge or book. The sciences that have been formulated to understand the meanings and demands of the Holy Qur'an and to gain a correct understanding of its meaning are called “The Sciences of the Holy Qur'an” (Uloom ul Qur'an). One of the most important discussions in the Qur'anic Sciences is the “Causes of Revelation” (Asbab e Nuzool).
Reasons for revelation are of fundamental importance in determining the meanings and connotations of the verses. That’s why, it is very important for the reader of the Holy Qur'an to know the causes of revelation and all the necessary matters related to it. In the article under review, introduction of the “Causes of Revelation”, their importance and benefits in interpreting the Qur'anic verses, the principal and rule of “Causes of Revelation”, their relevance with correlation of verses, the opinion of the scholars regarding it and many other related issues will be discussed.
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