اوراد و وظائف سے متعلق من گھڑت روایات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ

A Research Study of Fabricated Traditions regarding Aurad O Wazaïf


  • Dr Hifsa Munawar The university of Faisalabad
  • Malaika Aslam The University of Faisalabad.


comtemporary realities,, fabricated, , social values,, Tradition,, culture and education.


In the present era the interplay between contemporary realities and fabricated traditions within culture and education has emerged as a significant area of inquiry. Contemporary traditions refer to newly emerged practices that reflect current societal values and technological advancements, while fabricated traditions involve practices consciously created to appear rooted in historical or cultural continuity. This Abstract explores the duality of these fabricated traditions, how thwy simultaneously preserve and innovate cultural and educational landscapes. This examination underscores the importance of discerning authenticity from fabrication White embracing the fluidity of culture and education in an ever-evolvong globle context.

Key words: comtemporary realities, fabricated, societal values, traditions, authenticity, culture and education


