ظروف اور ان کے استعمال کے متعلق ہدایات نبویﷺ

Prophet's instructions regarding utensils and their use


  • Humaira Altaf M.Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Women University Multan
  • Dr. Kalsoom Paracha Vice Chancelor/Chairperson, Department of Islamic Studies, Women University Multan


Manners, Growth and Guidance, The evils and immorality, Moderate


Allah Almighty has ordered to follow the good manners of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) because his good manners are the source of growth and guidance for all human beings and the solution to the problems faced by human life is not possible without understanding the character and applying it in one's life. In this age, the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ and his virtues should be refreshed in the hearts of Muslims so that the evils and immorality spreading in the society can be stopped and the Muslim Ummah, especially the youth, should be brought back to the teachings of shame and modesty. Imitating the people of the West and non-Muslims, the youth of the Muslim Ummah have left behind the basic teachings of Islam, and instead of following the teachings of Islam and being proud of it; they are imitating Jews and Christians in their ways of life and manners. They consider it a source of pride. One of the most important aspects of biography in the present age is related to the events attributed to the Holy Prophet. That is why the Prophet's teachings regarding the use of utensils are eternal and a source of guidance for all humanity.The Prophet ﷺ always ordered the use of utensils that are moderate and beyond extravagance. What is forbidden to eat and drink can be known about them.  Shariat Islam has declared eating and drinking in gold and silver vessels as extravagance.


