PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
<p style="direction: rtl;">تحقیقی مجلہ"پیام"شعبہ اقبالیات، جامعہ اسلامیہ بہاول پور کے زیرِ اہتمام شائع ہونے والا سالانہ تحقیقی جریدہ ہے جو ایچ۔ ای۔ سی کی منظورشدہ Y کیٹیگری میں شامل ہے ۔اس کا آغاز 2022ء سے کیا گیا۔۔اس تحقیقی مجلے کے مدیر شعبۂ اقبالیات کے صدرنشین ڈاکٹر محمد رفیق الاسلام ہیں۔</p>Department of Iqbal Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpuren-USPAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)2959-2283Initial Pages
<p><strong>پیام</strong> کا دوسرا شمارہ بارگاہِ رب العزت میں سجدہ تشکر کے ساتھ پیش کیا جارہا ہے کہ ہائیرایجوکیشن کمیشن نے اس جریدے کو وائی(<strong>Y</strong>) کیٹیگری میں منظور کرلیا ہے۔اِ س کامرانی پر ہم قومی و بین الاقوامی مجلسِ مشاورت، مجلسِ ادارت ، مبصرین کرام (Reviewers) اور اسلامیہ یونیورسٹی کےدفتر برائے تحقیق و ایجادات و تجارت کاری(<strong>ORIC</strong>) کے انتہائی شکر گزار ہیں کہ جن کے بروقت اور بھرپور تعاون نے اِس کامیابی کو جلد ممکن بنایا۔</p> <p>دورِ حاضر میں نسلِ نو کو عزم و ہمت کی کمک اگر کہیں سے میسر ہوسکتی ہے تو وہ تعلیماتِ اقبال ؒ ہیں۔ افکارِ اقبال میں جذبۂ عمل کا ایسا خزانہ موجود ہے جسے ہر فرد ِ فرداکےسامنے پیش کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ خودی اور حرکت و عمل کے پیام کی بدولت بطنِ انساں میں ایسا جوش پیدا کیا جاسکتاہے کہ جس سے تعمیرِ وطن و جہاں کے لیے مثبت انقلاب بپا ہونا ممکن ہے۔ محققین نے اقبال پر کسی بھی تخلیق کار کی نسبت سب سے زیادہ کام کیا ہے اور یہ سلسلہ تاحال جاری و ساری ہے۔ دورِ حاضر کے تمام مصائب کا حل آزاد فرد کے ہر لمحے میں موجود ہے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ علامہ اقبال نے فکری غلامی سے اجتناب کا درس دیا ہے۔ انھوں نے "ہندی مکتب " کے عنوان سے نظم میں واضح کیا ہے:</p> <p>آزاد کا ہر لحظہ <em>پیامِ</em> اَبدیّت<br>محکوم کا ہر لحظہ نئی مرگِ مفاجات</p> <p>شعبہ اقبالیات اپنے کم وسائل کے باجود کامیابی کے سفر پر گامزن ہے۔ بی ایس، ایم فل، پی ایچ ڈی اور پوسٹ ڈاکٹریٹ پروگرامز کا کامیاب آغاز، بین الاقوامی کانفرنس ،متعدد سیمینارز ،سہ روزہ اور دس روزہ تقریبات اورجامعہ نورمبارک قازقستان میں مرکز برائے مطالعاتِ اقبال کا افتتاح ایسے کارہائے نمایاں ہیں کہ جن کا صرف اڑھائی سال کے مختصر وقت میں وقوع پذیر ہونا یقیناً اس بات کی دلیل ہے کہ فکرِ اقبال سے رہنمائی لے کر عزمِ مصمم سے راہِ زیست پر گامزن ہوا جائے تو کامیابی خودہی بڑھ کے قدم چوم لیتی ہے۔</p> <p>"پیام " کی مجلسِ ادارت نے کبھی بھی نامساعد حالات کا شکوہ نہیں کیا بلکہ اقبالیاتی شمع جلانے کی ذمہ داری سنبھالتے ہوئے ہمیشہ علم کا اُجالا پھیلانے کی سعی کی ہے۔ہم بہ غرضِ اشاعت موصول ہونے والے مقالات میں سے تحقیقی طور پر مستند اورعمدہ مقالات آپ کی خدمت میں پیش کرنے جارہے ہیں۔اِس ضمن میں ہمارے مبصرین نے بلاشبہ اپنی آزادانہ اور بے لاگ آراء کا حق ادا کیا ہے۔ہم اُن کے انتہائی شکرگزار ہیں۔تمام مقالہ نگاران کا شکریہ کہ انہوں نے اپنی تحقیقی کاوشوں سے نوازا۔شیخ الجامعہ پروفیسر ڈاکٹرنوید اختر اور پروفیسر ڈاکٹر جاوید حسان چانڈیو، ڈین فیکلٹی آف آرٹس اینڈ لینگویجز کا شکریہ ادا کرنا ہمارا فرض ہے کہ جن کی سرپرستی اورحوصلہ افزائی نے ہمیں اس قابل بنایا ۔ محققین سے استدعا ہے کہ وہ اقبالیات ، تصوف اور اسلامی ادب سے متعلق تحقیقی نگارشات بروقت ارسال کریں تاکہ خوب سے خوب تر کا ہمارا یہ سفرجاری و ساری رہے۔</p> <p>ربِ <em>خاتم النبین</em> عزوجل و ﷺ ہمارا محافظ و مہربا ن ہو! آمین</p> <p> </p> <p>محمد رفیق الا<em>سلا</em>م</p> <p> (مدیر و صدر شعبہ)</p>Muhammad Asghar
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-3021112کلامِ اقبال میں رجائیت اور مستقبل شناسی کا عنصر
<p>In the early years of the twentieth century, the world of Islam was going through a turbulent period. Most of the Muslim countries have become slaves to the colonial powers of Europe.Muslims were not only economically and politically defeated by Western countries but had also accepted the supremacy of the West on an intellectual level. This state of defeat was even worse than political slavery. In these circumstances, Iqbal predicted the renaissance of Muslims and the decline of Western colonialism. Iqbal was studying at Cambridge University at the time and wrote a poem in 1907 that was published in the monthly "MAKHZAN" and later included in "BANG-E-DARA." This period was the height of the British Empire and the end of despair for the Muslims of India. Most of the Muslim thinkers and reformers did not have the hope that the world of Islam would stand on its own two feet again and find a dignified place among the nations of the world. Hali was lamenting the loss of Muslim greatness in "Masdus Madujzar Islam" and the concept of Muslim renaissance was not in his mind. In this paper, the element of futurism in Kalam-e-Iqbal has been highlighted.</p> <p> </p>Muhammad Hamza Farooqi
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-30211333اقبال اور مسئلہ فلسطین
<p><em>As a Muslim thinker and philosopher, Iqbal had a clear vision of the future of Muslims. He strongly condemned the settlement of Jews in Palestine and its subsequent declaration as a regular Zionist state and termed it as a permanent means of intervention by the colonial powers in the Muslim world, time proved his thought to be true. Therefore, even today, despite the presence of all the resolutions of the United Nations, no practical measures have been taken to protect the lives and property of the Palestinian people. Israel, in its aggression, has crossed all the limits of humanity and is raining fire and ammunition day and night on the Palestinians in their genocide. In this article, Allama Iqbal's concerns and subsequent suggestions to Islamic world regarding the issue of Palestine, will be discussed.</em></p>Dr. Shagufta FirdousDr. Yasmin Kousar
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-30213443تفکرات اقبال میں کونیات کے مباحث
<p>Iqbal considered it essential to convey his thoughts to the younger generation through his speeches. His poetry and sermons both aimed to understand the conscious effort to comprehend the thought-provoking discussions that spanned from the beginning to the end of human existence. These works essentially sought to elevate human consciousness, expressing the foundation of religion as spirituality.One of the subjects among these themes is his conception of the cosmos. According to Iqbal, it is necessary for the human race to make every possible effort to understand the mysteries of planet Earth. Iqbal's thoughts, ideas, and practical sphere prove to be immensely helpful at every level in understanding the manifestations of human nature. The subject of this article is the concept of the elevation of the cosmos. To encompass the vastness of this subject, an attempt will be made to understand the poetry of Iqbal and his Sermons.</p>Mehreen Jahangeer
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-30214453علامہ اقبال اور تجدیدِ تصوف: تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ
<p>This study investigates the contemporary interpretation and application of Sufism in the East, focusing on Iqbal's Sufi ideals. Beyond analyzing Iqbal's own works, it explores broader Sufi literature. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, a staunch advocate for restoring Islamic Sufism to its authentic form, criticized elements diverging from its original principles. Emphasizing the transformation of the human ego, he advocated for the cultivation of divine attributes over ego erasure. Using a mixed methodology, the research concludes that traditional Sufism is responsible for the decline of Muslims, positioning Iqbal as a key figure in the revival of a Sufism that inspires proactive engagement.</p>Dr. Tariq Javed TariqMuhammad Irshad
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-30215464اقبال کی فارسی شعرگوئی
<p>The Persian poetry of Allama Muhammad Iqbal is an extraordinary exposition of his poetical wisdom, philosophical thinking and his everlasting message for Ummah. When Allama Iqbal started to write in Persian, it was the language of many Muslim countries. Allama Iqbal opted Persian for his poetic creation due to three reasons; the natural aptitude of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, academic impact on his educational development and contemporary demand of the time. Allama Iqbal started writing in Persian in between 1896 to 1900. The one of important dimension of the Persian poetry of Allama Iqbal is his intuitional genius which is reflected in his Persian poetry more effectively than in Urdu. As when he was writing his early Urdu poems like "Spas Janab Amir", "Nalae Yateem", and "Shukriya Angushtary" the Persian verses were also a part of these poems. Maximum of his versus, written to deduct the death date of diseased, were written in Persian.</p> <p>The deep study of Persian literary and philosophical tradition during his PHD studies, he was furthermore engaged in profound study of Persian poetry. The mystical tradition of Persian Poetry had also deep impact on Allama Muhammad Iqbal. That is why; his first book was written on the pattern of Masnavi of Boo Ali Qalandar.</p>Hassan Razza Iqbali
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-30216593عصر حاضر کےمسائل اور فکرَاقبال
<p> Terrorism is the most critical problem faced by the Islamic World these days. Other problems include lack of education, unity, strong belief, enthusiasm, materialistic approach, corruption and dishonesty, injustice, inferiority complex, social segmentation, inappropriate use of social media. It is very difficult to get out of the tornado of problems which the Islamic world is facing right now. There is violence and injustice everywhere with extreme bloodshed of Muslims around the world. Every dawn brings more and more misery with itself. We have drifted away from the path of Allah and the fear of the Day of Judgment. Lack of education has worsened the situation even more. Islamic world was blessed to have a jewel like Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal who was a splendid poet and a great thinker. Iqbal presented his ideology of "Khudi" which highlighted the problems faced by Muslims these days but unfortunately the Muslim world has ignored his teachings whereas the West has truly benefitted from them. When the west was focused on developing educational institutions, the Muslim rulers were busy in jewelling their empires with lavish gardens and eye catching architecture. As a result, the west surpassed the Muslims in the fields of science and technology, modern inventions, medical and engineering whereas the Muslims lagged behind. In order to improve the existing bleak situation we need to devise an effective strategy. The solution to all our problems lies in Allama Iqbal's poetry. Iqbal was the one who could foresee the future. He already knew about the problems the Muslim world will have to face in the future. His famous Ideology of "Khudi" if implemented in its true sense can eliminate all our current problems.</p>Dr Bismina SirajDr Robina Rashid Awan
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-302194100 پاپولر فکشن میں تصوف کی پیش کش : تنقیدی مطالعہ
<p>Mysticism is an ancient term, which is not only a collection of spiritual and inner values, but also the name of sincerity and kindness in intellectual, social and cultural aspects. Mysticism is the source of the relationship between the Creator and the creatures to create the universe, which researchers and scholars have divided into the theory of unity of existence and the theory of unity of witness, respectively. Due to these ideas, Mysticism established far-reaching affirmations on Urdu language and literature. In this context Urdu and Persian poets made different topics of Mysticism (contentment, trust, negation, selfishness, coercion and authority, real knowledge of intuition) as the main theme in his poetry. Later, in Urdu prose, especially in Urdu novels, novelists made Mysticism the main and secondary theme through the dialogues of the characters. In this paper, various themes of Mysticism have been covered in these Urdu novels, which we keep in the category of popular literature or novels. These include Aleem-ul-Haq Haqqi's "Ishq Ka Sen" and Hashim Nadeem's "Khuda aur Muhabat". A study of these novels suggests that their themes are purely religious in nature and the facts of life are presented in a rich manner in the guise of Mysticism.</p>Dr.Kamran ShahzadDr.Naeema Bibi NaeemaHafsa sania Hafsa
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-3021101111خطوط اقبال اور مباحث تصوف
<p>Allama Iqbal awoke the Muslim Umma. Iqbal was a true Muslim. He induced the Muslims with the real Spirit of Islam with his inspiring poetry. Iqbal’s letters are of great importance. These letters reflect his religious thoughts. He pointed out the non-Islamic features of mysticism. Iqbal has no objection on Islamic mysticism but on Persian mysticism. His letters clearly differentiate Islamic mysticism and Persian. He gives the lesson of Jihad rather than Monasticism. He insists and preaches for Islamic revolution.</p>Farah Noreen
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-3021112126شہاب دہلوی کی مرثیہ گوئی
<p>Shahab Dehlavi is a unique eulogist/elegy writer. Sitting far from the center in Bahawalpur division, he not only wrote the elegy, but his elegies decorated with all the elements of elegy, is a great addition to the tradition of eulogy/elegy. His elegies not only have deep affinity with Ahl-e- Bayt-e-Athar, but they also contain a strong, unique and positive message.</p>Munir Ahmad Munir AhmadMuhammad Yousuf Yousuf Noon
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)
2023-12-302023-12-3021127143اقبال اور فختے کا تصور ِ خودی
<p>This article delves deep into the philosophical groundings of the two influential thinkers, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, a renowned poet-philosopher of the East, and Johann Gottlieb Fichte, one of the major thinkers in German idealism, discussing their respective understandings of the human Self. The examination of Iqbal's and Fichte's philosophical frameworks reveals intriguing and interesting affinities and divergences in their conceptualization of selfhood, consciousness, and the role of the individual in shaping reality. It offers unique perspectives on the nature of the Self, its relationship with the external world, and its potential for self-realization. The article employs a comparative and analytical approach to highlight shared themes and disparities, shedding light on various ontological, epistemological and axiological contexts that influenced these thinkers. Through a comprehensive analysis of primary texts and critical scholarships, this article contributes to a vast and deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in the concept of the human Self as expounded by Iqbal and Fichte, stimulating cross-cultural dialogue within the broader philosophical discourse.</p>Dr. Muhammad Ejaz ul Haq
Copyright (c) 2024 PAYAM (Research Journal of Iqbal Studies)