Pakistan Journal of Qur’ānic Studies 2024-07-20T06:04:26+00:00 Prof. Dr. Zia ur Rehman Open Journal Systems <p>The Pakistan Journal of Qur’ānic Studies ISSN: 2958-9177 (Print), ISSN: 2958-9185 (Online), HEC recognized in "Y" category, is a bi-annual and tri-lingual (Urdu, Arabic &amp; English) research journal of Qur’ānic Studies, Islamic Studies, Religious Studies, and Theology, which was established in March 2022. PJQS - Pakistan Journal of Qur’ānic Studies is a double-blind peer reviewed and open-access research journal published by the Department of Qur’ānic Studies, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The Journal’s aim is to create a comprehensive and global understanding of Islam, to create a positive change in a common man's attitude and behavior, to promote scholarly research on the modern-age complexities and problems and finding their solutions in the light of the true teachings of Islam. The research journal is being published according to the HEC Policy.</p> <p><strong>Editor:</strong><strong><br />Prof. Dr. Zia ur Rehman<br /></strong>Chairman Department of Qur’ānic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan</p> Introduction, Types and Legal Status of Qiraat e Shaazah 2024-06-29T09:55:54+00:00 sharafat Ali Sajida Bibi <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> <p>Qiraat E Qur'an is the basic and important source of all knowledge. The reference and source of authentic Qiraat is divine revelation. The knowledge of Qiraat is not ijtihad, but it is proven by listening and copying. Ijtihad and opinion do not interfere in it. The Qiraats that are being recited today are part of the seven letters that were revealed to the Messenger of Allah. It can be recited in prayer. Apart from these, all other Qiraats are Shaazah. Whether Qiraat is Mutawatarah or Shaazah, Qiraat is an important part and axis of all sciences. Qiraat plays an important role in all Arabic sciences. Qiraat E Shaazah is unique and separate from Qiraat E Mutawatarah in terms of ritual. Qiraat E Shaazah is applied to all the recitations that are other than the Mutawatara, whether they are proven by an authentic chain of transmission or a weak chain of transmission. In order to save the Ummah from the danger of going astray, the Islamic scholars started recitations in the light of the Shariah texts. Since then they have established the principles on the basis of which they separated Qiraat E Shaazah from Qiraat E Mutawatirah forever. All the scholars of the Ummah agree that Qiraat is not the Qur'an.</p> <p>Recitation of Shazah is rejected, it is forbidden to include them in the Mushaf. Recitation of Qirat Shazah in prayer will invalidate the prayer in any case, it will be necessary to repeat it, whether it is recited as a dhikr or as a narration. However, if a person recites Qiraat Shaazah as a dhikr after the prayer, then the prayer will not be invalid. Since the recitations are not from the Holy Qur'an, their recitation in prayer is forbidden. Whoever will knowingly insist on reciting them, Ameer ul Momineen must prevent him in every possible way.</p> <p> </p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sharafat Ali, Sajida Bibi Selected Orientalists For 21st Century: Moderates & Who Accepted Islam, A Research Overview. 2024-02-02T10:39:35+00:00 Muhammad Tahir Akbar <ul> <li>ABSTRACT:</li> </ul> <p><em>Generally, people from non-Muslim countries who claim expertise in the Middle East, Islam and Oriental studies are called Orientalists. There are basically two types of them: One is those who have a very hateful attitude towards the religion of Islam and through their writings and speeches criticize the religion of Islam, Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerat Tayyaba </em><em>ﷺ</em><em> and Islamic history.</em></p> <p><em> Most of the Orientalists have a long list of hateful attitude towards Islam and their aim is just to criticize for the sake of criticism and to discourage the people of non-Muslim countries from accepting Islam. Compared to the biased Orientalists, there are some Orientalists who follow the path of moderation and do not criticize unjustly. They make some mistakes in their writing and speech, but generally their attitude is moderate.</em></p> <p><em> </em><em>Some of the orientalists who hate the religion of Islam or the moderate orientalists are inspired by Islamic teachings and accept Islam. In this research article, a brief introduction of some selected, moderate &amp; those Orientalists who accepted Islam in 21st century has been presented. Also, the increasing rate of acceptance of Islam in the Western world due to the research works of Muslim scholars and translations of the Holy Quran, Hadith of the Prophet </em><em>ﷺ</em><em>, Fiqh and History of Islam in Western languages at the beginning of the 21<sup>st</sup> century has also been examined.</em></p> <p> </p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Tahir Akbar An Analytical Study of: Quranic Methodology of Istid’lal 2024-06-30T13:16:29+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Umar Farooq Dr. Abdul Rehman <p>When a person talks, he also establishes an argument against his claimant in that conversation, and the claim is accepted biassed on high and admissible basis of the argument. He does not have a solid argument, and an argument is a reason that ensures the truth or falsity of a statement or position, and the defendant's affirmation depends on the argument.</p> <p>The subject of the Holy Qur'an is man and the way a man talks in his normal life and then the styles and methods he adopts in his conversation. Holy Qur'an also adopts the same style to convey its message and talks in the style of speech adopted by man. For this reason, the Holy Qur'an adopted other methods and styles such as warnings, similes, descriptions, summaries, explanations and ironies.&nbsp; One of the methods of human conversation is to present one's claim with an argument. Therefore, presenting the claim with an argument is one of the most important methods in the Qur'anic styles and methods. In what ways and methods has he presented arguments against&nbsp;his&nbsp;plaintiff? So focused in this acritical to present qur’anic methodology of <em>Istid’lal</em>.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Muhammad Umar Farooq, Dr. Abdul Rehman An Analysis of Criticism on Wahi e Khafī and Ilhām (Specific study of the objections of Ghulam Ahmed Parvez) 2024-06-27T06:02:49+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Akram Dr. Umm-e-Laila <p>This study examines Ghulam Ahmad Parwez's critique of the concept of "Wahi Khafi" and presents the scholarly opinions of other critics of Sufism. The analysis aims to reach a definitive understanding through a detailed examination. According to Parwez, the cessation of prophethood marked the end of all forms of revelation and inspiration. He contends that the belief in "Wahi Khafi" is fabricated and borrowed from Jewish traditions, asserting that there is no mention of such types of revelation in the early Islamic period and that the concept forms the basis of Sufism. Parwez articulates his views in "The Reality of Sufism," describing the development of the concept and attributing its formulation to Imam Shafi'i.</p> <p>Furthermore, the study reviews the perspectives of other scholars such as Syed Maududi, Dr. Israr Ahmad, and Javed Ahmad Ghamidi on "Wahi Khafi," who generally support the concept. It explores the definitions and instances of revelation from Quranic and Hadith sources, examining the linguistic and terminological meanings of "Wahi," and how it applies in religious contexts.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Muhammad akram, Dr. Umm-e-Laila The concept of benefiting from mortgaged items and its analysis 2024-06-14T13:11:53+00:00 Dr. Abdul Rehman Umme Aymen Abdul Razzaq <p>Among the most basic human rights is the protection of wealth, life and honor, and in fact the Islamic Sharia is the only perfect code of life in which principles have been formulated to secure these three basic human rights according to natural requirements. Among these rights, wealth is the guarantor of the economic life of a person. But sometimes a person does not have wealth to fulfill his needs, so he has to get wealth from others in the form of loan. In such cases, Islamic Sharia has introduced the rules of borrowing and Qarz-e-Hasna (benevolent loan), which not only fulfill people's financial needs but also increase mutual love between them, as a result, an atmosphere of peace is established in the society. But due to the social effects, the tendency of people to give loans is decreasing, there may be many reasons, but one of the main reasons is the failure of the borrower to pay the loan، which causes financial loss to the lender. In this regard, Islamic Sharia has introduced the rules of mortgage here, so that if the debtor is unable to pay the loan within the stipulated time, the borrower can protect his money from the mortgaged thing. But, the issue extends further when the mortgagee desires to benefit from the mortgaged thing. The question arises whether this is permissible according to Sharia or not, and under what conditions the mortgagee can utilize the mortgaged thing. There are both agreed and differing opinions on this matter. This discussion investigates the permissibility or impermissibility of the mortgagee's utilization of the mortgaged thing based on scholarly research.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Abdul Rehman، Umme Aymen Abdul Razzaq The Characteristics of "Surah Al-Fatiha" in Light of the Authentic and Fabricated Ahadith: An Analytical Study 2024-01-23T12:22:16+00:00 Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri <p>"Surah Al-Fatiha" holds a prominent place within the Holy Qur’an and one of its most distinctive attributes is that it serves as the Quran's opening chapter and integral to the validity of prayers. Its virtues have been mentioned in numerous Prophetic traditions and it has unique characteristics that indicate its influence in bringing benefits, warding off harm, alleviating calamities, and healing the sick. This research conducts a comprehensive analysis of the Ahadith pertaining to this Surah, elucidating its attributes based on authentic Ahadith. Additionally, it discerns and highlights instances where fabricated Ahadith and superstitious beliefs have been inaccurately associated with the attributes of this Surah. The research consists of two sections. The initial section offers an introductory exploration of the Surah, encompassing its definition, the circumstances and location of its revelation, as well as the number of its verses and its names. The subsequent section focuses on explaining what has been mentioned in authentic Ahadith regarding the characteristics of this Surah and alerts to what has been mentioned about its characteristics in fabricated Ahadith and superstitious beliefs associated with its attributes. In this study, the researcher has adopted two approaches: the inductive approach and the analytical approach. The inductive approach was utilized to compile and track the authentic Ahadith pertaining to the excellence and characteristics of this Surah and what has been mentioned about it in terms of fabricated Ahadith and superstitions. On the other hand, the analytical approach was used to analyze the texts of these Ahadith and extract their underlying meanings. The study has been concluded with significant outcomes.</p> 2024-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri The Approach of Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Uthaymeen in Solving the Contradiction of the Qur’an in its Interpretation (Surah Al-Kahf as an Example) 2024-05-25T10:19:34+00:00 Tawseef Ahmad bhat Ahsan Alahi Zaheer <p>Abstract:</p> <p>The research dealt with the types and styles that are the principle of some problems at all levels, starting with the verses of Surat Al-Kahf, which apparently and seemingly contradict with other verses, in addition to the relationship between some noble hadiths and some Qur’anic verses that may clash at first sight, through the linguistic ambiguity and complications that has been presented by some disbelievers, agnostic and the atheists of current era. However, they forget that the Noble Qur’an was revealed by Allah Almighty in eloquent Arabic language to the masters of eloquence, rhetoric and fluency, and they didn’t find or were eager to find any such ambiguity in this Holy Book. Therefore, this does not touched their hearts and they believed on this literary divine piece of literature without any suspicion and made endeavors in preserving and protecting it as it was revealed on the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The researcher has presented the applied examples of Surah Al- Kahf and described the stance and position of Sheikh Al-Uthaymeen about the problems and contradictions and the reasons behind this. The research finally discusses his methodology and approach in solving the said problem. In this article, analytical and descriptive methodology has been used.</p> <p> </p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tawseef Ahmad Bhat, Ahsan Alahi Zaheer women empowerment in the light of islamic values 2024-06-06T05:08:45+00:00 Zaid Haris Prof. Dr khalid Abdul Nabi <p>Abstract:</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Allah (SWT) has created both men and women without subordination of one another. Islam has ensured women’s rights in every sphere of their life. Islam has guaranteed rights of men and women in an equal degree and there is no discrimination between men and women.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The core implication of this research is that it will play a vital role to eliminate prevailing misconceptions regarding women rights in Islam and to ensure the rights, dignity and status of women as given in Islam. This study will open a new avenue for scholars who will be able to contribute their knowledge and wisdom to ensure the position of women as given in Islam.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zaid Haris, Prof. Dr khalid Abdul Nabi Comprehensive Understanding of “Thumma Lā Yutbi'ūna Mā Anfaqū Mannan Walā Adhan” Mentioned in Verse 2:262 of Al-Qur’an 2024-04-09T08:32:52+00:00 Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Spending wealth in the way of Allah (SWT) is a significant act, enjoined for the Muslim people, that brings blessings and great rewards from Allah (SWT). However, as stated in verse 2:262 of Al-Qur’an, the reward of spending would be ensured if we don’t follow up the spending with “Mannan (favor)” and not with “Adhan (hurt/injury).” The clause <em>“thumma </em><em>lā yutbi'ūna mā anfaqū mannan walā a</em><em>dhan</em><em>”</em> of this verse has been interpreted as, “then (they) do not publicize (tell) their favor after having spent, nor cause any hurt (injury or distress) to those on whom they have spent.” This interpretation refers to the recipients of spending as needy people, such as relatives, orphans, beggars, etc. who are usually within the reach of the donors. However, as narrated in the first part of verse 2:262, “those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah (SWT),” the spending should refer to a wide range of recipients. Some examples of recipients of spending, other than the needy people, are Masjids, educational institutions, charitable institutions, logistic supports for Jihad, orphanage centers, etc. which are out of direct reach of the donors. In these cases, it is not possible to tell any recipient about this favor or to incur any injury by hurtful words. Therefore, it may be expected to have an updated interpretation applicable to all the recipients of spending in the way of Allah (SWT). This research aims to find a comprehensive interpretation and understanding of the clause “<em>thumma </em><em>lā yutbi'ūna mā anfaqū mannan walā a</em><em>dhan</em>,” as mentioned in verse 2:262 of Al-Qur’an. For this purpose, some notable areas of spending in the way of Allah (SWT) and the limitations of the existing interpretations of this clause have been identified. Finally, an updated interpretation of the mentioned clause has been perceived. The updated interpretation provides us with a comprehensive understanding of “<em>thumma </em><em>lā yutbi'ūna mā anfaqū mannan walā a</em><em>dhan</em>" mentioned in verse 2:262 of Al-Qur’an.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid Fastening the Bond with the Qur’an in the Fasting Period: A Study of RamadᾹn Tafsīr in Ilorin, Nigeria 2024-04-14T16:39:45+00:00 Uthman Mohammed Mustapha Kannike AbdulHameed Badmas Yusuf <ul> <li><strong>Abstract</strong></li> <li>This study explores the significance of Ramaḍān Tafsīr, the exegesis of the Qur’an during the fasting month of Ramaḍān, in Ilorin, Nigeria. Ramaḍān Tafsīr represents a pivotal tradition in Islamic practice, serving as a means for Muslims to deepen their understanding of the Qur’an and strengthen their spiritual connection during the holy month. Through qualitative research methods, including interview, participant observation, and textual analysis, this study investigates the role of Ramaḍān Tafsīr in fostering religious devotion, community cohesion, and moral development among Muslims in Ilorin as well as the socio-cultural dynamics shaping the practice in the local context. It examines the Tafsīr history in the town, the content, delivery methodologies, and audience engagement strategies employed by Tafsīr scholars and other major role players in the Tafsīr centres. Beside the Mufassir, who is the main interpreter of the Qur’an, explanation are offered concerning the major players who are recognised in the local context as Ajanasi and Arowasi. This study offers insights into the multifaceted impacts of Ramaḍān Tafsīr on individual religious identity formation and communal solidarity by elucidating the experiences and perceptions of both scholars and participants. Furthermore, it sheds light on the enduring relevance of traditional Islamic pedagogical methods in contemporary Nigerian society, highlighting the resilience and adaptability of religious practices in response to evolving socio-cultural developments. The offered recommendations include promoting accessible and inclusive Tafsīr session, utilizing technology for wider outreach and supporting continued education for Tafsīr scholars.</li> </ul> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Uthman Mohammed Mustapha Kannike, AbdulHameed Badmas Yusuf A Reflection On Surah AL-ISRA’ 2024-03-27T19:51:29+00:00 Tanveer Azmat <p><strong>Abstract</strong> </p> <p> The reflection on <em>Surah al-Isra’</em> (The Night Journey) is an attempt to show how the <em>surah</em> (chapter) is an integral whole of meaning. Each <em>ayah</em> (verse) of the <em>surah</em> connects with the two main themes of the <em>surah</em> – Meccan polytheists objections to the Prophet’s message and God’s responses, and the believers’ impatience asking for the punishment of the polytheists in the eleventh year of the Prophet’s teaching in Mecca. The example of the Children of Isra’il in the <em>surah</em> serves the purpose of informing the polytheists of their coming reward or punishment based on accepting or rejecting the Prophet’s message. When we study the <em>surah</em> as a unity of meaning, i.e., all ayat (verses) connect in meaning with each other, the discontinuity in the narrative disappears. For example, ayah 1 is about Isra’ (night journey) but then connected with a <em>wa</em> (and) in ayah 2 with the story of Moses. The two subjects have no connection, but a deep connection exists. The difficult circumstance in the eleventh year of the Prophet’s preaching required to show the Prophet God’s great signs that God was in full control. Therefore, the believers shall remain patient. Whereas the ayah 2 poses a threat to the polytheists by narrating the story of Moses and his followers when they disobeyed. The <em>surah</em> is full of such discontinuities. For each discontinuity, the paper will show the hidden connection. The reflection on the Qur’an then becomes a process of discovering hidden meaning threads among the <em>ayat </em>of the <em>surah</em>. The beauty of a narrative is in its flow of ideas without discontinuities. Further, it fulfills the idea of a <em>surah</em> as a boundary within which certain ideas exist and others excluded based on the principle of making certain key points. Reading a <em>surah</em> as disjointed subjects or unity of subjects drastically impacts its correct understanding.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tanveer Azmat Spread and Cure of Malaria Disease in the Era of Prophet Mohammad ﷺ A Study From Tibb-e-Nabwai ﷺ 2024-06-06T06:16:06+00:00 Bela Monis Mughal Dr Masooma Batool <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Like many diseases, malaria disease is also a contagious and infectious disease which is spread through the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. In the era of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), the malaria disease was an endemic disease. At that time, it had adversely affected a large number of people including man, children and women in <em>Mecca </em>and<em> Madinah</em>. Later on, it spreads everywhere. At that time, there was not the vaccine or medicine of the malaria disease. The malaria disease had various reasons for its causes and symptoms. People at that time find very much difficulty in coping with the severity of the malaria disease, due to its devastating effects. The purpose of the study is to find the origination of malaria disease and its effects on the people in the lifetime of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). As well as the cause from which malaria disease spreads in <em>Mecca</em> and <em>Madinah</em>. The study also discover that how an individual infected with malaria disease were treated at the time of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). As Allah Almighty has not made any disease of which its cure is not present. As the Prophetic Medicine has a cure of every diseases. The research methodology for conducting a research is qualitative including the primary and secondary sources. The reader will come to know about the historical background of the origination of malaria disease. What are the reasons for its cause and symptoms behind the malaria disease? And then how the infected person is cured from the disease in the life time of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Lastly, every individual will come to know that initially every disease when it appears for the first time it is severe until it reaches to its peak. And later on, with the passage of time, the fear of people lessen when its vaccine or medicine is developed. However, every disease in the global history when appeared has caused devastating affects to the human individuals. For human individuals of every age becomes difficult of coping with any of the diseases whether it would be a malaria disease or any other which inflicted to them for the first time.</p> <p> </p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bela Monis Mughal, Dr Masooma Batool Relative Scarcity of Economic Resources: From Islamic Economics Perspective 2024-02-01T19:28:33+00:00 Dr Naeem Rahman M. Yahya <p><em>The research article aims to explore the concept of relative scarcity in conventional economics, which is considered as the foundation of so called economic problem. Both capitalism and socialism, in spite of their vigorous fundamental differences in economic thought like; economic freedom, ownership of the resources, decision making power, government interference and wage price flexibility etc., do coincide on the issue of relative scarcity. Paradoxically , Islamic economic system based on the revealed knowledge of Quran and Sunnah refutes this concept and assures that the amount of natural resources is not only sufficient but they are created exactly in precise measure to fulfill the economic and materialistic needs of mankind. So, economic problem based on relative scarcity does not have any empirical evidence to show its authenticity. The researcher has reached the conclusion after a thorough discourse of arguments from both side; conventional and Islamic economics that the resources are in abundance and perfect measure at the disposal of humans. It is not the relative scarcity of the resources, but the miss- allocation of resources and mischievous and greedy human behavior who mishandle the resources are the major reason to create economic problem. Hence, the economic problem can easily be addressed and solved by following the divine instructions of Islamic economic thought mention in Quran and Sunnah.</em></p> 2024-02-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Naeem Rahman M. Yahya Nigerian University's Islamic Studies Curriculum and Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of the University of Ilorin 2024-05-01T10:16:00+00:00 Abdulwahab. Danladi. Shittu Shaykh Ahmad Yahya <p>The blueprint designed by the world to accomplish a robust sustainable future for all living creatures is referred to as sustainable development goals. The goals, which are seventeen in number, address challenges of the developed and developing countries and aim at improving human welfare and protecting the environment. However, there is no doubt that one of the key objectives of the University education is to integrate sustainability across all programmes for the attainment of the desired goals. Thus, this research examines the Islamic Studies curriculum of the University of Ilorin's academic programme with the objective of identifying its relevance to the actualisation of selected sustainable development goals. The paper adopted a combination of historical and descriptive methods for data collection and data analysis. The findings of the study reveal that the curriculum of Islamic Studies exposes students to the knowledge needed in shaping a sustainable future in the goals discussed and recommends expansion of the curriculum to cover other aspects such as climate change, industrialisation, and well-being.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdulwahab. Danladi. Shittu, Shaykh Ahmad Yahya Islamic Heritage as A Soft Power Tool: An Anthropological Analysis of The Influence of Islamic Heritage on the Changing Political Identity and Cultural Diplomacy of Pakistan 2024-07-15T06:54:02+00:00 Habib Ali Katohar Dr Siraj Ahmed soomro <p>The relationship between religion, national identity, and foreign policy has been a subject of widespread scholarly review, particularly in the context of Muslim-majority countries. Pakistan, as a state founded based on Islamic ideology, presents an exceptional case study in this regard. This research venture examines the influence of Islamic heritage on the changing political identity and cultural diplomacy of Pakistan. This study aims to fill this gap by adopting a multidisciplinary approach that combines historical and anthropological analysis. The findings suggest that Pakistan’s Islamic heritage has been a significant factor in determining its political identity and cultural diplomacy. Still, the interpretation and application of this heritage have been the subject of continuing cooperation and debate. For instance, the country’s foreign policy has dithered between a more assertive Islamic stance, exemplified by the Zia-ul-Haq regime’s emphasis on Islamization, and a more pragmatic approach that seeks to balance religious and geopolitical deliberations, as seen under the Musharraf administration’s ‘enlightened moderation’ initiative.</p> 2024-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Habib Ali Katohar, Dr Siraj Ahmed soomro The Impact of Polysemy on Qur’ānic Translation: A Comparative Study 2024-07-20T06:04:26+00:00 Dr. Abida Bokhari Dr. Latif Ahmad <p class="EnglishNormal" style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-indent: 0in;"><span lang="EN-GB">Polysemy, the presence of multiple related meanings within a single word, poses significant challenges for translators, particularly in the context of translating religious texts like the Holy Qur'ān. This study examines the translation of polysemic words in the Qur'ān. It compares six English translations of the Holy Qur’ān, identifying their common pitfalls and the strategies employed to render polysemic terms. Through analyzing selected verses, the research reveals the inadequacies of literal translation approaches in conveying the full spectrum of meanings inherent in polysemic terms. </span></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Abida Bokhari, Dr. Latif Ahmad