Pakistan Journal of Qur’ānic Studies <p>The Pakistan Journal of Qur’ānic Studies ISSN: 2958-9177 (Print), ISSN: 2958-9185 (Online), HEC recognized in "Y" category, is a bi-annual and tri-lingual (Urdu, Arabic &amp; English) research journal of Qur’ānic Studies, Islamic Studies, Religious Studies, and Theology, which was established in March 2022. PJQS - Pakistan Journal of Qur’ānic Studies is a double-blind peer reviewed and open-access research journal published by the Department of Qur’ānic Studies, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The Journal’s aim is to create a comprehensive and global understanding of Islam, to create a positive change in a common man's attitude and behavior, to promote scholarly research on the modern-age complexities and problems and finding their solutions in the light of the true teachings of Islam. The research journal is being published according to the HEC Policy.</p> <p><strong>Editor:</strong><strong><br />Prof. Dr. Zia ur Rehman<br /></strong>Chairman Department of Qur’ānic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan</p> en-US <p>You are free to:<br />• Share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.<br />• Adapt: remix, transform, and build upon the material.<br />• Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.<br />• NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.<br />• No additional restrictions: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures, that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits</p> (Prof. Dr. Zia ur Rehman) (Dr. Muhammad Khubaib, Managing Editor, Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 تفسیر "تیسیر القرآن" میں مباحثِ سیرت اور مقامِ نبوت کا علمی و تحقیقی جائزہ <p>The advent of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) represents one of the most profound milestones in religious and world history. The study of the Seerah (biography) of the Prophet (ﷺ) remains a cornerstone of Islamic scholarship and literature. Recognizing the immaculate nature and unparalleled stature of the Prophet (ﷺ), both biographers and Qur'anic commentators have dedicated extensive discussions to his life and Prophethood. Urdu commentators, in particular, have made notable contributions by interpreting Qur'anic verses related to the Seerah with eloquence and deep reverence. Among these, Maulana Abdul Rahman Kilani's Tafseer Taiseer-ul-Quran stands out for its comprehensive methodology, integrating Qur'anic exegesis, Hadith, and scholarly opinions. Kilani’s work addresses doctrinal and jurisprudential issues while incorporating modern scientific insights. A prominent feature of his commentary is the detailed exploration of the Seerah, including the Prophet’s (ﷺ) missions, battles, and historical context. Kilani emphasizes the objectives of Prophethood, the human nature of prophets, and their pivotal role in guiding humanity. His tafseer offers a profound resource for understanding the Qur'an’s wisdom and the life of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), effectively addressing contemporary ideological challenges.</p> Dr. Salma Mahmood, Dr. Faryal Umbreen, Raheela Imtiaz Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Salma Mahmood, Dr. Faryal Umbreen, Raheela Imtiaz Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 آیت مصارفِ زکوۃ میں ’’فی سبیل اللہ‘‘ کی تعیین (ائمہ مجتہدین اور معاصر اہل علم کی تصریحات کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ) <p><em>The Qur'an has outlined these eight categories for the expenditure of zakāt; among them, an important category is "Fī Sabīlillāh." The literal meaning of "Fī Sabīlillāh" is generally understood as striving in the path of Allah. Generally, its concept and meaning are very broad. However, in the verse on the expenditures of zakāt, who exactly qualifies as "Fī Sabīlillāh"? On this issue, the opinions of Mujtāhid Imāms Fuqahā, Mufassirīn, and contemporary scholars differ. The present article examines the determination of "Fī Sabīlillāh" based on evidence. Contemporary scholars advocate for an unrestricted interpretation of "Fī Sabīlillāh." Some suggest a limited scope, while the majority of Muḥaddithīn and Fuqahā consider its scope to be very narrow. Both sides possess numerous arguments supporting their viewpoints. Among contemporary scholars, Dr. Allāmah Qarḍāwī has adopted a moderate position, including different types of jihād such as jihād with the pen and jihād with the tongue. This article will first present the views of later and contemporary scholars, followed by the opinions of the majority, and then analyze their arguments. </em></p> Dr. Zubair Tayyab Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Zubair Tayyab Sun, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تکرار آیات کا فلسفہ اور اردو ترجمہ قرآن : منتخب تراجم کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>The repetition of verses in the Qur'an occurs in literal, thematic, and combined forms, serving various purposes, objectives, and underlying wisdoms. These include demonstrating the Qur'an's miraculous nature, eloquence, and strengthening of the heart, as well as providing multifaceted insights into narratives, emphasizing points, intensifying denunciation, solidifying perspectives, and delivering warnings. While numerous books and articles in different languages have been written on the philosophy and objectives of verse repetition, it is essential to examine its manifestations in Urdu translations of the Qur'an and the methodologies employed by translators in rendering repeated verses.</p> <p>This study explores the philosophy and wisdom behind verse repetition, analyzing its manifestations in selected Urdu translations of the Qur'an. It investigates the translation methodologies and approaches of various translators, revealing that most have focused on differences in linguistic or contextual aspects when translating repeated verses.</p> Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Al Mustafa, Rubab Fatima Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Al Mustafa, Rubab Fatima Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 مطالعاتِ قرآنی میں چکوال کےاہل علم کی تحقیقات:تحقیقی مطالعہ <p>Chakwal district&nbsp; of&nbsp; Rawalpindi division has a distinguished position from academic and military point of view. Chakwal has deep roots in history.when arian invaded Indian Subcontinent from central Asia.They crossed the Hindukash mountain and Indus river.They inhabited a larg city at Katas.It became the cultural&nbsp; center of this region۔This region remained center of various&nbsp; fields of knowledge and craftsmanship.A university of linguistics was established in this region.This university remained&nbsp; there until&nbsp; the perid of Mahmood Ghaznavi.The famous geographer Alberuni learned Sanskrit from this university.In 1849,after British&nbsp; accession over Punjab,when Chakwal became a tehsil&nbsp; of district Jehlum .This&nbsp; region remained&nbsp; a center of&nbsp; loacal and foreigner scholars.They founded&nbsp; mosques and madaris&nbsp; and introduced courses in Hifz –e-Quran,Tafseer,Hadith,Fiqh and Arabic grammar.Scholars wrote books to spread Islamic teachings&nbsp; and worked on translations,interpretations and Quranic Studies both in speaking and writing.The first work found in this regard is penned by&nbsp; Qazi Abdul Haleem .He arranged a brief index of quranic teachings.Maulana Muhammad Hassan Faizi elaborated Surah Al Fateha in in Arabic.In the 20 th century ,Maulana Qazi Saad ul din explained those verses of Quran in which the words Allah loves and Allah does not love.After Chakwal became A district in 1985,many scholars rendered their services in this regard.They translated the Holy Quran in Urdu and English.No collaborated&nbsp; work about these research efforts have been published by any research scholar,that is why this topic has been selected in order to highlight the services of scholars in translations,interpretations and Studies of the Holy Quran.</p> Dr Abdul Ghafoor malik Copyright (c) 2024 Dr Abdul Ghafoor malik Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 استفساری اسلوبِ تفسیر اور فہم قرآن میں اس کےاطلاقی اسالیب : تحدیدات وامکانات <p>The Qur’ānic commentators have employed various styles and methods to interpret Qur’ān. One of these styles and methods is query-based method of exegesis which can be considered an important and effective style of Qur’ānic interpretation. Such type of exegesis comes forth when interpretation is offered in reply to a question asked about a Qur’ānic verse.</p> <p>For the justification and proof of this inquiring interpretation, there are a lot of evidences and examples from the Qur’ān, Hadith, and the sayings of the Prophet’s Companions and Tābei’n.</p> <p>These queries and their replies played an important role in understanding the Qur’ānic text. Various interpretations have been written fully or partially on this style which are compiled and some among them are published and some are still unpublished. This approach of exegeses can be very useful for understanding Qur’ān in this age and in future.</p> <p>&nbsp;This article attempts to explain the query-based method of exegesis and its applied styles in understanding Qur’ān with its limitations and possibilities.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dr. Syed Muhammad Tahir Shah Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Syed Muhammad Tahir Shah Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 انیسویں صدی کے منتخب مشائخ چشتیہ کا تعارف اور ان کی دینی خدمات کا تحقیقی جائزہ <p>This research introduces the prominent Mashaikhs of the 19<sup>th</sup> century and highlights their significant ontributions to religious and spiritual life. The 19<sup>th</sup> century was a transformative period marked by growing challenges to traditional religious institutions. Mashaikhs played a pivotal role in preserving spiritual and religious practices. This study explores the teachings and services of selected Mashaikhs who emerged as beacons of guidance and reforms. These leaders advocated for moral development and communal harmony. This research highlights their role in addressing social injustices and promoting an inclusive understanding of Islam.</p> <p>Key words: Mashaikhs, 19<sup>th</sup> century, highlights, religious and spiritual life, challenges, guidance, Islam</p> Hassan Fareed Chishti, Dr. Hifsa Munawar Copyright (c) 2024 Dr Hifsa Munawar, Hassan Fareed Chishti Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 زوال معاشرہ کےاخلاقی و سیاسی اسباب:سورۃ البقرۃ کا خصوصی مطالعہ <p>After the creation of the universe, Allah Almighty granted human beings a special status among His creations in this world. He did not instill individuality in human nature but rather commanded them to depend on one another and resolve their affairs collectively. He instructed them to live together, guided by mutual relationships, traditions, values, and laws, thus forming what is known as a society. For living within a society, the best laws and principles are required, ensuring that the preferences, rights, and systems of life of everyone are managed in the best possible way. These societal laws and principles were detailed by Allah Almighty in His Book, along with the accounts of various nations of the Prophets. If these nations adhered to these societal principles, their societies continued to progress. However, as these nations began to violate these principles, they steadily declined. Allah Almighty has elaborated on the causes of their downfall in detail, and one clear example is Surah Al-Baqarah, in which Allah discusses the society of the Israelites, the reasons for their prosperity, and the causes of their decline.</p> <p>These societal issues include the educational, political, and economic problems of the <em>Bani-Israel</em>, and based on these, the causes of both the rise and fall of their nation are explained in detail. The present paper discusses the reasons for the political and moral decline of nations, in light of Surah Al-Baqarah.</p> Syed Ijlal Haider Shah, Dr. Muhammad Umar Farooq Copyright (c) 2024 Syed Ijlal Haider Shah, Dr. Muhammad Umar Farooq Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 سرزمین شام میں خانہ جنگی کے اسباب اور مہاجرین کے مسائل: ایک تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>Greater Syria was a collection of sacred Islamic countries before the era of colonialism, which included Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and present-day Syria. Present-day Syria is now referred to as "Syria," which was under the influence of the Byzantine government before Islam. However, during the time of Umar ibn al-Khattab, all the cities of Syria were brought into the fold of Islam.The land of Syria was a center for the political and religious activities of various prophets before the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which is why Muslims, Jews, and Christians—all people of the Book—consider this land sacred. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) declared Syria to be a source of goodness and blessings for the Muslim Ummah, and in the blessed Hadiths, he described signs that indicate Syria will hold religious and political significance in the world before the Day of Judgment.In the present era, Syria and its neighboring countries are plagued by conflicts, influenced by American and European conspiracies aimed at weakening the military power of Arab countries and fracturing the Muslim Ummah. From the very beginning, the destruction of Syria has seen a significant role played by Jews and Christians, as they consider Muslims their enemies and are making every effort to establish their authority in Syria.In this context, present-day Syria has been completely devastated, and millions of Muslims have migrated to other Islamic and non-Islamic countries. Initially, this paper analyzes the Islamic history of Syria and examines it according to the Quran and Hadith. Continuing with this analysis, it provides a comprehensive overview of the current devastations in Syria, such as political instability, sectarian violence, civil war, and the tyrannical rule of Hafiz al-Assad and Bashar al-Assad.It also sheds light on the migration of Muslims and their issues. Thus, the aim of this research paper is to clarify the political and religious status of Syria in light of the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, and to present the difficulties and problems faced by contemporary Syrian refugees, so that an accurate reflection of the situation in the region can be achieved.</p> Fatima Hassan, Dr. Muhammad Mehrban Barvi Copyright (c) 2024 Fatima Hassan, Dr. Muhammad Mehrban Barvi Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 قرآن کریم میں وارد عقوبات معنویہ کے متعلق آیات کی تفسیر میں مفسرین کی آراء کا تقابلی مطالعہ (تفسیر ضیاءالقرآن اور تفسير تفہيم القرآن كى روشنى میں) <p><strong>Abstract:</strong><br>This study focuses on understanding how Quranic verses about moral punishments are explained in two prominent Tafseer works: <strong>Tafseer Zia ul Quran</strong> and <strong>Tafseer Tafheem ul Quran</strong>. These Tafseers provide different perspectives on the meanings and implications of these verses. By comparing their interpretations, the research highlights the unique approaches taken by scholars of each Tafseer in explaining moral punishments outlined in the Quran. The study aims to deepen understanding of how these verses are analyzed in Islamic teachings and to make the complex subject of Quranic exegesis more accessible. It examines the interpretations of moral teachings and their relevance in contemporary discussions within Islamic scholarship.This comparative analysis seeks to shed light on the richness and diversity of approaches in Quranic interpretation. By studying these works, the research contributes to the ongoing dialogue among scholars, offering new insights into how moral principles in the Quran can be understood and applied.In conclusion, this research serves as a bridge for deeper exploration of moral teachings in the Quran, fostering broader engagement within the Islamic scholarly community. It aims to enhance understanding and appreciation of Quranic exegesis related to moral punishments, providing valuable knowledge for both scholars and readers interested in Islamic teachings.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Quranic, Verses, Interpretation,&nbsp; Moral, Punishments, Tafheem ul Quran, Zia ul Quran.</em></p> Muhammad Nadir Waseem, Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Nadir Waseem, Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تفسیروتأویل کی بحث،علامہ زرکشیؒ کااجتہادی منہج <p>Al-Burhān fī ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān &nbsp;by Imām Zarkashī (d.794 A.H.) is the foremost trend setting book of the Qur’ānic Sciences. In this book, the eminent Shāfi‘ī jurist Imām Zarkashī not only delineates the 47 topics of Qur’anic Sciences along with their core doctrines but also introduces several topics for the first time in systematic manner. Likewise this book pioneers the discussion of Tafsīr and Ta’wīl as an independent subject for the first time. Prior to this, such discussions were dispersed across various prefaces of Qur’anic Commentaries. In this discussion Allāma Zarkashī not only articulated the philosophy of Tafsīr and Ta’wīl in a systematic manner but has also provided detailed discussions on other principles and fundamentals, which emphasizes the depth and significance of this discourse. This definitive discussion on Tafsīr and Ta’wīl has been organized by Allāma Zarkashī on a unique ijtihādī methodology, demonstrative of his scholarly distinctiveness. The contents of this discussion include the literal and terminological meanings of Tafsīr and Ta’wīl, their differences, sources and various aspects of Tafsīr, the essential sciences necessary for an exegete and numerous lexical discussions of the Qur’an. Allāma Zarkashī has also documented the diverse aspects of inference through these core linguistic principles, in Tafsīr al-Qur’an, elucidating them with exegetical examples. This seminal discussion, reflecting Imām Zarkashī’s diligent insight, serves as a primary source for Tafsīr discussions in subsequent literature of Qur'anic Sciences and Tafsīrī Principles.</p> Dr. Muhammad Farooq Haider, Maham Zahid Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Muhammad Farooq Haider, Maham Zahid Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 علامہ باقلانی کی ''الانتصار للقرآن'' کا تالیفی پس منظر ،اہمیت ومعنویت <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn al-Ṭayyib al-Bāqillānī&nbsp;was a great polemical scholar of fourth century of hijrah. He was particularly popular due to his scholarship of Qur’ānic by rebdering <em>I‘jāz al-Qur’ān </em>and al-Intis<em>ā</em>r lil-Qur’<em>ān. </em>His remarkable contribution to the field of Quranic studies made him a reliable scholar with unique academi consideration to establish the divinity of the Holy Qur’ān. His expertise over speculative theology and other Islamic sciences makes him a notable figure in scholastic cirlcle. Bāqillānī’s Al-<em>Intis</em>ā<em>r lil-Qur’</em>ā<em>n</em> attracts a significant consideration of Qur’ānic scientist and as an accomplished rhetorical stylist; al- Bāqillānī is worth to be studies more and more. In this article, the introduction of Bāqillānī 's significant and comprehensive work in the field of Quranic studies, "<em>Al-Intisār llul Qur'ān</em>", is presented, in which it is clarified that How Bāqillānī meticuloudly responded to objections regarding the Qur'anic authenticity by the atheists of that time. In response to the doubts, what method and style was adopted, and on the basis of what reasons he compiled this book. Along with this, the argumentative method and compilation style has also been described in the present paper.</p> <p><strong>Key Words: Al-Bāqillānī, <em>Al-Intis</em>ā<em>rlil-Qur’ān, </em>Miraculous nature of Qur’an, Tahaddi.</strong></p> Abu Sufyan, Dr Muhammad Feroz ud Din Shah Khagga Copyright (c) 2024 Abu Sufyan, Dr Muhammad Feroz ud Din Shah Khagga Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تعلیماتِ نبویﷺ میں مصالحِ عامہ کا ادراک اور رعایت: ضرورت، اہمیت اور عملی امثلہ <p>Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) strongly emphasized the importance of public welfare as the cornerstone of a just and harmonious society. He lived a life of compassion and social justice, tirelessly advocating for the rights and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their social status. 1 His teachings instilled a sense of collective responsibility, urging Muslims to care for the vulnerable and work towards the betterment of their communities.<br>This research explores the profound significance of public welfare within Islamic teachings, delving into its multifaceted dimensions, including economic justice, social equity, and environmental stewardship. By examining the practical examples and guidelines provided by the Prophet, we aim to illuminate the relevance of these principles in today's world. This study will demonstrate how the Prophetic teachings offer a comprehensive framework for addressing contemporary social challenges and promoting human flourishing, inspiring Muslims to actively engage in the pursuit of public welfare and contribute to the creation of a just and compassionate world.</p> Muhammad Adnan Shami, Muhammad Sami Ullah Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Adnan Shami, Muhammad Sami Ullah Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Transnational Sufism and Charismatic Vernacular Based Teachings in Medieval Sub-Continent <p><em>The word vernacular refers to everyday language, the customized expressions that used by the people of a particular region. The vernacular is different from official or literary language. It is the way people really talk with each other, i.e. families talk at home. Vernacular in Sufism belongs to a mechanism through which the religious teachings and communications adapted in local regional environments despite Arabic language (a literary language). </em></p> <p><em>The doctrines of Tasawwuf and its practices were influenced into sub-continent have a long history. The first Sufi saint arrived in sub-continent at the closing of the 11<sup>th</sup> century.&nbsp;The Sufi saints accompanied with them the religious loyalty, devotion, enthusiasm and piety. They became the Ambassadors of social harmony and cultural integrity in sub-continent. They have contributed immensely in favor of the philosophy, Literature as well as theological ideas. In Sub-continent, the credit of “vernacularization” of Islam and Sufism for the most part goes to these Sufi saints. They challenged the Arabo-Persian linguistic dominance by providing literature </em><a href=""><em>concerning belief in divinity</em></a><em> in vernacular dialects and languages, as a main stream of these Sufi saints depended less on Persian and Arabic in favor of making accessible to the general public by presenting the Sufi message in an understandable form. Sufi saints kept occupied the medium of vernacular poetry for disseminating the message of Tasawwuf towards the inhabitants. The prime objective of this article is to distinguish and analyze the impact of Tasawwuf campaign in sub-continent in the perspective of vernacularism. I have used in this research article two research methodologies one is the descriptive and the other is analytical. The secondary source materials have been consulted as main sources for writing this research article.</em></p> Munawar Hussain Chuhan, Dr. Muhammad Zakir Copyright (c) 2024 Munawar Hussain Chuhan, Dr. Muhammad Zakir Thu, 12 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adaptive Learning Technologies in Android-Based Qur’anic Applications <p>Android smartphones are used by millions of Muslims globally for everyday functions, including education.In the context of Quranic studies, these technologies have the potential to revolutionize traditional learning by providing interactive, engaging, and efficient learning tools accessible via Android-based Android users now have access to an abundance of Quranic studies applications that provide an easy and accessible means of learning the Quran. Adaptive learning strategies are being more often used in Quranic study programs for Android devices in order to accommodate a range of learning paces and styles. These applications give students a personalized learning experience so that every person may interact with the content in a way that best meets their needs. In Quranic studies, it is very important to grasp the complexity of language, pronunciation, and interpretation. By offering students individualized and captivating learning experiences, adaptive learning technologies have the potential to completely transform the study of the Quran. These questions will be covered in this article. 1. How might individualized learning in Quranic studies be improved by adaptive learning technologies? 2. What challenges and limitations does the user encounter? The method applied is to synthesize data from the literature review, user experience analysis, and technical evaluation to present a comprehensive overview of the topic. The incorporation of adaptive learning technologies in Quranic studies applications for Android is examined in this research. It looks at the possible advantages, difficulties, and implications of this strategy, emphasizing how modern technologies might change conventional approaches to Quranic instruction. This has the potential to enable people to strengthen their relationship with the Quran, better their comprehension of its teachings, raise student engagement levels, and improve educational results.</p> Lubna Iftikhar, Dr. Amir Hayat Copyright (c) 2024 Lubna Iftikhar, Dr. Amir Hayat Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 الشيخ عبد الرحمن حبنكة، مُقاوم الغزو الثقافي <p><u>ABSTRACT</u></p> <p>The cultural invasion is one of the most considerable challenges faced by Muslims preachers and societies, because of its impact on the customs and traditions of the colonized peoples, which leads to the delay of their revival.</p> <p>The Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, was endowed with a rich share of scholarly attributes. He was an erudite scholar, a preacher and a Mujahid, and he wrote extensively in different Islamic fields. However, the prominent feature of the Sheikh’s personality is the Dawah and intellectual jihad to serve Islam and respond to its enemies, and this was his goal for which he worked and raised his students and individuals.</p> <p>This research paper aims to study the conspiracies of cultural invasion, and how to confront them by interacting with the texts presented by Sheikh Abd al-Rahman to highlight a cognitive model and guiding path in this regard.</p> Fazal Wahab, Dr. Meer Akbar Shah Copyright (c) 2024 Fazal Wahab, Dr. Meer Akbar Shah Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000