Ulūm al-Sunnah 2024-06-30T08:07:12+00:00 Dr. Ghulam Haider Open Journal Systems <p>Ulūm al-Sunnah is a bi-annual and tri-lingual (Urdu, English and Arabic) Research Journal of Ḥadīth, Sīrah, and Islamic Studies with ISSN 2959-2224 (Online) and 2959-2216 (Print) recognized by HEC in "Y" category. The journal is double-blind peer reviewed as well as open access research journal. It is being published by Department of Hadith, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. It warmly welcomes all the prestigious and scientific research in Ḥadīth, Sunnah and Sīrah studies especially, and generally in broader or closer fields of politics, economics, or social studies with link to Islām.</p> <p><strong>Editor:</strong><br /><strong>Dr. Shabbir Ahmad (Abul Hasan)</strong><br />Associate Professor / Chairman Department of Hadith, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.</p> مقاصدِ شریعت کی روشنی میں مُدَارات اور مُدَاہَنَت کے معیارات 2023-09-20T07:07:48+00:00 Abdul Rauf Sanawan <p>The religion given by Allah is based on wisdom and wisdom. But following the rules of religion is not limited to knowing the wisdom, because the human intellect is limited and it is not necessary for him to know all the wisdom of Allah Almighty. Hazrat Shah Waliullah writes about this: It is not permissible to pause in following the rules of the Shari'ah, as long as they are proven by authentic narrations, until their expedients are known. Islam in terms of its word, meaning and title is generally the name of peace and security, well-being and security. In other words, Islam is the name of not only being safe and free from corruption and death, but also keeping everyone safe and free. This is the reason why every aspect of Islam and the teachings of Sahib-e-Islam encourages and guarantees goodness, well-being, population, development and peace and security. Moreover, the family, social, social and economic purpose of Muslims with non-Muslims. Guidance on the relationship of each species is also available.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Rauf Sanawan دلیلِ عقل: ایک اصولِ اجتہاد (فقہ جعفری کے تناظر میں) 2024-06-04T13:35:44+00:00 Manhaj ud Din Prof. Dr. Shah Mohyuddin Hashmi <p>Islam is the religion which guides the humanity not only in every aspect of life, but also solves the problems coming to be faced by humans upto the Day of judgement. On the other side, as the texts of the Holy Quran and Hadith are limited, and the expectedly coming problems are unlimited, so it is impossible to denote the solution of every problem clearly and vividly in the texts of Holy Quran and Hadith. For this purpose , Quran and Hadith put some principles explicitly or inexplicitly through which the solution of every problem may be solved in the light of the Holy Quran and Hadith. This activity is called Ijtihaad and the principles are called Principles of Ijtihaad. The article below is related to the Principles of Ijtihaad and it consists the explanation and critical analysis of the basic principle of Ijtihaad practiced in Fiqh Ja<sup>,</sup>fri, that is the authenticity of Wisdom.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Manhaj ud Din, Prof. Dr. Shah Mohyuddin Hashmi پروفیسر ڈاکٹر عبدالرؤف ظفر: حیات و خدمات 2024-06-04T13:25:36+00:00 Muhammad Tahir Akbar M. T. Tair <p>Prof. Dr. Abdul Rauf Zafar was a renowned scholar and researcher, celebrated for his contributions as a teacher and as an individual. Born on January 8, 1951, and passing away on February 14, 2020, he authored 51 books and approximately 300 research articles. His academic career began in 1979 as a lecturer, and he remained committed to teaching until his death. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rauf Zafar provided outstanding service as the Director of the Seerat Chair at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur and as the Chairman of the Department of Islamic Studies at same university as well as at The University of Sargodha. This article examines his life, educational achievements, and research contributions, particularly in the fields of Seerat-e-Nabvi, Hadith, and Quran. The article begins by detailing his educational accomplishments and family life, followed by an in-depth review of his research services.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Tahir Akbar M. T. Tair اسلام میں انتخاب زوج کا حق ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ 2024-06-30T08:07:12+00:00 Muhammad Farooq <p>Islam a dynamic religion, not only confers individuals with the right of spouse selection but this practice is highly valued. This essay explores teachings of Islam regarding this right and its significance in fostering healthy and fulfilling marriages.Islam recognizes the importance of personal choice in marriage and also leads crusades for it.It is evident in Quranic verses, such as Surah Al-Baqarah (2:221), emphasizes the freedom to select a life partner based on compatibility and shared values. Additionally, Hadiths also highlight the Prophet Muhammad's encouragement of individuals to exercise their right to choose a spouse wisely. The right to choose a spouse empowers individuals to make decisions that align with their personal preferences, aspirations, and goals. Islam encourages the importance of mutual consent and open communication in building strong and harmonious marital relationships. By exercising this right, individuals can establish a foundation of trust and understanding within their marriages.Islamic teachings documents principles and guidelines to consider when choosing a spouse. These include seeking compatibility in faith, character, values, and family background. Islam directs individuals to prioritize religious teaching to ensure a strong foundation for shared spiritual growth and mutual support.The right to choose a spouse in Islam is a fundamental aspect of personal agency and empowerment. By embracing this right, individuals can create marriages based on love, compatibility, and shared values.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Farooq Comparative Critical Discourse Analysis of Quranic Translations: A Study of Maulana Maududi and Javed Ghamidi's Interpretation of the Verse 256 of Surah Al-Baqarah 2024-06-04T13:11:05+00:00 Jabreel Asghar <p>This paper employs comparative discourse analysis to examine Maulana Maududi and Javed Ghamidi's interpretations of a part of the verse in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:256) in the Quran. Applying Fairclough's theory as the foundation, comparative CDA sheds light on linguistic variations, discourse structures, and ideological foundations for in depth exploration of the debate. The analysis encompasses textual, discursive, and social dimensions to uncover differences in lexical choices and rhetorical devices used by each author and reveals differing perspectives within the language construction of both translations influenced by historical, cultural, and intellectual factors. Specifically, it contrasts Maududi's assertive political language with Ghamidi's more rational and adaptable writing style. The power structures and ideological influences in society reflect Maududi's emphasis on an Islamic state compared to Ghamidi's contextual, rational Islam. Translations impact societal dynamics by reinforcing specific interpretations, such as Maududi's clarity on doctrine or Ghamidi's promotion of individual autonomy. This research expands our understanding of diverse viewpoints within the Islamic discourse on religious freedom and coercion in the translation of the verse.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jabreel Asghar