Ulūm al-Sunnah https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/uas <p>Ulūm al-Sunnah is a bi-annual and tri-lingual (Urdu, English and Arabic) Research Journal of Ḥadīth, Sīrah, and Islamic Studies with ISSN 2959-2224 (Online) and 2959-2216 (Print). The journal is double-blind peer reviewed as well as open access research journal. It is being published by Department of Hadith, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. It warmly welcomes all the prestigious and scientific research in Ḥadīth, Sunnah and Sīrah studies especially, and generally in broader or closer fields of politics, economics, or social studies with link to Islām.</p> <p><strong>Editor:</strong><br /><strong>Dr. Shabbir Ahmad (Abul Hasan)</strong><br />Associate Professor / Chairman Department of Hadith, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.</p> Department of Hadith, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan en-US Ulūm al-Sunnah 2959-2216 نظم مملکت و حکومت: اسوۂ حسنہ کی روشنی میں https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/uas/article/view/1744 <p>The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) paid attention to the civilization and reform of the society before establishing the state and government. For this purpose, he first created the intellectual foundations of the believers with useful knowledge, firm faith, and adorned their attitudes and characters with noble morals. He (ﷺ) established the Islamic society on three foundations: 1. Beneficial knowledge, 2. Firm faith and 3. Moral virtue. These three are the basic guiding principles that not only create peace and moderation in human society but also help a lot in the evolutionary stages of society. The entire life of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) before prophethood is a teacher of morals. The moral life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was so impressive, no one had any doubts about his highest position of the noble morals, it makes the practical life of the Prophet (ﷺ) an ideal example for all. After attaining the office of Prophethood, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), continued to teach and train the people about the three guiding principles mentioned above for about thirteen years. He regularly organized the establishment of educational institutions and training institution. The educational and training system of Rasulullah (ﷺ) was so comprehensive and effective that those who were trained in this system not only became intellectually broad and fanciful, but also emerged as the best people in the land of Arabia in terms of knowledge, faith, and morals. The article deals with practical examples from his life in establishing such a welfare state, that regarded a model state in throughout the history of mankind.</p> Dr. Muhammad Yousuf Farooqi Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Muhammad Yousuf Farooqi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 02 01 24 10.52461/uas.v1i02.1744 تخریج حدیث : تعارف ، آغازو ارتقاء اور قدیم وجدید مناہج کا تحقیقی جائزہ https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/uas/article/view/1824 <p>Takhrīj-e-Ḥadīth is the name of art which clarifies the source of the Shariah and determines the right direction of a matter by which religious sources has proved. The prior need and significance of Takhrīj-e-Ḥadīth cannot be denied in any field of Islam in modern era, but in temptation times the need and significance of Takhrīj-e-Ḥadīth has increased. This art formally started with Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr and developed gradually with input of several Muslim scholars. Its need remained severe in both ancient and modern times. Takhrīj-e-Ḥadīth has become so easy that now the actual sources of Ḥadīth can be identified within no time. Its major significance admitted when it rejected and prevented the propagation of false or fake Ḥadīth. Takhrīj-e-Ḥadīth is a continuous process, although it was a very difficult process at its biggening, hence several encyclopedias were written for the purpose, but still it was task of hardworking researchers and scholars to find-out all the chains and narrations. In modern times, there are many CDs, software, websites, and many books through which we can easily reach to the original sources of any Ḥadīth. This research paper highlights the significance of this knowledge in Islam, its delopmental phases, discusses ease of current era, that will really help the researchers and scholars of Islamic Studies to know routes and modern methods to trace the chains and sources of any Ḥadīth, that helps in differentiating the fabrication and correct one of Ahādīth.</p> Shahla Tabassum Copyright (c) 2023 Shahla Tabassum https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 02 25 35 10.52461/uas.v1i02.1824 التنظيم الإداري في ضوء السنة النبوية https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/uas/article/view/1746 <p>In this article, the politics of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been discussed. Politics in Islam is defined as the worship and service to mankind. Therefore, there is the Hadiths clearly explain the politics of the prophets of the Israelites. As is the firm principle, the Messenger is the ruler and administrator of his covenant. When the prophet's politics is mentioned, the first thing comes to mind is the idea of first state of Islam i.e, Medina. He established this state on the basis of Islamic politics. And He takes political and administrative measures to govern its administration. These measures are considered to be rules and regulations for the Muslim Ummah in their political system. Such as organization of government, determination criterion and working class. He appointed his Companions on merit according to their abilities on administrative and political positions. These functions and responsibilities of the Companions are discussed in this article. The most important administrative functions are "النقابة" "السقاية" "العرافة" "الحجابة" "الكتابة" "المحتسب" "الجاسوس" "مقيم الحدود"etc.</p> Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Aslam Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Aslam https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 02 36 49 10.52461/uas.v1i02.1746 Current Dimensions of Fiqh al-Hadith: A Case Study of Women Empowerment https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/uas/article/view/1748 <p>Contemporary Muslim Women are trapped ideologically by the two varieties of Jahiliyyah, as Abdul Halim Muhammad Abu Shaqgah has analysed: 1. the Jahiliyyali of extremism, exaggeration and blind following to forefathers as prevailing the fourteenth century Hijrah of Muslim society; 2. the Jahiliyyah of 21st century Christian era rooted in ultra liberalism, foninisim and a blind following to the West. Both the varieties of Jahiliyyalt constitute a violation of the Shariah dictates and Islamic teachings. Position of women under the Prophet of Islam is to be restored and revived if Islamic awakening in the contemporary world is to be retained in the right direction. This is repeatedly emphasized by Professor Fazlur Rahman Faridi (1932-2011) in his editorials published in the Monthly Zindagi Nau New Delhi, and by Dt.Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi in his book Magasid – e Shariat.</p> <p>The issue of socio-political rights of women in Islam has been a highly debatable and equally controversial issue in the modern Muslim world. The scholars are mainly divided into two groups. One group of scholars seems to be traditional exclusively and negates all political rights to be conferred upon the women. They limit women's activities within the household sphere and discuss politics and socialization out of context in this regard. They explain the verses of the Qur’ān and traditions of the Prophet as well as Islamic history to substantiate their arguments. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanavi (1863-1943), Maulana Muhammad Idrees Kandhlavi (1899-1974) and other theologians of all the sunni schools of thought form this group.</p> Dr. Obaidullah Fahad Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Obaidullah Fahad https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 02 50 63 A Critical Review of Anti-Islamic Forces in Prophetﷺ Era https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/uas/article/view/1749 <p>The purpose of this research paper is to describe that the “Critical Review of Anti-Islamic Forces in Prophetﷺ Era: and its Impacts on the Modern Age”. One of the major requirements of the Prophet's duties is also the establishment of a welfare state. The completion of the political structure which had been completed in this regard in Medina has come before us in the form of the Righteous Caliphate. In short, the Caliphate which adheres to the principle of rule of the Holy Prophet in all religious and political matters is called "Kẖlāfẗ ʿlā Minhāǧ ālnbuwẗ ". However, the life of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and the Caliphate period is a clear proof of this, in which the temperament and lifestyle of the Holy Prophet were fully represented. However, when heﷺ laid the foundation of an Islamic state and a humane society full of divine laws, various anti-authoritarian and anti-Islamic forces whose power could be a threat to Islam rose from time to time and created problems for Islam and Muslims. The Prophetﷺ remedied them, which will be mentioned in detail in this article.</p> Dr. Aisha Sadaf Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Aisha Sadaf https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 02 64 75 10.52461/uas.v1i02.1749