AL-ULOOM-UL-ARABIA <p>Refereed Research Journal <strong> Al-Uloom ul-Arabia</strong> Arabic Research Journal is a national Journal for Arabic Linguistics &amp; Literature Research. It is an Open Access Bi-annual Peer Reviewed Print and Online Journal which has become an Academic Research Journal with an International Advisory Board representing various fields of research. This journal is launched to promote the study of general fields of Arabic Linguistics and Literature i.e. Morphology, Grammar, Rhetoric, Semantics, Phonology, Prosody, the Arab World, Poetry, Prose, Criticism, Comparative Literature, Religious Literature, Subcontinent Literature, and all other fields related to Arabic linguistics and literature.</p> en-US (DR. MUHAMMAD ILYAS) (Anees Ansari) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 اللّغة العربية في المجتمع: واقع الاستعمال وتحدّيات التّعميم <p><em>The Arabic language is beautiful, noble, extensive, precise, and easy to learn for those who desire to acquire it. It is among the most eloquent languages, rich in meanings. If it were not so, the Almighty would not have revealed His book in it and addressed His noble prophet and messenger with it to convey the message to the world.</em></p> <p><em>However, the current reality differs from description and theoretical discourse. It comes a time when people have neglected their religious and cultural foundations, claimed progress, and disregarded the pillars of an authentic civilization that guided the world to progress and empowerment. They argue that this era cannot tolerate old things and is unsuitable for it. It is merely a call from those who fear the dominance of Muslims with the supremacy of their language.</em></p> <p><em>Today, unfortunately, we live in a sensitive reality fluctuating between hope and diligent efforts for the empowerment of the Arabic language, whether at the local level in institutions and scientific clubs or even at the personal level sometimes, or at the level of well-known international bodies.</em></p> <p><em>What concerns us here is the local level because we see it as the primary foundation for caring for the Arabic language. If it receives the required attention from its people, it will undoubtedly receive care and respect from others. Have we really provided this language with the attention, development, and activation it deserves, or is it just talk for consumption? Are these occasions only fleeting conversations, and are the promises made by some nothing more than false assurances, convincing themselves that they are impossible to achieve, and that the matter is only for local consumption?</em></p> Dr. Chahtou ALi Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 الشيخ الحافظ محمد أحسن البشاوري ومجهوداته العلمية والأدبية <p><em>Sheikh Hafez Daraz was born Muhammad Ahsan Al-Bashawari. He was a famous preacher in his time, and his preaching style was influential and eloquent, and this style was found in his sermons.</em></p> <p><em>The sheikh was from a distinguished family of scholars. He studied all the religious and mental sciences. The sheikh exerted his efforts as a mufti in serving the Islamic religion in the magazines of teaching, writing, advocacy, and guidance.</em></p> <p><em>His house and mosque were like Dar Al-Ulum, where students would come to him from the outskirts of Peshawar and from surrounding areas, such as: Kabul, Kandahar, Ghazni, Herat, Samarkand, and Bukhara, to benefit from his knowledge and generosity.</em></p> <p><em>One of the most important characteristics of this era is that explanations and footnotes were written for ancient texts, which gained the admiration and approval of people in later eras.</em></p> Muhammad Tayyab Moavia, Nasrullah Khalid, Prof.Dr. Hafiz Abdul Rahim Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 أدوات الشرط في صحيح البخاري (دراسة نحوية دلالية) <p><em>&nbsp;Hadith is the second source of Islam. It makes it easier for us to understand our religion and be more practicing, because without Hadith, we cannot fully comprehend Islam. The words of the Holy Prophet Muhammad are full of wisdom, not only in their meanings but also in each individual word's specific significance, providing guidance to humanity. Therefore, Hadith explains, clarifies, and removes ambiguities about the Qur’an. Hence, if we reject the Hadith, we may never be able to fully grasp the meaning of the Qur’an. Understanding Arabic grammar and morphology is crucial for effective communication and for grasping the Quran and Hadith. Arabic grammar is very rich in the sense that it contains a vast Grammatical Phenomena like a Conditional Sentence. Conditional sentences are extremely important because they help us express things that may happen in the present and future. Conditionals serve many purposes and take several different forms. They can be used to give advice, express regret and discuss facts, among other things. The Conditional Sentence is composed of two parts or two sentences. One contains a particle of condition, and the second elaborates outcome of the condition. Following analysis deals with both aspects. This article includes non-assertive conditional particles in Sahih ul Bukhari syntactical and semantical.</em></p> Memona Aman, Dr. Masart Jamal Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 معالجة قضايا الأسلوب الفني <p>The artistic style is an indispensable element in literature and for the writer, it distinguishes the quality of a good writer from others, and their style distinguishes them from another writer. This humble study aims to address the issues associated with the meanings of artistic style for both Arabic and Western linguists, as well as ancient and modern literary figures and critics. The study also aims to compare language and style, reveal the aspects of good style and its elements, present an analysis of the relationship between literature and style, define art and its importance, advantages, and categories, and highlight the differences between artists and others. The reason for the researcher's choice of this topic is that each individual's culture, with its various levels, is manifested in their choice of appropriate expressions at the right time and place, as the saying: "Every situation has its suitable expression, and every expression has its suitable situation." The researcher adopted an inductive-deductive approach in addressing the issues of artistic style, and the study reached several conclusions, the most important of which are: that artistic style occupies the foremost position among the engines of Arabic literature, and their relationship is inseparable. Furthermore, the comparison between language and style has revealed that each has its own distinct role.</p> Dr. Mukhtar Ameen Zaitawa, Dr. Kabeer Usman Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 دور الترجمة في تعليم اللغة العربية لدى الناطقين بغيرها <p><em>There is no doubt that translation from and into Arabic is one of the finest arts. It has flourished and reached the height of its perfection from ancient times to our present era. The importance of translation has increased in our modern era, especially due to globalization, Translation has facilitated the delivery of information and news from one side to another in the shortest possible time, and for this reason Translation carries great importance, status, and sanctity among people. Translation is a means of transferring the cultures and civilizations of global nations and their customs, rituals, and traditions from one language to another. It is also a means of establishing commercial, industrial, military, and diplomatic dealings and cooperation between two or more countries. It is also a great means of enriching the language and developing it with different cultures and civilizations. All over the world, through it, people learn a lot of information and ideas, which is why translation and its various types has become the main focal point in any methodology for teaching foreign languages. However, it requires the translator to have more skill and practice for a long period of time to master it and achieve its maximum goals, especially in the field of education. . On this basis, this paper aims to shed light on the importance of translation in teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers, and the extent of its effectiveness and responses in meeting the needs of non-native learners. This paper contains the introduction, a brief statement about translation and its importance, and also contains the impact and justifications for the grammar-translation method in Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.</em></p> Ahmad Garba Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 الشيخ عبدالعزيزالفرهاروي (ت: 1239هـ / 1834م) وأثره في تعزيزالانتماء للأدب العربي في شبه القارة الهندية الباكستانية <p><em>The title of the research: "Shaykh Abdul Aziz Pirharawi (d. 1239 AH / 1834 AD) and its impact on the promotion of belonging to the Arabic literature in the Ind-o-Pak subcontinent."</em></p> <p><em>He belonged to the Quraish family, whichmigrated from Kabul to Punjab, was born in 1206/1792 in the village of Firhar from the KoatAddo, Multan Province. He died in 1239 AH/ 1834 AD. He played a prominent role in the dissemination of Islamic and Arabic literature and sciences in the region, where he wrote books of great importance on various topics in Arabic. The scholars of his era appreciated him warmly, because most of them are a great literary heritage represented in interpretation, Hadith, jurisprudence, logic, philosophy, language, literature and rhetoric. Some of them have not yet been achieved. They have achieved the scientific degrees achieved by the distinguished scholars to obtain academic degrees such as sapphire, :</em>"الياقوت" و"نعم الوجيز في إعجاز القرآن العزيز" والترياق"و:كوثر النبي" و"السلسبيل".و"النبراس"....</p> <p><em>His personality depended on four elements: the power of memory, the purity of thought and science, the speed of writing, perseverance and permanence on reading and studying books. He was famous for his memory, until he became a genius in various spheres of knowledge.</em></p> <p><em>In view of the importance of this subject, we should present his immortal and immortal literary works produced by this great scholar and the great writer, to look at its Arabic literary features in the region.</em></p> Kubra Bano, Abdul wahab, Prof.Dr. Hafiz Abdul Rahim Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000