Allegations of Misconduct Policy

1. Definition of Misconduct

Research misconduct in Anwar al-Sirah includes but is not limited to:

  • Fabrication: Creating false data or results.
  • Falsification: Altering research materials, equipment, processes, or data.
  • Plagiarism: Using others' ideas, processes, results, or words without proper attribution.

2. Reporting Allegations

  • Who can report: Any individual who suspects research misconduct.
  • How to report: Allegations can be submitted through the “Contact Us” section on our website or directly via email to the editor at
  • Details required: Provide a written report with detailed evidence and context to support the allegation.

3. Initial Assessment

  • Review process: The editor will conduct an initial review to assess the credibility of the allegation.
  • Criteria for proceeding: If the allegation appears credible, a formal investigation will be initiated.

4. Formal Investigation

  • Formation of a committee: A committee may be formed to investigate the allegation in-depth.
  • Confidentiality: The investigation will be conducted confidentially to protect all parties involved.
  • Response from the accused: The authors implicated in the allegation will be given an opportunity to respond.

5. Outcomes of Investigation

  • If misconduct is confirmed:
    • Retraction of the published paper.
    • Issuance of corrections to the record.
    • Notification to the authors' affiliated institutions or funding bodies.
  • If no misconduct is found: The case will be closed without any action against the authors.

6. Communication and Transparency

  • Notification: The findings will be communicated to both the complainant and the accused.
  • Public record: Retractions or corrections will be clearly labeled and made publicly accessible to ensure transparency.

7. Prevention and Education

  • Guidelines: Authors are encouraged to review our guidelines on authorship, data management, and conflicts of interest to prevent misconduct.
  • Resources: Educational resources on ethical research practices are available on our website.

8. Appeals Process

  • Right to appeal: Authors have the right to appeal decisions resulting from the misconduct investigation.
  • Appeals review: Appeals will be reviewed by an independent committee to ensure fairness.

By adhering to these policies, Anwar al-Sirah aims to uphold the highest standards of research integrity and ethical publication practices.