مسند ابو یعلیٰ الموصلی کی روایاتِ سیرت کی استنادی حیثیت کا مطالعہ و جائزہ

Authenticity of Seerah Related Ahadith in Musnad Abu Ya'la Almawsili: A Critical Study


  • Hafiz Shafat Ali Sajjad PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College University, Faisalabad
  • Dr. Yasir Arfat Chairman, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College University, Faisalabad


Seerah, Ahadith, Musnad Abu Ya'la, Authenticity, Narrators, Chains, Transmission


The Seerah is a key source of information regarding the life of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Ahadith (traditions) related to the Seerah, especially those included in the book Musnad Abu Ya'la, are an extremely important resource.This book contains a total of 7517 Ahadith,out of which 735 are directly related to Seerah.The present research article aims to examine the authenticity of the Seerah-related Ahadith from Musnad Abu Ya'la. The study will discuss the  opinions of Hadith scholars to verify the authenticity of Ahadith, and it will also investigate the reliability of the narrators and the chains of transmission used in the compilation of the book.The study will explore the different categories of Ahadith and their strength.The findings of this study will contribute to a better understanding of the authenticity of the Seerah-related Ahadith in Musnad Abu Ya'la, and they will provide important insights for scholars, students, and researchers in the field of Islamic studies.




How to Cite

Hafiz Shafat Ali Sajjad, and Dr. Yasir Arfat. 2024. “مسند ابو یعلیٰ الموصلی کی روایاتِ سیرت کی استنادی حیثیت کا مطالعہ و جائزہ : Authenticity of Seerah Related Ahadith in Musnad Abu Ya’la Almawsili: A Critical Study”. Anwar-Al-Sirah 2 (02). Bahawalpur, Pakistan:23-50. https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/anwaralsirah/article/view/3179.