سیرت النبیﷺ کی روشنی میں حصول علم کے لئے زبان میں مہارت کی ضرورت و اہمیت کا تحقیقی مطالعہ

A Research Study on the Need and Importance of Language Proficiency for Acquiring Knowledge in the Light of Sīrat al-Nabi ﷺ


  • Dr. Sajjad Hussain Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Mohiuddin Islamic University, Narian Sharif, Azad Jammu and Kashmir
  • Bagh Hussain Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Mohiuddin Islamic University, Narian Sharif, Azad Jammu and Kashmir


Language Proficiency, Communication Skills, Educational Methodologies, Prophetic Traditions, National Progress


Mastery of language is of utmost importance in the field of education. Achieving proficiency not only in one’s mother tongue and national language but also in other languages is a critical step in educational methodologies. Without it, a person cannot achieve refinement and excellence in their personality. When Allah, the Almighty, created Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), He endowed him with all knowledge, including mastery of languages. In this era of communication, a successful and prosperous individual is one who possesses abundant skills and expertise in the art of communication. Language is the most essential and fundamental key to communication; it not only smoothens the path to knowledge but also ensures progress and prosperity. Proficiency in language not only safeguards a person from potential harm from others but also enables self-sufficiency in connecting with others and achieving goals.

Therefore, in this paper, we will discuss the significance of language, the need and importance of learning it, and its methodologies in the light of prophetic traditions and teachings. The aim is to illuminate various aspects of this topic, fostering enthusiasm for language learning among students and clarifying its importance, which can bring ease to their lives and contribute to the progress of the nation. A historical and analytical approach has been adopted for this paper, and key findings and recommendations are concisely mentioned at the end.




How to Cite

Dr. Sajjad Hussain, and Bagh Hussain. 2024. “سیرت النبیﷺ کی روشنی میں حصول علم کے لئے زبان میں مہارت کی ضرورت و اہمیت کا تحقیقی مطالعہ: A Research Study on the Need and Importance of Language Proficiency for Acquiring Knowledge in the Light of Sīrat Al-Nabi ﷺ”. Anwar-Al-Sirah 2 (02). Bahawalpur, Pakistan:64-80. https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/anwaralsirah/article/view/3220.