عائلی زندگی اور جدید تہذیبی مسائل: اسوہ رسول ﷺ کی روشنی میں اصلاحی تجاویز

Family Life and Modern Civilization Challenges: Reformative Suggestions in the Light of the Prophet (ﷺ)’s Life


  • Samia Faisal M.Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Riphah International Univeristy, Faisalabad
  • Suleman Khalil Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College Univeristy, Faisalabad
  • Arisha Nisar M.Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Riphah International Univeristy, Faisalabad


Sirat-e-Tayyaba, Family Life, Civilization, Challenges, Suggestions


Islam has established specific rights and responsibilities for both spouses to safeguard familial relationships from disputes and conflicts. Failure to fulfill these obligations, as well as excesses or deficiencies, not only creates discord between spouses but also gradually affects the entire family. Children and other family members connected to the couple also suffer, indirectly contributing to societal unrest and anxiety.In society, women often appear as victims of oppression, while men are frequently portrayed as oppressors. Indeed, many men fall short in treating their wives with kindness and respect. Today’s family life faces numerous challenges, leading to marital relationships—which should ideally be a source of peace, love, and tranquility—turning into causes of mutual hatred, hostility, and grievances. Consequently, family life is profoundly affected, and new issues continue to emerge. The article identifies some of these problems and outlines guiding principles for their resolution based on the example of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).




How to Cite

Samia Faisal, Suleman Khalil, and Arisha Nisar. 2024. “عائلی زندگی اور جدید تہذیبی مسائل: اسوہ رسول ﷺ کی روشنی میں اصلاحی تجاویز : Family Life and Modern Civilization Challenges: Reformative Suggestions in the Light of the Prophet (ﷺ)’s Life”. Anwar-Al-Sirah 2 (02). Bahawalpur, Pakistan:202-20. https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/anwaralsirah/article/view/3310.