ریاست کا تعلیمی نظام: مقاصدِ تعلیم اور نظریہ ریاست کی تشکیل سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں

The Educational System of the State: Objectives of Education and the Formation of State Ideology in the Light of the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ


  • Dr. Zubair Tayyab Air University, Multan Campus.


Educational System, State Ideology, Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ, Educational Objectives, Character Building, Social Reform, Moral Development, Knowledge Acquisition, National Identity, Contemporary Applications


The educational system of a state serves as a fundamental pillar for nurturing its citizens and shaping its ideological framework. This study examines the objectives of education and the formation of state ideology through the lens of the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. By delving into the educational principles and practices established by the Prophet ﷺ, this research explores the profound connection between education, character building, and societal reform. The Seerah offers a holistic framework for aligning educational objectives with ethical, spiritual, and social dimensions to cultivate a balanced individual who contributes positively to society and the state. The study highlights key educational strategies employed by the Prophet ﷺ, including the emphasis on knowledge acquisition, moral development, and fostering a sense of collective responsibility. Furthermore, it investigates how these strategies contributed to the development of a cohesive state ideology rooted in justice, equality, and mutual respect. Through a critical analysis of primary sources and contemporary applications, this research aims to provide insights into how the Prophetic model can inform modern educational systems in achieving comprehensive human development and strengthening national identity. The findings underscore the relevance of the Prophetic educational framework in addressing the challenges of ideological fragmentation and moral crises in contemporary societies. This study ultimately argues that adopting the principles of education derived from the Seerah can serve as a transformative tool for states aiming to cultivate informed, ethical, and socially responsible citizens, while ensuring the alignment of educational objectives with broader state ideology.




How to Cite

Dr. Zubair Tayyab. 2024. “ریاست کا تعلیمی نظام: مقاصدِ تعلیم اور نظریہ ریاست کی تشکیل سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں: The Educational System of the State: Objectives of Education and the Formation of State Ideology in the Light of the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ”. Anwar-Al-Sirah 2 (02). Bahawalpur, Pakistan:168-80. https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/anwaralsirah/article/view/3451.