FinTech implementation: a way forward to expedite bank operations
FinTech, operations effectiveness, operations accuracy, operations efficiency, operational performanceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of FinTech implementation on operational performance in the banking industry of Pakistan. Using Smart PLS analysis, the study examined the relationship between FinTech implementation and three dimensions of operational performance: accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency. Data was collected from employees working in commercial banks in Pakistan through a self-administered questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that FinTech implementation has a positive effect on operational performance, as evidenced by the significant positive relationships between FinTech implementation and accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency. These findings suggest that the implementation of FinTech solutions can significantly improve operational performance in the banking industry, and that investing in FinTech solutions can lead to improved competitive advantage, enhanced customer experience, and reduced costs. The study concludes with recommendations for banks in Pakistan to adopt FinTech solutions to achieve operational excellence, and suggests areas for future research to further explore the impact of FinTech on operational performance in the banking industry.
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