Barriers in FinTech Success: Evidence from Pakistani Financial Marketplace
FinTech, financial market, FinTech barriers, FinTech acceptance, FinTech successAbstract
This study examined the relationships between FinTech barriers, acceptance, and success, and explores the mediating role of acceptance in the relationship between barriers and success. A survey was conducted with 251 FinTech users, and the data were analyzed using Smart PLS. The results indicate that FinTech barriers have a negative effect on both acceptance and success, while acceptance has a positive effect on success. Furthermore, the analysis supports the hypothesis that acceptance mediates the relationship between barriers and success. These findings have important implications for both researchers and practitioners in the FinTech industry. For researchers, the results highlight the importance of considering the role of barriers to adoption and the mechanisms through which acceptance affects success. For practitioners, the findings suggest that reducing barriers to adoption and promoting acceptance may be important strategies for achieving greater success in the FinTech industry. Overall, the results provide valuable insights into the factors that drive success in the rapidly evolving FinTech industry, and can help guide future research and practice in this important area.
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