جنگلات کی حفاظت اور اس کی ترغیب: تعلیماتِ نبوی ﷺ کا اختصاصی مطالعہ

Conservation of Forests and Its Promotion: A Special Study of the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)


  • Hafiza Sadia Chishti PhD Scholar, Green International University, Lahore
  • Dr. Shamas Ul Arfeen PhD, University of Gujrat
  • Muhammad Badee UL Zaman Bhatti PhD Scholar, Green International University, Lahore


Seerat ul Nabi, Forests, Polloution, Enviornment, Natural Resources


Forests are an invaluable gift of nature that covers one-fourth of the total land area of ​​the world.  Planting trees is important because the nature has given trees a role in reducing air pollution.  In general, the average temperature in the forests is from 4 to 10 degrees and the minimum temperature is from minus 6 to minus 10 degrees Celsius. In forests, it rains more than other parts of the earth, so just by planting a tree biodiversity also increases.  The effects of forests include cause climate change, cleaning the air, and release oxygen, which is a source of respiration for living organisms on earth.  Forests are important not only for humans but also for the survival of birds and animals.  The act of planting forests has been called charity by the Messenger of Allah.  Hazrat Jabir Radiallah o Anhh narrates that the Messenger of Allah said: When a Muslim grows something and someone eats from it, it is a charity for him. If someone takes it from him, it is a charity.  If one of them falls short, it is a charity for a Muslim. Hazrat Jabir Radiallah o Anhh narrates that he heard the Messenger of Allah saying, "When a Muslim grows a tree or a crop that is eaten by animals, birds, or other creatures, Allah will reward him for it." Attention has also been drawn to the importance of its protection.




How to Cite

Hafiza Sadia Chishti, Dr. Shamas Ul Arfeen, and Muhammad Badee UL Zaman Bhatti. 2024. “جنگلات کی حفاظت اور اس کی ترغیب: تعلیماتِ نبوی ﷺ کا اختصاصی مطالعہ: Conservation of Forests and Its Promotion: A Special Study of the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)”. Anwar-Al-Sirah 2 (02). Bahawalpur, Pakistan:81-92. https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/anwaralsirah/article/view/3309.