The Impact of Social Media on The Success of Crowdfunding in Developing Countries
Crowdfunding, Social-media, online communication, E-commerce, Project information, donation-basedAbstract
The use of online communities to garner monetary support for charitable organisations, cultural endeavours, innovative products, and business ideas is quickly becoming more widespread. However, empirical research on the main dynamics of crowdfunding is limited. To increase the number of funds for crowdfunding campaigns, it is crucial to promote and publicise them on social media platforms. This study investigates the impact of communication and connectivity on crowdfunding success. Despite the recent study that has been conducted on crowdfunding, there is still a knowledge vacuum on the aspects that contribute to the success of crowdfunding models. The research framework that was built as part of this study offers an in-depth analysis of the donation-based crowdfunding model as well as the aspects that contribute to its success. This study also provides guidance for fundraisers and policymakers to consider success factors when creating their funding comparing.
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