The Civilizational Role of Religion in Contemporary Philosophical Schools


  • Nasir Ahmad Ph.D Research Scholar, Faculty of Islamic Studies (Usuluddin), Dept. Aqeedah & Philosophy, International Islamic University Islamabad.
  • Dr. Ashraf Abdul Rafea AI Drafaili Faculty of Islamic Studies (Usuluddin), Dept. Aqeedah & Philosophy International Islamic University Islamabad.



Today, studying religion and caring for its issues have become topics of importance and vitality in various human societies. From this standpoint, this study came to clarify problems and concepts related to religion and civilization, with identifying and discussing the most basic assumptions and philosophical and sociological perceptions that revolve around religion and its civilized role in Western, Islamic and contemporary thought, as well as the study seeks to shed light on the role of religious awareness in the advancement and cultural production and relationship The exchange between religion and civilization in the process of the development of societies, their development and even their extinction, through studying the views and theories of the most important modern and contemporary philosophical schools and pioneers of Western and Islamic thought who cared about this aspect In the modern era.




How to Cite

Nasir Ahmad, & Dr. Ashraf Abdul Rafea AI Drafaili. (2023). The Civilizational Role of Religion in Contemporary Philosophical Schools. Journal of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony, 2(2), 126–143.