تصوف اور انسانی عظمت کا تحقیقی جائزہ
Mystics, Humanism, Global Terrorism, School of thoughtAbstract
The aim of the study is to describe how mysticism can help to curb terrorism across the global. According to its proponents mysticism is based on obedience and love for God which helps a perse not only to discover a creator but his own self also. All school of mysticism agree that a man cannot achieve godliness if he ignores his fellow human beings. Man holds the central position in the teachings of all religions and by discovering the secrets of the universe he has justified his title of “crow of the creations”. Even in the secular western traditions which have done away with the traditional religious teachings, man has been assigned a dignified position. Humanism takes precedence over everything; Both mysticism and secular humanism agree on the fact that humanity is above everything In other words mysticism can be called a religion of compassion for other human beings. It raises above creed sect and tribal differences. Mysticism considers human species one family. Therefore mysticism can help in resolving religious national and class difference Mysticism is even more important in this modern age because hatred, terrorism and extremism are important everywhere. No other school of thought can help to unite the whole of humanity on one platform as mysticism does. To sum up these is a dire need of promoting mysticism in both conceptual and practical spheres. This is the only way for man to regain his lost-glory and turn this world into a peaceful place.