Policies Document

Policies of South Asian Journal of Supply Chain and Project Management (SJSPM)

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Policies Document
Ethical Policy
• SJSPM South Asian Journal of Supply Chain and Project Management has the server moral
value in the process of paper characters publication. The code of ethics under SJSPM
ethics and malpractice statement has been borrowed from the Committee on Publication
Ethics (COPE). Researchers are solely accountable on the subject of the first-rate origin
and reliability of the findings of research and should meet the following standards of
• The authors of original research papers need to be meticulous in describing the work as
it was performed and the resulting data, leading to unbiased interpretation and
concluding remarks of the work's significance.
• Findings of research work should be detailed as well as include references to enable an
audience to follow the same procedure in (duplicating/replicating) the work.
• Dissemination of false or knowingly inaccurate information belong to a culture of ethical
misconduct which is not permissible.
• Editorial review of raw data and publication of the data itself are a common practice in
such cases. However, in some cases authors can be asked to make their data private
through anonymization in order to achieve the balance between the need to conform to
legal rights and the right of participants to data privacy.
• By ensuring that the data and results of the research are authentic and credible, the area
concerned shall be used as the source of supply.
• Authors need to make sure they have produced and submitted only totally original pieces
of work, and only if the use of third party works and words is necessary, their citations
properly by using the required referencing style.
• Authors also ought to cite those publications which are critical in ensuring that the nature
of the task that has been reported in the manuscript is clear by nature.
• Plagiarism means using the work of another student as your own, or borrowing
substantial parts from another paper (violating the rules on quotation), or by claiming
results from other research which you have not personally conducted. All the different
types of plagiarism form the basis of unethical publication and are incompatible with the
standards of the publishing house.
• Besides taking some ideas from previous works, I will make sure I am properly
acknowledging and referring to them. Data sources and evidence the text along with a
references section need to be cited properly.
• Results of featured research project nor can it be a repeated finding.
• The paper cannot be published elsewhere if there is already a published manuscript or it
has been sent for publication to another journal. From a standpoint of ethic, the
submission of a manuscript all at the same time to different journals is completely
• The definition should exclude those who need to remain anonymous from being listed as
co-authors since they will not be able to publicly claim ownership of the content and take
responsibility for the quality of the research.
• The most significant contribution to the research project was thought of, designed,
conducted, data collection, or data interpretation; or data collection or analysis (also can
• I co-wrote or critically revised it for important intellectual content; moreover, I served as
a subject expert who provided an expert opinion about foundational aspect.
• Agree that this text is final and confirm by signing the appropriate consent form to publish
our study.
• A person who is not the author yet contributed substantially to the work reported in the
manuscript may appear in the acknowledgment section, not the author one. It is after
obtaining that person’s permission written that they can appear in that section.
• The corresponding author has a duty to approve co-authors verifying that they are the
ones who truly deserve a credit for their contribution according to the above-mentioned
definition of co-authors and also that they do not belong to those who are excluded from
the Author list and a final version of the text has been approved by them.
• Any information borrowed (through a conversation, correspondence, or discussion with
third persons) ought to be documented in the order of this source providing expressed
written consent.
• Authorizations should not be used to examine any confidential matters obtained from
performing functions such as refereeing the manuscripts and applications for grant
unless written permission is acquired from authors of such materials.
• These should be consistent with copyright laws.
• Authors are to contribute to the peer review process and to fully cooperate by giving
prompt information when editors ask for raw data, clarifications, and proof of the ethics
approvals, patient consents or copyright permissions as may be required.
• As SJSPM does not allow any kind of breaching of ethics and copyrights of the articles it
publishes, such violations must be rigorously and strictly prohibited. Authors owe moral
responsibility for any type of plagiarism in their writing and the Editorial board is
stringently oriented to the strategies of timely detection of such misconduct.
• The authors maintain the integrity of the facts they provide in the form of statistics, firstperson reactions, geographical objects, companies, organizations and institutions etc.
• The Author does not say that the viewpoints expressed in the research article are the
opinion of the editorial board for that matter. Thus, no responsibility is required for the
SJSPM editorial board when using this method.
Review Policy
To ensure accuracy, SJSPM implements a double-blind peer-review procedure. When reviewers
do not know the name or affiliation of an author, they write their reports anonymously and these
reports are forwarded to the author intact.
The advantage of double-blind peer-review system is that it guarantees authors that their works
are judged on their scientific content alone and not on their other components. It stands for the
fact that reviewers would come up with an unbiased view and then can check whether the
content is original and valid and has some significance or not.
In fact, the manuscripts are usually evaluated not by one but two or more scientist-experts. The
contributors examine if the submitted work is a reliable article, exhaustive and does not replicate
other published works. If the reviewers suggest the manuscript as it is is a resembles of quality
for publication, the editorial team will make a final decision.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism Policy
South Asian Journal of Supply Chain and Project Management is the effort of the Department of
Project and Operations Management, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, And it has the
membership of Turnitin to Verify the originality of manuscripts. Plagiarism is detected in a new
way using Turnitin, an online plagiarism detection tool. One of the results is the similarity index.
Plagiarism is described as a case when one author tries to present as his or her work someone
else's writing. Duplicate publication is a phenomenon where an author copies and reuses
passages from his/ her previously published work without proper credit. It can be from the
duplication of the same work in several journals as far as to the practice known as salami-slicing,
in which the authors incorporate little new information into a previous piece.
1. The South Asian Journal of Supply Chain and Project Management SJSPM, as an original
journal, accepts and publishes exclusive ones to follow the research work of authors in
the discipline of Information sciences.
2. Plagiarism is multifaceted in this setting; any mere reference to the plagiarism is
considered as unethical behavior by SJSPM even if the act of such behavior has been done
during any phase because this shows disregard for ethical publishing.
3. The software of Turnitin, which are used to detect plagiarism, are to be used for scanning
every submission.
4. We would do the same thing for the plagiarism discovered in the manuscript. For
plagiarism at different levels, then we will address them at different levels. Grammarly
score has to be at least 19% for the manuscript to be selected for publishing.
5. The next step is creation of an ID for the manuscript that has 15% or less plagiarism. The
ID helps track changes that the manuscript goes through as it moves through the next
stages of review.
6. Giving the id to the manuscript which copy level is between 15-30%, the content review
phase ensues.
7. But in case of more than 30% similarity, the authors will not be encouraged to correct/give
the paper for submission. Authors may then submit the items as new submissions upon
their completion and amendment.
In the case of suspected plagiarism in a published article:
8. There is a certain process for handling case of plagiarism. The SJSPM follows the
guidelines contained in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowcharts
9. The advisor who shared the information with us knows the flow of events to be taken.
10. The plagiarism is checked by comparing the articles to the level of copying.
11. Every SJSPM Editor is contacted and asked for his/her comments.
12. The corresponding author of such writing is provided with the documentation evidence
of plagiarism and demanded an explanation.
13. If the authors are found guilty of plagiarism:
1. The editor of the journal publishing the earlier plagiarized article, and the authors of
that plagiarized article are informed.
2. The SJSPM publishes on official retraction of the paper.
3. Online version of the SJSPM article is withdrawn from the OJS host site and off the shelf.
4. The publication of an article by the any of the authors involved will not be carried out
by SJSPM for 5 years.
Misconduct and Complaints
In cases of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, the
publisher, in close collaboration with the editors, will take all appropriate measures to clarify the
situation and to amend the article in question. This includes the prompt publication of an
erratum, clarification or, in the most severe case, the retraction of the affected work. The
publisher, together with the editors, shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the
publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, and under no circumstances
encourage such misconduct or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.
Conflict of Interest / Disagreement
The editorial team is responsible to avoid any conflict of interest in the research publications that
may affect the interpretation of results and assessment by the reviewers. In case of any potential
conflict of interest, the author (s) shall provide a clear statement about bearing the responsibility.
They shall disclose the possible conflicts of interests that can influence the decision about the
publication of the manuscript. Manuscripts will not be considered by the editorial team for review
if competing interests arise from the collaborative or competitive connections of any of the
author (s) or relevant institutions. It is desired that all contributors shall disclose conflicting
interests while submitting the manuscript. If there is any such revelation after the research is
published, corrections or expression of interest and retraction will be issued where needed.