Qurᾱnic Concept of Natural Resources and Modern Times: Research Review


  • Dr. Abdul Manan Cheema Ph.D Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha
  • Dr. Farhat Alvi Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic and Arabic Studies, University of Sargodha




Qurᾱn, Natural Resour


Allah Almighty has created countless natural resources for benefit of man. Natural resources management and planned usage plays a key role in economic and social development of any country. The whole economic system of the world is dependent upon reasonable and usage of natural resources. Natural resources are used by human beings and other living beings. The various ecosystems depend upon the natural resources. Unfortunately, Natural resources are not being used carefully in modern times. It needs to understand useful role of natural resources for smooth running of human life on Earth. Significance of various natural substances have been mentioned in Holy Qurᾱn. Exploitation, Destruction, excess usage and wastage of natural resources has been strictly prohibited in Holy Quran. In this research article, usefulness of natural resources for human life has been presented in the light of Quranic teachings.


