حضرت نوح علیہ السلام کا منہج دعوت و تبلیغ اور قرآن کریم میں مذکور ان کے قصہ سے اخذ شدہ اہم اسباق
Preching methodology of Hazrat Nooh A. S and important lessons derived from his story mentioned in Quran
The day Allah Almighty created Adam (a.s) as a vicegerent on earth, he designed a counter plan for his guidance for which messengers and prophets have been appeared throughout human history. These saviors of mankind encountered diversities to spread the divine message and saved the supreme creature from the hell fire. The stories of prophets are instanced in all the divine books including Holy Quran. All the stories of prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran have reasons and aims of setting down, most importantly to serve as an example. Quran proclaims the hardships of prophets not only for giving plain information about history or narrate stories of past but also to make believers draw lessons from various events as it is quoted in Quran:“Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding.” Quran, 12:111Hazrat Nooh (a.s) is one of those determined and resolute prophets whose obstacles during his preaching period along with his strategies are frequently mentioned in Holy Quran almost 43 times in different verses. Exemplary events from his life history are beautifully unfolded and elaborated to the reader for moralizing and forewarning to mentor the humanity, whereas, the whole anecdote with entire circumstances are avoided in this regard. The paper aims to extract the practicable points and derive benefit from the contemplation and reflection of his story to assist the preacher of present time as well as the common man in his routine life.
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