مبدأ الاستحالة وحكم بعض القضايا المعاصرة (دراسة فقهية تطبيقية)
The Doctrine of ISTIHALAH and the Shariah rolling of Different Contemporary Issues (applied fiqh study)
Istihalah or Inqilab al ‘Ayn is the main debatable issue amongst Muslim scholars and food technologists .In this age of biotechnology by which the original form of food production can
be changed due to chemical reaction. Normally discussion of istihalah is focused and limited to issues related to the Taharah and Nijasah(purity and impurity), but it also involves issues regarding foods and beverage too.
The objective of this study is to discussed the Istihalah process can be categorized as Istihalah Kamilah (complete state change) or Istihalah Naqisah (imperfect State change).
In this regard the doctrine of Istihalah with the reference of three main issues is discussed and views of fuqaha were taken and examined to figure out these issues, which are includes: Istihalah of impure wastewater after chemical treatment, and the transformation of impurities through mixing forbidden, impure water and dung for plants irrigated with fertilizer, and the state change of impure oil or dead fats in the soap industry.
Keywords: Istihalah;Taharah and Najasah , Soap with animal fats, Treated impure water
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