The Understanding Of Place Spirituality In Pakistan: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
place spirituality, attachment to God, attachment to place, islamic spirituality, interpretative phenomenological analysis, qualitative studyAbstract
Place Spirituality (PS) can be defined as an act of religious representation and behavior (Counted 2018, 1-18); which constitutes of emotional bonding to a place and spirituality-based attachment (i.e., attachment to GOD) (Low and Altman 1992; Kirkpatrick and Shaver 1990, 315-334). The present study used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to explore the concept of Place Spirituality on the Muslim population of Pakistan and to discover their concepts, attitudes, and perceptions about attachment to GOD and attachment to place. Two online and three semi-structured face-to-face interviews were taken. Analysis was done through thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006, 77-101). The study resulted in five major themes; spirituality, attachment to GOD in the context of religion and trauma, and attachment to place in the context of religion and trauma. These themes were followed by nineteen superordinate themes. The study will help understand place attachment with respect to religion and aid in developing quantitative measuring tools.
Keywords: place spirituality; attachment to GOD; attachment to place; Islamic spirituality; IPA; qualitative study.
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