نظرية العقلانية المؤمنة عند الدكتور محمد عمارة رحمه الله
Theory of Faithful Rationality in the view of Dr. Muhammad Amara (RA)
In Islam Rational or Intellect (Al-Aql) has a high and unique position, which we cannot found in other previous religions. It is a compulsory condition for the submission, practice and conformity of Islamic rules and regulations. The basic source of Faithful Rationality; is the Noble Quran, while there are 267 verses discussing Rational through various aspects. But there is one thing else which is called An-Naql mean Revelation (Holy Quran and Sunnah) instruction received through Revelation or Wahi. In addition, intellect in Islamic Shariah is a source for gaining knowledge and achieving reality of things, but not a perfect source. This is a capability of human being which is limited and need guidance from An-Naql or Revelation, and it is subordinate of Revelation. A person can achieve through utilization of intellect highest ranking of guidance and direction. But in this era especially in western civilization Rational is considered as opposition or incompatible to Revelation or An-Naql or at least there is some misconception in this regard, while the opposite of intellect is madness rather than An-Naql because Islam insist on rationality and use of intellect so many time in various ways and which is a mandatory requirement for the compulsion of Islamic rules and instruction.
Keywords: Al-Aql, Rationality, An-Naql, Revelation, incompatibility.
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