دور العقود المؤثرة في تطوير الإطار القانوني للمصرفية الإسلامية في أفغانستان: عقد المزارعة نموذجاً
The role of influential contracts in the development of the legal framework for Islamic banking in Afghanistan:Case study of Muzara’a contract
This paper aims to highlight the role of influential contracts in the development of the legal framework for Islamic banking in Afghanistan. The paper will reveal the muzara’a product in a kind of clear and useful detail. The article deals with importance as a product that has a prominent role in the development of the economy in Afghanistan; the article will explain the role of this contract as a model for developing the legal framework for Islamic banking in Afghanistan. Because most of the population of Afghanistan is agricultural and they need to develop this important contract because the development of muzaraa contract in Afghanistan can be an important way to use the stagnant money of the Afghan people in a halal and clean way. The researchers used the analytical qualitative approach in this article. The following results were obtained: it is necessary that the concept of muzara’a be comprehensively stated in the Afghan Banking Law. In addition, it was found that the development of muzara’a product is important for the exploitation of agricultural lands in Afghanistan that can play an influential role in the field of production and that the development of this contract is very effective for the use of the stagnant funds of the Muslim people in Afghanistan.
Keywords: influential contracts, legal framework, muzara’a product, Afghan banking law.
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