مرض الموت میں طلاق کے احکام و مسائل،ایک فقہی جائزہ
Rulings and problems of divorce in death, a jurisprudential review
A person has the right to dispose of his wealth. And he can do this disposal whether he is in a state of health or in a state of illness, but according to their nature, the order of dispositions made in a state of health and in a state of illness is not the same, because the patient's The willpower is weak and as a result of the dispositions made in the state of illness, the heirs and creditors may be harmed. It should be borne in mind that if a person is afflicted with a disease which usually causes death; But this disease does not pose much threat to his health, nor is the disease progressing; Rather, he lives for many years in spite of this disease, so in this case such a man's death will begin when his health deteriorates greatly and he dies in that condition. There are different opinions among the jurists about whether it happens or not, or what its effects are.
Keywords: Rulings, problems, divorce, death, jurisprudential
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