خواتین کے معاشرتی مسائل اور اُن کا حل؛ اُردو فتاویٰ جات کا اختصاصی مطالعہ
Women's Social Issues & their Solutions; A Research Review of Urdu Fatwas
Women are faced with many problems in every aspect of life. Efforts are made to keep women away from the social, economic and social aspects of life. Even today, in some areas, girls' lives end when they leave their parents' homes their life in the in-laws begins with a different story. The conditions there are completely different from the parents' house, they have to eat, drink, sit, get up according to someone else's will. Due to the inflation, she steps out of the house for employment, then she faces many difficulties and problems there as well. In this article, the modern social problems of women such as the mixed education environment, the problem of living in a hostel without Muharram, the problem of women's employment will be researched and evaluated, what are the opinions of the jurists regarding these problems and What are the rules for women in Islam.
Keywords: Urdu Fatwas, Women's, Social Issues, Womens empowerment.
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