نقض امن کے سماجی، معاشی اور قانونی محرکات و اثرات اور تعلیماتِ نبوی کی روشنی میں تدارک
Extremism, Violence, Terrorism, Causes, Peace, TreatiesAbstract
The intensification of negative trends in human thought gives rise to elements such as narrow-mindedness, extremism, violence, and rebellion, which disrupt societal peace. This attitude of intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and extremism ultimately leads to the taking of each other's lives. This is what is called a breach of peace, or in other words, terrorism.Terrorism is the armed form of extremism, aiming to achieve its specific goals by creating fear and terror among the general public. The causes of terrorism include social injustice, societal evils, unfair distribution of wealth, poverty, lack of education and healthcare facilities, food shortages, unemployment, deprivation of other basic necessities of life, lack of national leadership, and linguistic, sectarian, and religious conflicts and riots.
Islam is a religion of peace, and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the Prophet of Mercy. His exemplary character, his pronouncements, his treaties with various nations and tribes, and his sermons—in short, all these documents are the most comprehensive, universal, and enduring charters of peace and human rights. They transcend the temporal, political, and contemporary levels, providing humanity with a permanent and enduring foundation for peace, human rights, and the protection and respect of the law.Even today, if we are dreaming of combating terrorism on a global scale and establishing peaceful, welfare societies, we must seek guidance from the character of the Prophet of Peace ﷺ.
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