خلافت اسلامیہ کا جدید اسلامی معاشی مفکرین کی آراء کی روشنی میں نظامات ِعصر سے تجزیہ و خاکۂ تقابل
Analysis and Outline Comparison of Islamic Caliphate with Contemporary Islamic systems in the Light of the Opinions of Modern Islamic Economic Thinkers
Contemporary Systems, Islamic Caliphate, Revival of IslamAbstract
The source of governance in Islam is the institution of the caliphate and the essence of the caliphate. The distinction between caliph and caliphate is generally the same as what has historically been assumed throughout the world to be between the crown and the crown prince, but this is only partially true. There is not much difference between Khalifa and Khilafat. His position is that of the successor of Allah and then of His Messenger Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). One who uses all powers as a trust while remaining within the limits of the Shari’ah. He can explain the law but he cannot lay the foundation of any law. This position is the only example of its kind in the entire human history of the past. His method of governance is superior in all respects to the system offered by any other civilization. In the opinion of modern Islamic economic thinkers of the subcontinent, it is not only necessary but also mandatory to compare it with other systems of governance and economy of the present time so that the golden system of justice of Islam can be better understood. Nowadays, Islamic states are moving rapidly from Islamic republics to Western institutional democracies. Because these sources of power i.e. the people are now forgetting Islam as a religion and considering it as a mere religion. Therefore, the revival of Islam as a complete system of life, i.e. religion, has become very necessary. This can only happen when all the nuances of the West as well as the East are fully understood.
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