مسلم نوجوان اور حالاتِ حاضرہ: ذمہ داریا ں اور مسائل
Muslim Youth and Corrunt Situations: Responsibilities and Challenges
Muslim Youth, Current Affairs, Responsibilities, Challenges, HistoryAbstract
This article highlights the crical role of youth, defined by the World Health Organizatio as individuals aged 15-24, in societal, economic and cultural progress. Youth make up nearly 50 % of the global population, symbolizing immence potential and responsibility. Historical revolutios, such as the Russian revolution and Arab Supring, were fueled by youth. In Islam the Qura’n and Sunah emphasize the vitality of this age group, citing examples like the companions of the Cave and young sporters of Prophet Moses. Islamic history showcases the leadership of youg figures like Ali, Khalid bi Walid, ad others who exemplified courage, sacrifice and innovation. This phase of life, rich in energy and ambition, is deemed an opportunity for societal reform and personal grouth, provided youth are goided towards constructive purposes.
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