نقدسند ِ روایات کے محدثانہ اور استشراقی اصولوں کا تقابلی مطالعہ


  • محمود احمد
  • ارشد منیر




محدثین, مستشرقین, نقد سند کے اصول, تعدد طرق, روایات, علوم الحدیث, جرح وتعدیل


Qur’an emphasizes upon the obedience of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in several places. The Prophet himself kept his attention towards this. With the revelation of Quran, the Companions had started to act upon Hadith along with Quran. Throughout the history, along with the memorization and compilation the criticism of hadith also continued in its initial and simple forms. Specially after the regime of third caliph Hazrat Uthman (RA), when various political and religious groups started fabrication of Hadith for their purposes, the Muhaddithin started criticism of Hadith, based on the knowledge of Asma ul rijal.

The analysis of chain is base for the identification of fake and fabricated hadiths. It was an unprecedented work in the history of human being. No nation or religion can present such effort. But mostly western Hadith scholars rejected this criticism and set their own criteria to judge the authenticity of hadith. The majority of Western people have accepted it. They believe that their results are research based than early Hadith scholars. This article presents a comparative study of their rules of chain criticism.


