عصری معاشرت میں فرد کی ترقی میں حائل رکاوٹیں او رسیرت طیبہﷺ سے ان کا حل


  • حافظ جمشید اختر
  • محمد وسیم مختار




Injustice, Ignorance, Poverty, Enmity, Cruelty, Business forbidden


Problems and issues are integral part of human life. Every aspect of life is replete with trials & complexities. As it's revealed in Quran-e Kareem, undoubtedly, we created man in pains". What kinds of issues a man has to face while living in a society? A few of major among them are as under; The issues like injustice, ignorance, poverty, enmity, cruelty, Business forbidden, (social discrimination between the rich & the poor) have dragged up the human life to insipidity. A person living in a vast & spacious universe of the Almighty is feeling such an agitation as if he were living in a scanty ray less cell. Wrapped within these social problems, many people suffer from heart diseases. We read in papers about many people who commit suicide. Under such injustice people are designing emotional decisions; many people are sacrificing their lives for property tumults. In the cases of wed-locks & divorce enmity among families has reached to its heights.

The need of time is to recall & revise the message, taught by Muhammad (SAWW). The solution of these highlighted issues is presented in the light of the teachings of Muhammad (SAWW). References are taken from Quran, Seerat-e Nabvi (SAWW) and Tafaseer for the validity of this study.


