مسیحی الٰہیات کی تفہیم اور تعبیرات جدیدہ میں مقدس پولس کا کردار: تحقیقی و تنقیدی مطالعہ

The Roll of Saint Paul in the Understanding and Contemporary Interpretations of Christians Theology: A Critical and Analytical Study


  • Suleman Khalil E-Learning Programs Coordinator, Seeraht Institue & Research Center, Faisalabad
  • Samia Faisal MPhil Islamic Studies, Riphah International University, Faisalabad




Christianity, Christians Theology, Christians Beliefs, Interpretations


Saint Paul holds a pivotal role in shaping Christian theology, particularly in developing the concept of original sin. This doctrine, absent from Christ's teachings and Old Testament scripture, posits that humanity inherited sinfulness from Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Paul linked this inherited sin to the necessity of salvation through Jesus Christ, framing Christ's crucifixion as a redemptive sacrifice for humanity's sins. Paul’s interpretation was influenced by Greek philosophical traditions and ancient cultural practices, including sacrificial rituals where a leader's beloved was offered to appease divine forces. This concept diverges from Old Testament teachings, which emphasize personal accountability, stating, the son shall not bear the guilt of the father. Critically, Paul’s theology faced significant debate within the church. Figures like Saint Augustine endorsed original sin, asserting its universal influence, while others, such as Pelagius, contended that humans are born morally neutral, with the choice of good or evil determined by free will. These disputes highlight the constructed nature of Paul’s doctrine, which gained traction during the Reformation when Martin Luther and others reaffirmed Augustine’s interpretations. Contemporary perspectives challenge Paul’s framework, questioning its logical and theological validity. If Christ's sacrifice eradicated sin, why does evil persist? Critics argue that Paul’s theory burdens humanity with inherited guilt, a concept incompatible with a just and merciful God. Thus, Paul's role in Christian theology remains both foundational and controversial this has been made the subject of discussion in this paper.


