ثقافتی ورثے کا تحفظ: بین الاقوامی قوانین اور اسلامی قانون کی روشنی میں

Preservation of Cultural Heritage: in Light of International Laws and Islamic Law


  • Muhammad Rafeeq Shinwari Assistant Professor of Department of Shariah & Law at Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Islamabad




Cultural Property, Monuments, Museums, Archaeological Sites, Human Heritage


Cultural property, including historical monuments, museums, and archaeological sites, is an integral part of human heritage, reflecting the history, identity, and values ​​of nations and civilizations. However, these precious assets have often been subject to destruction, damage, and looting during wars and conflicts. The devastating impact of armed conflict on cultural property has compelled the international community to develop a robust legal framework for its protection. The legal system for the protection of cultural property during war has evolved over a long period of time, from customary international law to treaty-based laws. This development reflects the recognition of the importance of culture and its role in promoting peace.


