العنصريّة في ميزان الإسلام والفكر الغربي المعاصر

Racism in the Balance of Islam and Western Thought


  • الدكتور طاهر صديق أستاذ مساعد، قسم الدعوة والثقافة الإسلاميّة، كليّة أصول الدين، الجامعة الإسلاميّة العالميّة، إسلام آباد
  • عبد الرشيد سيد أحمد الأفغاني باحث دكتوراه، قسم الدعوة والثقافة الإسلاميّة، كليّة أصول الدين، الجامعة الإسلاميّة العالميّة، إسلام آباد




Racism, Balance, Islam, Western Thought


This article will address the most prominent aspects of racism in Western thought. We have chosen four areas as examples, not an exhaustive list, which are as follows:
1- Racial discrimination in employment: Statistics conducted by Western institutions reveal that unemployment rates among Muslims and Black individuals in some Western countries are notably high, painting a grim picture of their situation.
2- Racism in education: Non-governmental statistics indicate that Black children and Muslim children face disproportionately higher rates of school expulsions in Western societies.
3- Racial discrimination in housing: Muslims and Black individuals often encounter obstacles and difficulties in obtaining decent housing.
4- Racial discrimination in healthcare: Statistics reveal that maternal mortality rates among Black women are significantly higher than those of other groups.


