شواهد علم المعاني في حديث الإخلاص

Use of Literary Device Semantics in the hadith of Sincerity


  • كفايت الله الهمداني, د الأستاذ المشارك، قسم العربي، الجامعة الوطنية للغات الحديثة، إسلام آباد
  • حافظ حارث سليم, د الأستاذ المساعد، قسم العربي، كلية حكومية بمري، باكستان




Semantics, Embellishment, Rhetorical Method, Essence, Imaginative


The language of Hadith is unique and unsurpassed. Every sentence is accurate & errorless perfect. Ḥadīth of sincerity is very worthy and significant due its rhetorical methods and great meaning in the sight of scholars as it is said that whoever wants to publish a book, should start with this Hadith. We found several kinds of rhetoric, embellishment, eloquence, and Semantics in this Hadith. (ʻIlm ul Maʻānī) Semantics is a rhetoric device that is frequently used in Prophetic Ḥadīth. It inspires the audience and draws their attention to concentrate on the essence of the meaning by presenting different aspects of the word. This article aims to reveal the expressional and imaginative semantics in the Ḥadīth of Sincerity. The paper ends with analysis and various results.


