أساليب التأمين المعاصرة في ميزان الشريعة الاسلامية

Sharia and research analysis of contemporary practices of insurance policies


  • الحافظ فضل حق حقاني محاضر، الدراسات الإسلامية، بجامعة سوات
  • مشتاق احمد, د الأستاذ المساعد، الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة سوات




Insurance, Sharia, Ijtihad, Scholars, Opinions


Sharia is a set of code which covers all aspects of life of human beings. The guidance granted by the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) fourteen hundred years ago meets the need of modern day and sufficient for today’s life however some of the guidance are provided in a clear manner and other one is left on Ijtihad. That’s why some sharia scholars have different point of view on different basis. The diversity is not prohibited in sharia but is encouraged and considered “beneficial and useful” for mankind. The matter of Insurance in modern day is also one of the burning and debatable issue on which sharia scholars have difference of opinion regarding its permissibility or prohibition. In the current study, the matter of modern insurance, its originality, different types of Insurance, different views of sharia scholars and diversity and arguments about the insurance are discussed in detail. At the conclusion, the opinion of most sharia scholars is given preference due its validity and authenticity.


