أثر دعوة الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب على حركة الإمامين أحمد بن محمد عرفان والشاه محمد إسماعيل بن عبد الغني الدهــلوي

The Impact of Dawah of Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhāb on the movement of the two imams Aḥmad bin Muḥammad Irfan and Shah Muḥammad Ismā‘il bin Abdul Ghani Al-Dahlawy


  • د. عبدالمنان محمد شفيق محاضربقسم التاريخ الإسلامي في جامعة ام القرى مكة المكرمة
  • صدیقة طاهرة بنت اقبال احمد الاستاذة الزائرة في قسم الدراسات الإسلامية، بالجامعة الإسلامية، بهاولفور




Jurisprudence, legitimacy, implementation, objectives of the Law


In sub-continent Asia, during thirteenth A.H as nineteenth century A.D an invitational and jihadist Islamic movement came into existence being. It was led by Imam Ahmad Bin Muhammad Irfan and Shah Muhammad Isma'il Bin Abdul-Ghani Dehlvi from 1233 AH i.e. 1818 AD to 1246 AH i.e. 1831 AD, uptil their Martyrdom at Battle of Balakot. This movement did not come to an end at the Martyrdom of these two Imams, rather this movement was functional uptil 1366 AH i.e. 1947 AD. This movement has five steps. This movement had left great impact on religious, political and social Islamic society in India. A number of movements were inspired by it, just like this movement itself influenced by previous movements in which the effect of Shiekh Abdul-Wahab's teaching is high commendable. But a lot of disagreement is present on this point between Historians, Thinkers and Correspondents. This Article will inspect this point of disagreement from different prospective and efforts will be made to explain this point correctly.


