أسس بناء العادات الاجتماعية في المنهج النبوي
The foundations of building social habits in the prophetic approach
The Prophetic approach provided for the teachings, directives and virtues that would ensure the achievement of friendship and familiarity and love among the members of the community, and set each of its members his rights and duties for himself and for others.
The Prophetic approach adopted the purification of the social environment as foundations on which to build social relations, including customs, in the light of an Islamic conception based on the teachings of the Holy Quran, the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) Sunnah, and Islamic morals and values.A social environment should be built by avoiding the wrong relations, escaping from responsibilities, bad manners etc. An important principle of building a social environment is the upbringing of the newborns.These newborns should be taught the islam, the right way to live, right things to do, pillars of islam etc, the parents should bring up thier children by the right and the islamic way.
The social control was the basis for building social habits by accepting what was compatible with the teachings of religion and rejecting what was inconsistent with these teachings.The correction of wrong concepts, beliefs and myths in accordance with the islamic concepts and beliefs is one of the principles to build a society i.e lives according to the Prophetic approach.
The Prophetic approach had made the etiquette and morals a principle on which a social community can be built on. Faith upbringing is an important principle on which a social community should be built and brought up to become a community which has faith in Allah and have the knowledge of Prophet's (P.B.U.H) sunnah and other islamic sciences. So they can differentiate between the right and wrong, the Halal and Haram etc.A good islamic and mannered social society should be built on a number of priciples.
Keywords: social habits, Prophetic approach, Holy Qur’an, Halal and Haram
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