Relationship Marketing and Quality of Service Delivery in Banking Sector: Empirical Evidence from Fidelity Bank Plc, Lagos, Nigeria


  • Yusuf Ismaila Mustapha Department of Marketing, University of Ilorin, Ilorin
  • Abdulazeez Olamide AbdulQuadri Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin Nigeria


Marketing Philosophies, Relationship Marketing, Quality of Services delivery, Banking Sector


The intensity of competition in today’s business environment has challenged the adequacy of the traditional marketing orientation to deliver expected service quality that results in customers’ satisfaction; hence, there is need for a shift from the traditional marketing philosophies, which are characterized by intense competition and conflict to modern marketing philosophy which ensures a mutual, profitable and sustainable relationship. The focus of this research is to ascertain the impact of staff competence and effective communication on quality of service (responsiveness, reliability, and empathy) delivered by Fidelity Bank Plc, Lagos State. A survey design was utilized to retrieved data from a sample size of one hundred and eleven (111) staff of Fidelity Bank Plc Apapa Region, Lagos state, and this was collected through questionnaire administered using convenience sampling technique. The study employed descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and ANOVA to examine the hypotheses. The results indicated a positive correlation between staff competence, effective communication, and the quality of service provided to customers (including responsiveness, reliability, and empathy) at Fidelity Bank Plc in the Apapa Region of Lagos State. Consequently, it was concluded that relationship marketing substantially influences the delivery of quality service within the banking sector.

Author Biography

Abdulazeez Olamide AbdulQuadri, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin Nigeria

Yusuf Ismaila MUSTAPHA bagged his B.Sc., MBA and Ph.D. from Usmanu DanFodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. This is complemented with an M.Sc. in Business Administration from University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing, University of Ilorin, Nigeria and a marketing and management consultant.

He was a former Deputy Director, Technical and Entrepreneurship Centre (TEC), University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria and a former Acting Head, Department of Marketing at the same university. He is currently the PG Coordinator of the Department of Marketing and Editor-in-Chief of Ilorin Journal of Marketing.

His research interest areas are Marketing Management, Strategic Marketing. Marketing Logistics, Islamic Marketing, Entrepreneurship Development and Entrepreneurship Education.

He is a certified professional member of Nigerian Institute of Management, Nigerian Institute management consultant, National institute of marketing of Nigeria. He is a consultant in the areas of general management and marketing. He published a number of articles in local and international reputable journals.


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How to Cite

Mustapha, . Y. I., & AbdulQuadri, A. O. (2024). Relationship Marketing and Quality of Service Delivery in Banking Sector: Empirical Evidence from Fidelity Bank Plc, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Contemporary Business and Islamic Finance (JCBIF), 4(1). Retrieved from
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