Plagiarism Screening Policy

IUB Journal of Social Sciences (IJOSS) uses plagiarism detection software to screen all submitted manuscripts for potential plagiarism or duplicate publication. The software compares the submitted manuscript to a database of published articles, as well as to other sources such as websites and other online content.

Manuscripts with an overall similarity index below 10 percent and a first source match below 5 percent will be considered for publication. If the overall similarity index or the first source match is higher than these thresholds, the manuscript will be returned to the authors for revision or rejection.

In cases where potential plagiarism or duplicate publication is identified, the editor-in-chief will review the manuscript and take appropriate action. This may include asking the authors to revise the manuscript, rejecting the manuscript, or taking other disciplinary action as appropriate.

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their work is original and does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others. Authors should cite all sources used in their work, including their own previous work that is being referenced or built upon. Failure to do so may result in the manuscript being rejected or withdrawn from consideration.

The plagiarism screening process is intended to ensure that the articles published in IUB Journal of Social Sciences (IJOSS) meet the highest standards of scholarship and scientific rigour and that the work is original and not based on the work of others without proper attribution.

Here are some expectations from authors regarding plagiarism:

Originality: Authors are expected to ensure that their work is original and not based on the work of others without proper attribution. This includes avoiding self-plagiarism, which is the reuse of one's own previously published work without proper citation or acknowledgement.

Proper citation: Authors are expected to properly cite all sources used in their work, including direct quotes, paraphrased material, and ideas that are not their own. This includes following appropriate citation styles and guidelines as outlined by the journal.

Acknowledgement of sources: Authors should also acknowledge the contributions of others to their work, including colleagues, collaborators, and funding sources. This helps to ensure transparency and accountability in the research process.

Plagiarism check: Authors should take steps to ensure that their work is not plagiarized by using plagiarism detection software to check their manuscripts prior to submission. This can help to identify any potential issues and allow authors to address them before submitting their work.

Honest representation of the work: Authors should also provide an honest and accurate representation of their work, including the methods used, results obtained, and conclusions drawn. Any falsification or fabrication of data is considered a serious breach of academic integrity and can result in the rejection of the manuscript.

By adhering to these expectations, authors can ensure that their work is original, transparent, and of the highest quality, while also avoiding potential plagiarism issues that can damage their reputation and the reputation of the journal.