Submission and Publication Process
IUB Journal of Social Sciences (IJOSS) uses Open Journal System (OJS) for the complete publication process from submission to the publication of the manuscript. Here are the steps through which a manuscript can be published in IJOSS.
1. The author visits the journal's website and creates an account.
2. The author prepares their manuscript according to the journal's guidelines and submits it through the online submission system in OJS.
3. The editor-in-chief or the editorial office staff assigns a manuscript ID number and checks the manuscript for completeness, adherence to guidelines, and suitability for the journal.
4. The editor-in-chief or the editorial office staff forwards the manuscript to two or more independent reviewers who are experts in the field and who have no conflicts of interest with the author(s).
5. The reviewers read the manuscript and submit their comments and recommendations to the editor-in-chief or the editorial office staff through the OJS system. They do not know the identity of the authors, and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers.
6. The editor-in-chief or the editorial office staff makes a decision based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations, as well as their own evaluation of the manuscript's quality, relevance, and originality. The decision could be:
Accept without revisions
Accept with minor revisions
Accept with major revisions
7. The editor-in-chief or the editorial office staff notifies the author of the decision and, if applicable, provides the reviewers' comments and recommendations.
8. If the decision is "Accept with minor revisions" or "Accept with major revisions," the author revises the manuscript according to the reviewers' comments and recommendations and resubmits it through the OJS system.
9. The editor-in-chief or the editorial office staff checks the revised manuscript and decides whether to accept it or request further revisions.
10. Once the manuscript is accepted, it goes through copyediting, layout, and proofreading processes before being published online or in print.